i'm just here to make you think edition
2016 is about to be over.
What's your new years resolution /cum/?
>Barron will be president in your lifetime
But Trump was the only one that even tried to talk about working class people. Not to mention he's a businessman that works with contractors and other people like that. Bad picture all around.
Would he be our first autistic president?
Same as last year: try to find a reason not to off myself
>Hillary doesn't understand
>Other guy doesn't understand
>Other guy at least pretends to understand
Not hard to figure out.
>tfw two smart to think
How many Trump supporters do you think are starting to feel like suckers right about now?
Probably not tbqh.
>b-but he's an evil racist!
>el por lo estás intentando ocupar como in porque o no?
no entiendo la pregunta.
i was trying to say /cum/ isn't interested in sports
What're some of the best movies to watch on acid?
Sanders? But you're probably a partisan and will dismiss that.
Some people think Jefferson was autistic.
Who should be the nominees for 2020?
I'd say Jeb for the Republicans and Tulsi Gabbard for the Democrats.
>hilldawgs whole strategy was to appeal to poor people and minority groups in poverty
>b-b-but trump is for the little guys
ya got conned kiddo, sorry, try again in 4 years (if your "country" hasn't balkanized yet)
Prayer Of The Rollerboys
ignora eso nomas, estaba preguntando algo sin sentido
Wes Anderson films seem like they're already on acid, but other than that I'd probably say anything in the Star Wars franchise or the Wizard of Oz.
>Sanders was ever going to be on the ticket
kys r*ddit
Alice in wonderland
Enter the void
>Trump will fuck over both the alt-right and the mid-west white working class that supported him
Based, The next four years will be glorious
Learn to read.
Nighry nhht /Cum/ ja ve a nice dream
That brings me about to direct my mind toward someone or a thing that is unspecified or unknown. I am even actively bringing together connected thoughts or suggestions as to a possible course of action.
Yes. First we got the liberal salt with his victory, now we can witness the Alt-Right and Republican salt. This election is truly the gift that keeps on giving.
Alright, good point. But he kinda ruined it when he said white people can't be poor.
I am going to have a French gf and there is nothing you can do to stop me
>Trump thinks he can run a country like a business company
This is why he will fuck up the entire economy
>hilldawgs whole strategy was to appeal to poor people and minority groups in poverty
Uh no, her whole strategy was
>Trump sucks, vote for me
Pretty shitty candidate ngl
Not an argument, his kids are shit too, pic very related
>hilldawgs whole strategy was to appeal to poor people and minority groups in poverty
True, but Trump and Sanders aren't as different from each other as either would like to claim.
>his kids are shit too, pic very related
Yeah, it's too bad this is fucking irrelevant
you forgot
>(if your "country" hasn't balkanized yet)
*sips tea*
What does this even mean? Who thought she was actually going to jail?
>her whole strategy was
Did you forget that she has a vagina?
What are you talking about, they won't be the only ones affected. We all are bruh!
You'd have to be in order to understand facts. It's why lolbertarians are lolbertarians.
>tfw feeling more postironically autistic everyday on this chinese cartoon site
>Let's talk about our candidate who could never be voted for XDDD
>He's relevant
The American Communist party talks about the worker too.
It's going to happen bud
Nothing can stop me
>Who thought she was actually going to jail?
Sup Forums
>eating a jalapeno and cheese bagel with jalapeno cream cheese
>implying you didn't get conned
Arrêttes!! En le nom de la loi!! Pour mon dieu et l'amour!!
All those people wearing Hillary for prison shirts I would think. At the very least.
You speak good french or they will ignore you. French are like that.
that is a really cute image
>implying anything
Kill yourself
How good a President do you think Trump will be?
I put him in the middle-low all-time. He isn't going to be nearly Buchanan-tier in being bad, but he's also not going to be a Reagan. Overall, I like him better as a celebrity than as a President.
>tfw I just got 3 (You)'s in a row
I love you /cum/
Contractors that he is known for screwing over and not paying. Also, Hillary Clinton did talk about working class issues, the difference is in how they went about it which determined how the media covered it and how they were perceived. The media doesn't like it when candidates actually seriously discuss policy, it's why they almost completely ignored Sanders and why they chose not to cover this aspect of Hillary's campaign. What the media likes is flash and name calling, which is what Trump is good at. Him screaming about starting trade wars and tearing up trade deals is the kind of shallow showmanship that the media can't get enough of.
inka musume lewdsss
t-thanks user
He's going to fuck our shit up dude
He's not even President yet.
He made some Jew Goldman Sachs employee and Soros parter in charge of america's finances
Brilliant master stroke, the drumpfsters are grasping at straws
Bad. He's going to lose the Pacific to China and the ME to Russia and he's going to end our economic dominance to please a few retards in the Midwest
Here's hoping that he's impeached in a few months
If I lived in America I would be an alcoholic
Like a decent 500ml beer here? $3-4
500ml vodka? $35
He'll probably lower our international standing, but I doubt we'll be plunged into another Civil War or other such crisis, especially in only 4 years.
Reagan was alright, but then again at least he had some Gubernatorial experience under his belt while Trump has nothing.
>literally wrong about everything during this election
>has accused rival site realclearpolitics of having a political bias for including IBD in their aggregates - the most accurate poll over the past five elections, every election
>this man hasn't killed himself yet
>If I lived in America I would be an alcoholic
Why aren't you an alcoholic now?
Trump is not Aryan
>this entire thread
I never realized there were people less qualified than Sup Forums to discuss politics.
Yeah, that'll suck. Clinton was actually the Conservative candidate in this election, especially since she quashed Sanders and since the Senate would've been Republican-controlled anyway. Now the leftists have won in the long run, especially if Trump is as unpopular as he might be.
He's still alright for Sports, the Cubs thing notwithstanding.
I pint's a £ the whol worl round
Nate Silver was definitely thinking about it on election night.
he'll be an okay president.
>tfw your to intelligent to talk about politics
Too expensive
Would someone really do that? Talk about politics in a /cum/ thread?
German user humiliates his nation
there will be a constitutional crisis in two years and trump will seize absolute power thus signaling the end of democracy throughout the western world and the rise of fascism screenshot this post
Id wish they stop. This is worse than water cooler discussion at work
Booze is cheap here, I suppose.
Then again, you guys stuff is probably much stringer than here so you might have to spend more due to your high tolerencr of acohol.
*something something not catchy hillary chant*
Uh, *shimmies*
What's the point in being an alcoholic if you aren't going into crippling poverty to finance your problem
/um/ when?
You mean /u/, there are only 3 Mexicans that regularly post
>/usa/ and two mexicans
Go for it.
you should seriously consider suicide
I hope when he's old and done with life, he can look back and realize what a sham he has lived. Used up by the political machine, he will be forgotten, his efforts for naught. He could have been happy if he wanted to.
you mean /uuuu/ hothead
Oh, I am sorry for believing politics belong in the board labeled politics. And before you start calling me liberal, I voted for the donald, I am just getting tired of the autism and pointless drivel, user. What is the point when both sides will never agree.
>when it hits too close to home