
Aesthete edition

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on a bus

leafs fuck off



shoulda got the train senpai

yanks fuck off, leafs=aussies>yanks

>This is currently out best and most famous athlete

hello rasheed

canadians are pussies who are mad they didn't have the testicles to win a revolutionary war and aren't a world player because of it. i'd literally kill any canadian britaboos if i saw them in real life

shit taste

yanks out

no, leafs stay

doing an all nighter to spout memes with my pals across the pond

studio 66

He can do try and laugh it off with memes but he knows his arse would explode if he ever dared set foot in Wakefield

we don't fuck about around these parts unlike you irish pansies

>I'm the burger king now

don't think you've got a leg to stand on if you're trying to insinuate canada has a meme leader my man

have you seen your president elect?

reminder the yanks are actually chicanos

magnificent post

You are now thinking about that girl you regret not asking out



>tfw so intelligent you can easily tell when an image is made by a fat alt-rightist Lauren Southern orbiter

how can you face your problems if your problems are your face?

reminder the leafs are actually chinks


*checks demographics of anglo countries*

when posting seriously
brits > leafs > yanks > kiwis > aussies
when shitposting
brits > aussies > kiwis > leafs > yanks

>Wakefield """""hardmen""""" at it again


>tfw no asian-american gf

if you really think about it, 80% of yank posts are about canadians

bit obsessed

Want everyone to have brown skin, brown eyes and black hair so we're diverse.

>when posting seriously
>brits > leafs > yanks > kiwis > aussies
>when shitposting
>brits > aussies > kiwis > leafs > yanks

asian-americans are objectively the worst kind of asian.

>tfw no asian-canadian gf

from living in London I can tell you that 90% of the global population is 6'0 or above

ive never been close enough to a girl i was attracted to to actually ask them out

i'll show you a shitpost

Why don't you have a gf? what are you gay

literally only just got back from the gym because I was putting a late night shift in

you cunts wouldn't know about hard work though but I guess it's just whst you have to do to survive in a place like wakey


shut up you cringeworthy twat

I have crippling depression and schizophrenia

im sure they can do some crazy things with cosmetic surgery these days

yeah i mean this is your real leader now but i meant the stooge, donald trump

What are your symptoms?

Are you a Tim-tier nutcase?

Honestly growing old and having regrets like these, and just not seizing the day, living while you're young, would just kill you inside

Listen drop the gimmick mate, I know you're not the real wakefield poster but a mere satirical imitation as I confronted the real Wakefield poster and he admitted he hadn't a clue who you are

You're not real, you don't train with the UFC. What martial art exactly do you do?

just done a massive poo lads

>mfw friend accidently takes a swig from one of my piss bottles and doesn't even flinch

negative brother, they retain the good asian characteristics (fit, smart, into white guys) without the bad asian characteristics (excessive prudishness, weird accents)

What makes crippling depression different to regular depression


>imagining how different my life would be right now if I had just had a gf in high school
>she probably would have said yes

nothing compared to cuckdeau
I can tell you have not been here long if you actually think leafposting is okay

>excessive prudishnes

literally the most attractive quality of asians.

>oh no, this tequila is so strong and tastes like piss. better not make a face so he doesn't call me a pussy.

ahh yes... the so called "leaf"

he's a problem child
and what bothers him all comes out when he talks about his fucking dad walking out

yfw you actually have schiz

was brit asian gf

leafs, especially the ones that frequent /brit/, are usually good posters, yanks are invariably boring rorkes with predictable opinions and a complete lack of original contributions to both gimmicks and serious discussion

and Donald Trump is a bigger meme than Trudeau by a significant margin


haha jk


ah yes

asian girls from asia can't ever relax during sex m8. i need a lady in the streets and a freak in the sheets.

Just because you're an autistic involuntary vrigin doesn't mean "le pure asian grill" that you seen in your anime meme is good/real

Asian women are just as bad as any

yeah, this is definitely one of your first days here
shan't be corresponding with you further

what a plump butt that canadian lad has

>i need a lady in the streets and a freak in the sheets.

this is the normal bro whos just out to fuck some chicks and is rooted in reality

this is the serial killer in the age old axiom "all serial killers and weirdos love asian girls" and the statement doesn't outwardly say it but heavily implies that the reason that weird guys tend to fetishize asian women is because they want to control them for X reason

t.- womens studies major

>anime isn't real

is.Sup Forums.org/gif/1481233064101.webm

>Literally everything she could without outright asking me out

>Brits don't get to watch The Simpsons marathon on FX
honestly feel bad for you dudes

anti-leaf posting is a Sup Forums infection of Sup Forums you absolute pleb, canadians were never disliked here until you and your red it compadres came over from /r/le_donald

2 guns are unnecessary 2bh

I want to submit to a Canadian master like a little piggy

They got me goin mad, I'm knockin busters on they backs
In my cell, thinkin, "Hell, I know one day I'll be back"
As soon as I touch down
I told my girl I'll be there, so prepare, to get fucked down

Reminder that only dicklets are low test

christ. now I know why japanese people over the age of 12 do not watch anime, this is what it must sound like to them

feel quite proud of how big my radical centrist meme has become

>watching TV on a TV


Canadians have been hated long before the_donald existed.

The only time it was worthwhile was the one that lasted days and that was streamed. Good times watching that with the big guys on Sup Forums

this high test thicc nonsense is a jewish plant to make fatties cool and desirable. Disgusting.

Getting worried about this """""alt right""""" rising, hope I don't get sent back to Bangladesh ahaha


black men have always liked fat chicks

ah yes the ol' race mixing
they are both undeniably more attractive than their parents, what's wrong with race mixing? they are usually hotter

hello Goldberg

yes but im talking about humans liking fatties not livestock

what is this webm?

is this how you people get your sick thrills????????

>taking age and environmental factors into account

fuck off

I advise people to NOT reply to this. his posting style is exactly the same as some leaf on here a few days ago complaining about how leaf hate only stems from Sup Forums and was freaking out about the donald calling it "le donald"

deport yourself

mate shut the fuck up
only actually hating Canada as a country is Sup Forums shite

the posters in this general are all cringey little bellends and conclusively unfunnier than yanks


That white man is undeniably the most attractive person there.

yep yew better get on outta dat dere country 'for yuh get hanged in the post-brexit uprising my friend
