Which country has the most interesting history?

Which country has the most interesting history?

and tell the reason.

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I was about to say that

t. Assadollah Khomeinejad

Kek fuck no.
It's Africa t b h.


In no particular order:


t. ancestors still living in mud-huts when the Achemenid Empire ruled the world

The US.

>Australian education

Ottoman Empire

t. Ehsan Goochenenjad

smartest ally

>close to the cradle of civilization, Babylonians, Akkadians and other memes settled in parts of Iran
>Persian Empire, Darius, Xerxes, etc...
>Alexander was a Persiaboo, Seleucid Empire
>Parthians, Rome's greatest rival
>Muslim'd by Arabs, took back control
>Some pretty great muslim states in Iran, or came from Iran
>Memeing around
>Biggest rival of the Saudis

Iran has had a very interesting story

>exists for 200 years
>saved the world twice
>went to Space
>brought freedom and prosperity to the whole world

>close to the cradle of civilization, Babylonians, Akkadians and other memes settled in parts of Iran
But not the cradle of civilization.

>Muslim'd by Arabs, took back control
>Some pretty great muslim states in Iran, or came from Iran

The only things worth caring about.

>Biggest rival of the Saudis
Oh wow. Monkeys hating a different type of monkey. Whoopie doo doo.

at least it's more interesting than non-existent australian history

Slay dem wh*te ausie pussay Mahmood my bro

Persian empire got invaded and muslim'd by Arabs, some years later the Persians (now muslims) started kicking the ass of the Arabs and regaining control, then in came the Turks (Turkic steppe peoples) and started fighting around and mixing with the locals.
Seljuks were in Iran, the Sultanate of Rum came from there, Mughals were from Iran, the Mongols took over a bunch of parts of Iran and hung out there. Several years later Timur took over it, Timurid Khanate.

please enlighten us with tales about thre great australian civilization

So? We still have great and rich history relative to our short duration. What's your point?

>elected Donald Trump

He is diaspora m8 see;Easy to trigger

no, even relative to your short duration literally NOTHING interesting has happened in australia

look, the US has an interesting history relative to its short duration. but australia? up until now, any world history book could go without even mentioning australia and nobody would miss anything. nothing about your country or its history is even in the slightest sense unique or interesting.

if australia were to be erased tomorrow, nobody would really care or notice. perhaps a new myth would arise, about a disappeared island kind of atlantis except everybody there had skin cancer and was the descendent of british pilferers

Creece and their conquests.

>Creek city states
>Their colonies around the known world
>Ie. Indo-Greek kingdom
>Later part of roman history

Bretty cool if you ask me. Especially the indo-greek part with their beautifoul infusion of Indian and greek architecture. Now they're just turks under different banner but whatever.

>a non-european country gets mentioned

Problem with Greece is that they became pretty irrelevant, historically, but not culturally. Between the Byzantine decline and WW2 they did very little of note. At WW2 they were champs, beating the Italians, delaying Operation Barbarossa.

northern italy
germany (and its small states before forming)

france is just too relevant from gauls to today
we might still be peasants and nobles if not for them
vive la france

Yeah that's why i kinda said that they'r ejust turks with different flag now. But culturally and historically they were pretty much on par with Persians and romans.


Only country where you can experience living 200-1000 years in the past but in the year of 2017

America from the mid 1800's and onward.

>>Creek city states
>>Their colonies around the known world
>>Ie. Indo-Greek kingdom
>>Later part of roman history
All of these are memes apart from Byzantium? They never conquested horse shit apart from Persia.

Not really, their history is pretty meh
France is much, much more interesting than Japan

Some of the biggest guys in antiquity

East Africa, Nepal/Bhutan/North India, China, Middle east

Their history for the past 1000 years has been nothing but boring back and forth conquests. You may have a point for before as (iirc) they actually fought off regular invasions from the muslims for half a fucking century straight (they're like Poland in that way desu) but most of their history is dull, uncultured and boring.

Alexander spread Hellenism everywhere, these are their kingdoms, all conquered by the Romans, except Persia, went back to the Persians.
Everyone used to be a Greekaboo

USA. Because Moon and Space.


>Middle east
This. The Middle East used to be one of the most powerful regions in the world and a lot of advances came from them.

that went full ad hominem very quick


I wouldn't say a spesific country but Anatolia has pretty interesting history.

It's because they know I'm right that they insult me. They can't counter what I'm saying because they know it's logical.

What's this now? Some sperging out australian who failed history or overexaggarates his own relevancy. I hate to break it to you but, your cunt is the meme here. A colony ubuilt by bloody criminals. wew lad indeed.


i mean contribute with something instead of just saying "meh"

Yet it doesn't quite work. I am entirely of English stock, so the history of my homeland is 1973 years and counting.

Rome, Greece and China are my top three.

Ah yes
for 200 years can became the world police and shiiiieeet.
Knights, Pirates, adventurists etc. Also King Arthur.
Russia strong, General Frost stronger, invaders can't invade in it, and get away with it.

>invaders can't invade in it
to be fair, this guy almost destroyed you, but failed at the end

Like I said can't away with it.

These two and Persia t b h. I wish some rich Jew makes a movie about these two.
For example did you know that the only king Alexander ever spared in his conquests was Porus (some Indian king) because he was the only who got his full respect.
Did you also know that the first poo to unite India defeated Alexander's main general Seleucid and after that he made a treaty with him giving him hundreds of war elephants which turned the tide on one of his main battles and let the Seleucid empire to reign for centuries?

And also how the Greeks taught the Indians how to make (real) pottery and other kinds of civilized stuff. As well as medicine and more.

He failed because he was injured and couldn't command troops
If they come from cold place, they counter Russians. That is your weakness.

Still he didn't make it.

Me again.

Indo-Euro countries have the coolest histories imo. Nearly every relevant empire in the past millennia/centuries was murdered in Afghanistan for one example.

That is where the Americlaps will meet their final demise, and one day that is where the Chinks will meet theirs

>alexander is a meme

t. Reza Amahoudijad

This is very true. My autism finds it peak in Antiquity and really gets me going when the topic goes into Indo-Greek kingdom. There was something truly special in that mix.


China, France and the UK

Italy and France IMO. Everything from the Roman Empire to the renaissance and revolution to the world wars took place there. While China has a regional great history, Italy and France have a history that's globally the most important.

>Italy and France have a history that's globally the most important.
That's for now. China was huge before the modern world and any regional dispute affected a lot of the outside world desu.

But everything that took place in France also happened here.

As in Civilizations who originated within the modern territory of a country?
Turkey and Italy, they were the oldest and most influential.

what is it about russians and burger shills? Can understand the frenchman sucking they dicks, but russians? why?

topic: persia/iran,china, S.P.Q.R.