>average American female
Average American female
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ye this cherrypicked example is the average american woman lol XDDD
you're right, this is ridiculous. she's not a 4 foot 11 beaner.
>I have feminist views
I couldn't spot any desu.
I am circumcised because of phimosis and sadly I still feel sexual pleasure.
>average American female
It's sad when you can't tell ironic shitposting from actual retardation.
how is it before-after?
Why do you have breasts, if you don't use them? May as well amputate them with a red hot knife.
>tfw you remember being breast fed
No big difference. Orgasms still feel as good.
That wouldn't have ever worked for me or my mother. I DEMANDED to be breastfeed as a baby. Breasts or DIE.
truly the conquistador spirit lives on.
>average american female
You know, she's not entirely wrong.
As if anyone remembers half that shit when they leave high school. It's also entirely unimportant to 99% of jobs out there.
>Foreign languages
See above.
Nobody cares and it's not required to get a good job if you're not a historian. The only reason it's still there is because some people believe knowing your history helps you understand your own culture, but not only is it taught in a horribly ineffective manner but it's also being hijacked by cultural marxists who want to tell a government approved version of history.
She's objectively wrong here though, math is pretty important in many professions.
>average yuropoor
We're speaking a foreign language right now and that's because we went to school. Don't be retarded
There is difference for me. My frenulum was too small, so I had a surgery. They removed the frenulum but I kept the skin/foreskin.
Even though I ketp the skin I know I feel way less than before. I lost the "friction" that gave the frenulum during "the back and forth" and the ejaculation is less powerful than before.
In my opinion the english guy lost his memories because you can't touch your dick during about 1 month. It's still of course but not like before
nigga, you got a reverse circumcision. normally they keep the frenulum and take the foreskin
Our government pretends to teach us English at school. We have to actually learn it on our own or in English academies.
But the frenulum is attached to the foreskin
It's not logical what you said
Pulled out my disgusting smelly benis and looking at it now, I seem to possess a frenulum.
>hijacked by cultural marxists who want to tell a government approved version of history
That's rather the contrary. History taught in school is basic, approximative and learnt with the glance of the XXth century. It always have been about glorifying the French Revolution, Napoléon, Franks etc... making them something you should be proud of.
This is why europe is going to fall
they didn't remove the frenulum, they re attached it lower than it was before, now when you pull back the foreskin the frenulum doesn't squeeze the head like before so you don't feel the same pleasure, the frenulum pressure also made the urethra tighter and thus gave stronger ejaculations.
See, this is where this discussion becomes hard on this board, we all learned history differently, with different a focus.
I read circoncision surgery, check wiki the frenulum can be cut during the operation. But anyway I don't think you can feel something with this because you feel via the combo frenulum + foreskin. You don't have the foreskin so it's weird
>We have to actually learn it on our own
I learned English on my own, when I was 8 I pirated 400 episodes of the Simpsons and when I was done watching the episoded I understood English
but educational system isnt that bad when it comes to english
its just that you need to like or use a language to actually remember it and not just consider it a school subject
>and that's because we went to school
Don't know what it was like for you, but for me it was more the permanent immersion in American media than whatever they "taught" at school. On the other hand, German and French are also obligatory languages here and there's nowhere near the same level of immersion. If a Dutchman can go to Paris and order a coffee without using his hands, then either you're lucky or he followed voluntary French classes after High School. Three months at Alliance Française taught me more than three years of high school.
Then France does it a lot better than we do over here. Over here there were only two or so modules that actually focused on something interesting about our own country:
>Verzuiling (ie. the entire country is in a political deadlock for 100 years and does absolutely nothing)
>Dutch East Indies (bretty cool)
And maybe a passing mention of "muh 80 years war, muh golden age" here and there. And even then, it took me until after I graduated high school to figure out the 80 years war took place in the greater context of the 30 years war, which was never even fucking mentioned.
Yep, not going to deny that. But another music class or two isn't going to stop that.
Foreign languages are more useful than math (beyond the very basics) in most jobs.
I understand where my mistake was.
In fact learning about French Revolution and Napoléon is pretty common in European countries. I just wanted to say that : often, history is taught either to glorify actions or people presumably coming from the same soil, or again drawing who is an ennemy and who is the natural ally.
>Then France does it a lot better than we do over here
Maybe is it because the history of France is "simpler" even tho it's not.
I mean, all the french pupils basically think that France has always been centralized.
Fuck off. Every fucking thread you white knight for burgers you massive faggot.
Kill yourself
These retarded shitposts belong on Sup Forums
>mfw int cant tell when its hardcore satire
what the fuck
>Average American dietician/nutritionist
If that's the same Courtney Slater, she lost a lot of weight.
One is a fat and ugly dietician from Des Moines, Iowa, the other is a qt doctor of clinical psychology from Philidelphia, Pennsylvania. They look nothing alike. Are you black or Asian and "arr rite peeper rook same?"
>tfw America is overestimated
>She's objectively wrong here though, math is pretty important in many professions.
Nah. Stuff outside of rudimentary mathematics is useless in 90% of jobs and fields.
I'm sorry if I can't tell one North American landwhale from another. If you really feel this triggered you should ask daddy Trudeau to remove Sup Forums from the largest safe space on the planet.