Why are Spanish people so fucking racist?

Why are Spanish people so fucking racist?


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what is the problem with that?

how can narcissistic, conceited and starved for attention must you be to go to a country where the locals look different to you and then make videos about it on the internet

>Lol Spanish guys are not into bestiality how awful.

>Spanish raped by Africans and don't like Africans still and this is wrong

>but they want to still be mad at white people for what white Americans did

b-but i like everyone ;-;

>Be black
>Never been outside the USA
>Instead of going to some main city, go to fucknowhere in the middle of Galicia where only old people and rednecks that speak broken Spanish/Galician live
>Hurr they're surprised because of my skin colour
>Hurr nobody cares about me and nobody talks to me, look at me I'm 'merican


>Instead of going to some main city, go to fucknowhere in the middle of Galicia where only old people and rednecks that speak broken Spanish/Galician live
How the fuck would she know this tho?

Love you too Rodriguez

On Portugal there are niggers even on small villages in the middle of nowhere

same here with sudacas, what is the problem with that lad

Nothing, it's just that blacks aren't an uncommon sight on Iberia

>How the fuck would she know this tho?
Because you have internet, and you can check. I'd do the same if I was thinking of going to some town in the Northern Territory of Australia

they are in northern spain
t. Galician pale vampire

Podo confirmar. Non lembro a última vez que vin un preto camiñando pola rúa.
Eu son de Ourense.

what did she expected. of course we aren't as accepting as Americans. Look at the caste system we created

Hey Spain if I'm tall, white and both my surnames are of Galician origin but have an obvious south american accent will i be hated like the black girl on the vid ?

Learn how to pronounce your c and z properly

Nah they find it endearing
>t. Look Spanish, am foreign

did this gal even speak spanish lol

>on a cold rainy region
would apply better to southern spain or Extremadura desu
Sanxenxo is were rich people usually go in the summer in Galicia too, not really a mountain area, nor a big city either

i can fake a Spanish accent but I'm not sure that would be polite

depende, eres cuico?

after staying here for like a year you will probably know how to fake it without anyone noticing
if you care that much about people hearing your south american accent, you can stick to latin-american friend groups and stay in a latin-american bubble

>go to a place i dont know
>to a festivity i dont know
>expect to have a good time
its the equivalent of me going to some African tribal festival and expecting them to not stare at me and treat me like im part of the village or some shit

Fake it and when people ask where you're from say Germany

>People should talk to me because I am black
why does not she realize she is a worthless nigger?

Tienes que volver

¿Esta pregunta es troll o eres así de tonto? Mejor que no vengas.

spanish were raped by north africans, not black africans


also she went to a rural village retards

So basically her experience was:
>I wish I was at home learning Spanish
>this party is too white
>the grandma is too racist
>my feet hurt


El gallego es la lengua mas repugnante de España.

Their most important cultural traits come from the south wich is usually the most brown people in spain. Really makes you think.

>tfw mestizo but rich
>Aryan Galician waiteresses have to pretend to be nice to me for tips

My Inca ancestors must be laughing in their graves.

wew, the numbers agree
the south is the accent that grew to be the south american accents...wew, I guess arabs and africans are better than whites

>The etymology of the name has been studied since the 7th century by authors such as Isidore of Seville, who wrote that "Galicians are called so, because of their fair skin, as the Gauls", relating the name to the Greek word for milk, but today scholars [8] derive the name of the ancient Callaeci either from Proto-Indo-European *kal-n-eH2 'hill', through a local relational suffix -aik-, so meaning 'the highlanders'; or either from Proto-Celtic *kallī- 'forest', so meaning 'the forest (people)'

Raça Mostarda a reportar

so latin-americans calls spaniards in general "gallegos" because of how even the sunny regions of the south have more pale skin than them ?
also theres another place called "Galitzia" east of Hungary apparently.

>go to an event
>no one approaches you
poor girl, must be because you are black

It really has nothing to do with the colour of their skin. That's a false etymology. Gallician, Gael, Gaul, Goidel, Galatian, etc., etc. are all related to the proto-Celtic "wedus" and, by extention, the proto-Indo European weydh, meaning "wild, wilderness, forest, woods".

Yes, i took the quote from Wikipedia, Isidore of Seville was the last father of the church

I know i just like to shitpost about my people, its a serious disease





Spaniards should be genocided. Destroyers of the world.

We only banished the last stronghold of Muslim enlightenment, burned all records of an ancient civilisation, destroyed two great empires, used up all new resources on wars and churches, caused terrible inflation in Europe, invented concentration camps and made the Catholic faith the most widespread religion in the world. We're not that bad!

Inquisition 2.0 when???