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>your country
>how often do you eat potatos

Quite often, actually.

turnip > potato


I literally boil potatoes then scoop them with a spoon for lunch

I often eat potato.

>>turnip > potato
they are pretty much the same

almost everyday

What. Just because they both come out of the ground doesn't mean they're the same.

I don't eat potatoes very often, the last time I had some was a few weeks ago. I usually go for sweet potato instead.

Every other day after cardio. Boil them with skin on, then remove skin, a put a pinch of butter on top. Cabbage salad on the side. Delicious.

Mashed potatoes are pretty good

Pretty much everyday

Never unless french fries count

pretty much every day

I figuratively boil potatoes myself

About once a week.

Carbs are bad for the gainz.

4-5 times a week.

we summon ireland

Almost every day. Boiled, stewed, mashed its hard to do potatoes wrong.

Almost every day. I cook for my gf and me.

Boiled or mashed at least 5 out of 6 times, includes potato dumplings and applied blinis.
Fries and chips maybe the rest.

>the irish
>eating potatoes

If you wanted a thread free of the Irish people and Latvians you could've just said it, you know.