
when is the last time you've engaged in a legit nojoke fistfight?

like 10 years ago

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t. Zitto Animale

But I thought japan was polite and respecful

5 years ago

Even then felt too old for it

Idk but I've seriously never lost one. Maybe like, 9 years ago? I got in 5 fights throughout school and I won every single one. Broke two fingers though and one of my knuckles is a bit weird.


almost 7 years ago
lost too

Three months ago. Drug addict attacked me with a knife and cut my hand.

5 years ago. Sent him to the hospital.

taake this

Last year.
Then they choked me and i passed out

Let's settle this once and for all

like 13 years ago

kids can fight everywhere

though we were rused into fight by some rusemaster i didnt recognize at that time but now i feel like shit

not since like elementary school. that said i have trained and sparred


is russia that wild

any last words leafless canada?

highschool, like 6 years ago

back off. this is my fight

That was long ago. I was a lost soul and did many bad things but by the mercy of Christ I was forgiven and I will never hurt another person again..

Brothers, remember that violence is not the answer, it is written:

Ephesians 4:26
BE ANGRY, AND yet DO NOT SIN; do not let the sun go down on your anger,

James 1:19
This you know, my beloved brethren But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger;

2 Timothy 1:7
For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline.

John 14:27
"Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.

Psalm 37:7-9
Rest in the LORD and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, Because of the man who carries out wicked schemes. Cease from anger and forsake wrath; Do not fret; it leads only to evildoing. For evildoers will be cut off, But those who wait for the LORD, they will inherit the land.

Ecclesiastes 10:4
If the ruler's temper rises against you, do not abandon your position, because composure allays great offenses.

Proverbs 15:1
A gentle answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger.

Philippians 4:6
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

Matthew 11:28-30
"Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. "Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. "For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."

Psalm 23:4
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

Psalm 46:10
"Cease striving and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."

2 days ago

In excess of six years ago

das deep mang

this one time, some guy tried to hit me but i could sense something was wrong and then put him in an arm lock and nearly killed him

>some guy tried to hit me but i could sense something was wrong
wow like what? like the fact he tried to hit you?

you wouldnt say the opponent was youself would you

It is was an arab

10 years ago.

I was in Grade 7, at a new school, and some little shitlord started bullying me ever since I got there. He'd steal my backpack and coats and wouldn't let anyone sit with me at lunch. That lasted for a few months and was straining my new friendships with other people who didn't want to associate with me publicly. So one day when he was pushing me around during recess, I let loose, knocked the kid over and broke his ribs in front of all his friends. I went to the principal and put on some fake tears and told her about bullying, and because I was a star student, the principal let me go and scolded the kid. He was hospitalized for 3 weeks. I also remember that distinctly cozy feel when I saw the look on his mom's face at the year-end assembly when I collected over half the academic awards for the grade.


Never was bullied, never did the bullying

Never been involved in a fight that involved exchanging blows.
My fights were either me hitting people, or them hitting me. Either way somebody went down in one punch.

fight me faggot.

Not since I was 16.

I have never been in a fight in my entire life and I'm not intending on changing this anytime soon. All disagreements can be solved by using words in the modern world.

>Make a regular shitpost thread on Sup Forums
>Gets 404'd
>Make the same shitpost on Sup Forums but this time add "your cunt"
>It passes as a normal thread

6 years

No, wait, 1 year.


Were you fighting for Murica?

First fight zika, I'll fight the winner

sometimes you dont even need it

fistfighting is for white trash and sandniggers

I bet that was you


i'm a good lad

iie senpai.

This summer.
Was in the army and some asshole wanted to show off.

Earlier this year. Probably later this year too.

This week end actually. I was just hanging out at a bar after watching a movie with some friends, our girlfriends, and the siblings of a few of us. It was like 10:30, maybe 11pm. It was pretty chill.

Two friends and the younger sister of one of them went out to smoke, and a few Arabs started to try to ""flirt"" with my friend's sister. The girl is 18, these guys are at least in their late 20's. But whatever, she's a pretty girl, not the first time creepy older dudes try to hit on her. But they insist, get touchy, and when she plainly tells them she isn't interested, they get angry.

By then I had come out to see what took them so long, and then these guys got angry at us because we were telling them to stop it.

Then one of them punched the older brother without warning. So a fight broke out, three of us against five of them. They got fucked up, couldn't fight for shit. Then our friends ran out of the bar, and they ran away.

last year

I was with a friend, drinking cheap beers on a bench it was maybe 2AM, and a nigger comes, first he's nice, he burns a ciggy from us, we talk to him, laugh, it was pretty chill (that nigger was about 2 metres, or 6,4 for our amerilard friends)
after a few minutes, another nigger passes by, he was 1,50 metres, and he recognizes the tall nigger
both niggers were completely wasted, so the little nigger talks to the tall one, and he enventually says something along the lines of "you oughta stop drinking so much, because last time you embarrassed us"
so the tall nigger becomes infuriated, "what the fuck did you just say to me you little bitch, YOU oughta stop talking shit about me"
so the nigglet becomes scared, because he realises he's just dropped his spaghettis, and he tries to talk some sense into him
Meanwhile, my friend, like the proper jew he is, tells me "hey look, nigger fight, that will be fun, grab your beer and a ciggy, and enjoy"
but me, like the cuck leftard I am, didn't want to see the nigglet get destroyed, because the tall one was obviously wrong, so I stand up, and I try to ease up the situation
meganigger thought I was framing him or something, so he leaves the nigglet in favour of me.
I realise it's too late now, and i'll have to fight him. So, reluctant, I give my glasses to my friend, and I punch meganigger in the nuts, I put him on his belly, I lock his arms, wait for 5 minutes so he could calm down (meanwhile, my friend and nigglet were kicking him in the ribs, because they're jews, my friends, who's racist af, yells "SALE FILS DE PUTE DE NEGRE, SALE RACE, FAUT T'EXTERMINER" (i'm pretty sure you can understand that) before he realises there's still nigglet at our side, but nigglet tells him he's right, that's meganigger is a dirty nigger, pretty fun 2bh)
So, he says he won't make any trouble if I let him go, so I let him go, he goes to piss against a tree, and comes back, sucker punches me, breaks a tooth and runs.

too long 1/2

thanks to this fight, I learned that you always had to finish your opponent, knock him out or break one of his legs, because you never know how they will react if you're "nice"