Islam is on the rise among spaniards, everyone who wants to have a good reputation is converting to islam now

Islam is on the rise among spaniards, everyone who wants to have a good reputation is converting to islam now

>in catholic lands
Who could be behind this post

Only the poor and the uneducated aren't embracing islam yet

Africa begins at the Pyrenees

Yes, at Southern France and then goes upwards.

everyone is embracing their heritage then, good for you I guess

u mad arabicboi

we fuck ur women yet you cant do anytng abut it
stay salty araboi

shut the fuck up lol

People with the higher IQ are converting to islam faster than those with low IQ

why u mad tho

why ummad



> a millenium of taqiyya coming to its long awaited end


mashallah brother

>mfw Latin America reconquistas Spen to restore the faith

>Uhm... hola user! I'm LucĂ­a, will you love me as deep and sincerely as I love Allah?

not ur ze mad one ahmadboi

pic rlated iz my araba cracka she'll take ze dicka every day

>mfw spaniards are moors anyway

Please send money aisha bin sanchez

what the actual fuck

does this have something do do with andalusian seperatism? does such a thing exist?

south america embracing islam would be the absolute death of it

We would all be better off being Shiites t b h
Islam for Latin America when?

don't even meme about it


I don't like this thread please delete it

they don't look so happy




brown faggot

Converting Latin America to Islam would be like converting Russia to Islam.
Specially Argentina.

Non troll answer. Moors vs christians is a local festivity here

And it would be great, turning villeros into sharia followers who don't drink and behave according to the Laws of the Quran while the upper class remains as decadent as always

lol russia is largely islam steppe people


Only in the caucasus

It's also interesting how the safest parts of russia are in muslim chechenya, and the most dangerous are the mongorian pagan towns (especially tuva)