Why are they so self-hater, Sup Forums?

why are they so self-hater, Sup Forums?

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It's our tradition.

Kids on history lessons learn "look kids, we wuz great for 800 years but than partitions, wars, communism and BAM, we're shit, deal with it".

It's one of the ways to cope with long periods of communism and the slow and painful recovery, especially when you have countries who never suffered this plague in close vicinity for comparison.

This. You need to see the flaw to develop.

because the alternative would be Barbossa-tier WEWUZism

Holaproxys, mostly osstigerms and vatniks


the sarmatian, wend and vandal wewuz seems to be ded now, I kinda miss it desu

makes sense, pic related

Because their country is a shithole

no, you're a shithole

t. argentina

Russian are the most self hater, maybe it's the winter

Self-hating is literally a part of our identity.
Picrel is Józef Piłsudski, the father of interwar Poland and the hero of Polish-Soviet war.
And those are some of his quotations:
>"Polacy są narodem idiotów."
"Poland is a nation of idiots."
>"(...) tylko dzięki zaiste niepojętej, a tak wielkiej i niezbadanej litości boskiej, ludzie w tym kraju nie na czworakach chodzą, a na dwóch nogach, udając człowieka."
"only thanks to incomprehensible, and yet so grand and limitless mercy of God, people in this country don't run on four legs, but on two, pretending to be human beings."
>"Choć nieraz mówię o durnej Polsce, wymyślam na Polskę i Polaków, to przecież tylko Polsce służę."
"Even though I constantly talk about dumb Poland and Poles, after all it is Poland that I serve."
And so on, and so on, half of the stuff he ever said is basically yelling insults at Poland. Keep in mind he is very respected here to this day.
So basically one of our most relevant historical figures was a proto-shitposter.

>"only thanks to incomprehensible, and yet so grand and limitless mercy of God, people in this country don't run on four legs, but on two, pretending to be human beings."

>So basically one of our most relevant historical figures was a proto-shitposter.
something tells me he would post in /polska/ especially

Because they always get their flag upside down.

quite often it's both
I'd even say that these two reinforce each other

mindless attention whoring on self-hate at 4chin =/= some healthy criticism by Piłsudski...

We do it just for you.

I think deep inside, under all the layers of irony and shitposting, it all stems from essentially the same sentiment.

it's a shithole

Still more white and Civilised than London


this is what I call a shithole

yet they still flock here in record numbers, and no brits move to poland

really makes you think

>and no brits move to poland
this is actually good for Poland

they left the EU just to get away from you vermin


kek, this is all you have?

more than Argentina, a crumbling 2nd world nation with no future excepting stagnation.

>no brits move to poland
And thank god for that.
Chavs urinate publicly and puke everywhere when they come for their ebin binge drinking trips here.
I can't even imagine what it would be like if these apemen actually stayed here.

mental how those apemen became the most influential in the world whereas poland....well poland is poland.



mental indeed


Poland is, memeing aside, the best country in the world right now.

you're on 3chan m8

then look at us very well m8, because you're going there with the amount of niggers you're receiving

That's because he was Litwin

>western europe
kek'd a little