Other urls found in this thread:–2016)

did saa make gains?

>implying refugees will ever return
if only

and what is a leppo?

it is pretty much over for the moderate beheaders in aleppo

seriously though Assad took it back?

Yeah, and in the meantime his army of fools lost Palmyre to 4000 snackbars yesterday.

Retaking Palmyra will be extremely easy for Russia.

but what is aleppo?

I thought there were russian troops stationned in Palmyra already????????????????????????–2016)

Well shit I guess it's actually over then, goddamn

what will happen with the kurds now? will assad make some agreement with them? I honestly want a kurdish state but it must under no circumstances be under the US' wing, if assad just allows them sovereignty in their occupied lands that would be the best, I don't know how kurds in turkey would work out but I guess that's a problem for even later.

obummer gon' be mad

>I honestly want a kurdish state

Protip: Syrian Kurds have no interest in a fake state for a non-people. They are happy being Syrian.

>go home

They left to help in Aleppo.

Meanwhile the Iraqis got routed in West Mosul

>Arab "soldiers"

sure they are

Source for Palmyra falling?

but the people they're fighting are also Arab soldiers you fucking clown

Are you from Halab? My parents are from Halab.

Ana ameriki min 3sl soori

The only difference is that Aleppo is Syrias largest and most important city, while Palmyra is basically a town in the middle of the fucking desert, it has only symbolic and historic value.

is the sok and citidel gone?

I've seen them when I was 7 and Hafiz was in power

I use LiveUAMap as a source for everything regarding the syrian conflict. It's pretty accurate. 4000 ISIS jihadis stormed Palmyra two days ago and the SAA troops in town either fled or surrendered.

>Ana ameriki min 3sl soori
You're honey from Syria?



*from syrian honey

When can they start sending the Syrians back?

That's not the problem, 3sl means honey afaik

>surrendering to ISIL

They literally did. Go figure.

>tfw the UN is as useless as never before

I'm sure Assad will be happy to have all those military age men back, who ran away to avoid conscription and let the country get swarmed by terrorists and welcome them with open arms :^)

>Source for Palmyra falling?


About half of ISIS fighters are non-Arabs


Are you implying the Russians were in it?

The city fell because the Russians went to Aleppo, which has fallen.

allah my arabic is so rusty

mn aSl

من اصل

An Arab in Serbia?

Maybe a Muslim

No, just a Serb that know a bit of Fusha Arabic.

Great, now ffs free Deir Ezzor.

Orthodox Christian

why? I learned Fusha in university. """"LEARNED""""

Did you know Al-Kitab the MSA textbook. I want to kill Maha

>Syrian Army supply lines cut between October 2012 and October 2013, before being re-established from the south
Wait, so they were completely isolated and surrounded in an urban environment with no supply line for en entire YEAR? How in the fuck did they hold out?

Those units that survived and stood their ground for a whole year have got to be the MVPs of the battle.

lel no. it took 3 months with ruaf. and those retards lost it in 3 days.

allah I am too if you go back a few generations.

Somewhere a cuck converted to Islam to appease the T*rks. My last name is Christian.
>Feels good :^)

I'm implying nothing. I'm celebrating Aleppo liberation! Currently on my 5th beer.


I honestly don't know, there is something in the Arabic world I deeply love. I think that originally I fell for the Orientalism memes, and that's what dragged me into learning somewhat more about the Arabic world. I know to spend quite a time reading Arabic texts and then I always dream how I walk in desert.

>Did you know Al-Kitab the MSA textbook. I want to kill Maha
Not really, I've been learning Arabic on various courses and pdf's.

thank you allah

How long did it take and how good would you say your skills are?

Now I don't know who this "Aleppo" guy is, but don't you dare call him an illegal immigrant on my watch.

You're making me feel bad because I spoke Arabic but forgot it. I wish I could read well and stuff but never got the hang of it in school.

What are some of the texts you read?

Arabic as a language is based. The jidr is based and really logical.

Sure but all my ancestors were cucks who converted to some random Slavic pagan cults to Christianity if you look that way

Not too good, but I can understand the context of most I hear on news etc. I was learning it for some 3 years - not intensively, but whenever i felt like learning it.

Important question: assuming the government wins and eventually reestablishes control over the entire country, what will happen with the Christian minority, especially the Assyrians? From what I've read, they've mostly been loyal to the government, but have been fairly isolated and have taken heavy damage from Religion of Peace™, and have also had their clay stolen by k*rds.


Don't feel bad, I can't say shit in most languages I've been learning, it's just a matter of practice.

Uhh, many of them, like poems of Ahmad Shawki and Nizar Qabbani, various historical documents (I'm a student of history btw), Kitaab 'alf layla wa-layla and so on

fuck off you k*rdish filth, I'm white and Christian, hence why I'm concerned about the fate of Christian minorities, ESPECIALLY Assyrians who are pretty much the oldest Christian nation in existence and have been persecuted so very much for so very long.

>talks about christian minority that have been expulsed by kurds
>gets called a turkshit
hmmm rly makes u think


>it has only symbolic and historic value
Wrong. There's natural gas in Palmyra district.
Shaer, Mehr and Jazal

>Kitaab 'alf layla wa-layla
I read a good english translation of this but wanted to do it in Arabi.

I know it was good because they will use Zeb when talking about dicks.

yeah I should practice more really.

They'll probably turn against Kurds.

Which is predictable after the Moderate Beheaders got fucked in Aleppo.

>They'll probably turn against Kurds.
Who, the government or the Christians?

If you're talking about the Christians, do they even have enough numbers and military strength to hold their own against kurdshits?

Has always been and always will be, until vetoes and shit are in place.

>heavy damage from Religion of Peace

Stop being ignorant faggot. Hezbollah has been protecting Christians in Syria.

Syria is a secular country. Imported foreign Jihadis don't represent Syrian Muslims.

Oh an user what kind of history do you study?

History is my #1 hobby and I've been going through a lot of primary source material mostly on ancient Greece (Herodotus and the like)

>Assyrians pulling anything against anyone
Well meme'd

SAA vs Kurds.

West will probably start funding them and stir shit against each other. Wouldn't be the first time they actually got to kill each other in this war.

They've already exchange fire up northern syria once.

Christians are probably safe from SAA since they are fighting for them too.

Sad day for freedom and democracy in the Middle East.

I don't at all disagree with any of what you've said, but fact is that those who've hurt the Christian minority are still members of the Religion of Peace™.

The syrian government will give autonomy to Rojava, and the kurds and yazidis will make sure the smelly arabs behave and don't try to pull anything fishy. The kurds will basically keep the jihadis at bay and will make the Levant prosperous for everyone.

Just do it without forcing yourself to practice, in that way you will start hating it.

My "specialization" is the Ottoman Empire

know thy enemy.

Neat. I wish I had the balls to do history. I'm in grad school for genetics.

I honestly have been thinking I should go back to school get a PhD in history and teach.

I suppose I should have asked, what about the Ottoman Empire fascinates you?

Why? So you can ask to ahmed if you can watch?

Just came to the realization that I don't give one fuck about Syria or what happens to it

So what happens to Syria now...
How many terrorist cells are going to grow out of the poverty and lack of social infrastructure ?
Well, at least they'll be pointed towards Russia this time.

FSA is just as Arab and shitty as the SAA

I hope so, that place is already pretty punished.

But you know... arabs.

Haven't christians been historically influential inside the arab nationalist movements (like all other minorities), represented in Syria by Assad and his guys?

Assyrians of course are fucked, but they were already before this war. Iraq is not Syria.

They'll be protected.

The Assad regime is Shia + secularists + minorities.

>he's a geneticist
>he's complaining about not being a historian

If I had another chance, I'd probably study some language, probably Arabic. But I've been making wrong choices throughout whole life.

I think it was the fact that I realized that everything I've read about "big bad Turks" in elementary and high school was bullshit played a big role, plus it's not a really popular field here. Also, the falling for Orientalism memes I've mentioned probably played a big role.

What are your favorite topics, ancient history maybe?



Much love. May the goatfuckers never rest.

Russian agent detected.

That's a cool map

>Well, at least they'll be pointed towards Russia this time.

Then they better be prepared for another Iraq War 2.0 Eletric Bogaloo.

This time with more dead bodies and rapes.

Poor Abu Hajaar, wasn't his day.

Cool. I got that too with Communism since it's also bullshit how it's taught in the US.

But yeah generally ancient stuff. I bounce around throughout all history and go through phases

>2014: WW1 since 100 years
>2015: Communism since why not
>2016: Ancient Greece

I've always been into history as a kid. But also science so idk I picked one. Should have done history and actually see artifacts and stuff.

What are you planning to do with your degree? Teach?

those are some SICKASS DUBS


>I've always been into history as a kid. But also science so idk I picked one. Should have done history and actually see artifacts and stuff.
Maybe, but I don't think there are too many jobs for historians today. I would've done science if I was good in it.

>What are you planning to do with your degree? Teach?
Seeing the job market, die of hunger probably. Maybe I'll try to get some certificates for languages and work as a translator or something.

Anyways, it was very nice talking to you, but I have to sleep now. bi t-tawfiq wa tu9be7 3la-5ir

They'll probably become a country of construction workers...

shookran and you too user Good luck

You've got to be kidding...

Russian special forces in Syria.