wake up dummies
/v4/ + friends
who /boredatwotk/ here?
Im no dummie :c
But good morning everyone!
hello mr. medkit
What are you doing everyone?
>Stuck in school doing nothing till 2PM
Could you give some insight on how hard is to make the jump from C to x86ASM?
if you understand how memory works then not at all, you just need to learn your way around working with registers
it's useless to code in asm in most of cases though, i'm just doing this for debugging insight mostly
Dear diary, it's D-Day. I should be deciding on what job offer to accept any minute now.
I still don't know.
My heart is leaning towards an easy-ish job five minutes away from where I live, similar to what I have been doing, something I am fairly good at, seemingly great atmosphere and colleagues... but also one with a noticeably lower salary, much more limited options of advancement or improvement, much less prestigious, generally not much of a step forward, a bit repetetive.
But my head tells me to go for option number two. Better wages by about 2-4k after tax, plenty of potential for personal growth etc., big name, definitely would add something of substance to my CV... but it's also something wayyy different to what I've been doing. And I do want a change, but I'm not sure if such a big one.
I've pretty much scrapped the third option. It was a pretty good opportunity in terms of money and the job description but a lot of the smaller things did not fit well with me. Quite long commute, the environment didn't feel right (but obviously I couldn't possibly know, not *really* anyway), slightly annoying working hours... nothing major but it seemed to add up.
No. 1 has got the most positives but also quite a few negatives. No. 2 doesn't really have *that* many things going for it - although it does have enough - but it also has way fewer questionable factors.
Új-Zéland cigány
új-zélandi cigány
anyad :DDD
I would say go for the change, life is too short to do boring shit.
i am repairing my air conditioner
going to the swimming pool
Well it's not like the change would be particularly exciting. Both jobs are fairly repetetive.
I Wish smartphones were invented when I went to school.
Lucky kids these days!!!
>banter with american
>it stops replying
>if you put salt in tap water, does it become sea water?
Ah, the Visegrad Group. Coalition of bad air pollution countries.
Pls post more v4 memes, I'm sick and bored.
Subscribed and upvoted
No 2
You have been looking for a job for how long? Half a year? And now 3 offers at once? wew
Sometimes I look at 1st world countries and am glad I am not in of them
at least they are rich when those things will come here and they will come like anything else from west years later we will be both poor and fucked up
yare yare
we have this faggot
About two years. Got three offers at once. So the stress from not having a proper job was replaced by the stress of picking the right one.
I guess SJW and leftists look the same in every country lol
pic related, Polish SJW leftist
Quite ironic 2bh
Pick no2 m8
>mfw best friend is not represented
What did he mean by this?
Your money are wasted if you are fucking delusional.
hello newfriend
dark souls is a metaphor for real life
is that radare or a debugger
met a dwarf today. i dont understand why people are so angry about height, this guy looked very charismatic and i almost gone and befriended him if it wasnt for my mentality. short people are just robots which have the excuse of height, nothing more
just gdb
yes yes , how short was he ?
yall niggas be gay lol
/v4/ reminds me of vanilla ice cream
Jánošík, Štúr and Svatopluk were all black
legit dwarf size, not manlet size
Generally people who have shittier starter pack for life (orphanage, short height, drunktard parents etc) work hard to compensate for it. In the end, its people like me, who have loving parents, happy childhood etc, who end up being shit at life
lol no usually people with good background become top dogs, you are just bad at life l2p
I dunno, historically speaking, all great leaders had shit childhood
>comparing world leaders to randoms
Dwarves are special manlets not.
you will have it next month dont you worry!
World leaders are the toppest dogs there are, why not use them as perfect examples?
Anyway, even if you look at minor top dogs, its always either shitty childhood, inheritance, or their parents forcing unbelievable standards on them (being born to a top dog)
But they dont have him standing next to fucking white girl
They make the boxers so small that my beniz hurts in them.
I'm not even big, but average at 16cm.
Its to get you used to wearing cuck cage
I don't like the Witcher series because the main quest sucks, everything is too folklore-y, the big bad winter is unexplained and you can't play as your own character
Why are Slovaks best rappers in whole Europe?
Sup gypsies lmaoooop
such shittaste might be uncurable, i'm sorry, and i don't even like tw much
God damn 9gag has sunk in so much shit its unbelievable
Just a year ago, i could still occasionally visit it for the keks, but now i feel my brain cells dying while reading through the posts there
I'm in a long-distance relationship, what should I do? I live in Malé Chujovce (Putinovo district) and my girlfriend lives at the other side of the country, in Dolné Pičany. It's even more difficult because she studies porn in the Czech Republic (in Uherský Prdelník) and I work in Kokotiské Podhradie (I design artificial anuses for farm animals).
Shittemburg lmao wtf are you doing here shouldn't you be in /deutch/ desperately trying to please your german betters?
v4 needs more diversity USA is the most powerful country in the world because they have blacks and jews we should import them as well.
bioware rpgs are similarly bad
even origins
and skyrim is shallow as fuck
mass effect 1 is the only good rpg of the 21st century
mass effect 1 is bad and you should feel bad
it's a goddamn vn for americans
>too folklore-y
what a retarded argument entire fantasy genre is based on folklore
Are there no anus design studios near Dolne Picany or Uhersky Prdelnik?
What do you think about this?
>hungary not natural enemy
>slovak state nowhere to be found
>hungary friend
shit picture
>great characters
>great villains (until they ruined the reapers with 2 and 3 but saren is wonderful)
>top tier athmosphere (noveria is comfy as fuck)
>great music
>enjoyable gameplay
>sniping from retarded distances on umshitty sidemission planets
Autism, all slovaks are underage kill yourself. Ancestor of Slovaks is a shrimp at best, you have no friends motherfucker.
Every RPG made post 2004 is a travesty.
>Mo*ava instead of Nitra
minus um
i wanted to write uncharted
yes but it feels more like a folktale than high fantasy like lotr
shame what they did with series and it seems andromeda will be even worse
Good thing LOTR is based on norse mythology with some biblical elements thrown in. Aka folktales.
i know
i can't describe what i mean
the accents and beasts and middle ages feeling and everything is just not for me
Yet you like LOTR. Makes sense.
gameplay seems fun
the animations are fucking retarded (like the autistic smile when the mc grabs the gun or talks in the recent trailer)
the "fuck white people" and "ur speciel" and shitty dialogue is bad though
i was merely pretending
its DAI in scifi setting, grind quests and all
Skyrim is the best RPG ever made.
morrowind is better
i want balaton boom
>no dragons
>shit graphics
>shit combat
>weird world
Skyrim shits on it
dragons are satanic
No, the only one in Slovakia is in Kokotinské Podhradie. The closest anus design studio is in Kisfaszi Újváros in Hungary.
Become a pornstar then
good posts
Do you know how much my parents paid so I could become an engineer? I lead the best projects in Central Europe in the field of artificial replacements for animal bowels.
Can't you make anuses remotely?
with what?
why does this make people so butthurt?