why cant people abandon their inferior subhuman languages and adopt the superior language which is English ?
Why cant people abandon their inferior subhuman languages and adopt the superior language which is English ?
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Already on it senpai
Whats wrong with speak multiple languages? English is easy to learn compared to other languages.
Speak for yourself.
because people arent as inferior and subhuman as you lazy fatfuck at least
English isn't even the number one language. Are you really going to tell the Chinese and the Spanish speakers to quit?
English is shit. Old English is the best.
English is useless in Russia.
>English is easy to learn compared to other languages.
It's easy to learn to the people whose native language is similar to English.
la reconquista comienza..
i think speaking at least 3 dramatically different languages should be mandatory in schools
it literally will make you less stupid, and make you understand your own language better
>why cant people abandon their inferior subhuman languages and adopt the superior language which is English ?
Not with that attitude.
Language learning in general would make people less stupid.
Unfortunately in the United States we seem to have a lot of retards who think learning other languages is tantamount to communism.
You won't believe the amount of redneck parents who try to prevent their middle school students from learning Spanish.
The Armenian Genocide was real.
So you'll get annoyed by the fact that not everyone speaks your language. It also aims at helping you not to be such a lazy and stupid cunt.
the Armenian genocide never happend
I am speaking from experience though, im from india and hindi & telugu are far apart from english. We had english class in school but no one used it outside class, even watching cartoons/wwe/3 stooges/little wonder we just saw the animation without knowing much of what they were saying outside basic stuff like hello/name/eat.
Moved to america when I was 9, speaking it normally without any problems in less than a year after spending summer months watching price is right/nickelodeon/pax tv shows. English is piss easy to learn, this is from experience.
this is how it should be for everything here
You keep talking shit and I will start talking in türkçe.
Old English is just another boring Germanic language. Nothing special.
>bastardized language spoken by peasants during French dominance in Englad's royal court
>superior to anything
5am and he is able to make me laungh. Never change amerika.
i hope you enjoy talking to yourself because nobody else will give a fuck
>hurr I said an insult that would be childish in your language but you can't understand so it's funny hue
I don't get why bilingual people do this
He's right though, it's pretty easy
If they hate the Mexican so much, why can't they choose some other language like French or German to study for their children? When I was studying at school I had to attend German language classes instead of English ones, because my parents didn't allow me to study English.
English is retardedly easy
t: Finno ugric whose language is nothing like English.
My refusal to learn Spanish has nothing to do with thinking bilingualism is dumb and everything to do with understanding that we must refuse to accommodate Spanish at every turn because of the rate at which is it encroaching on the country. The last thing we want is to relieve pressure on them to learn our language by learning theirs instead.
Ah yes. As a descendant of an Armenian who escaped the Turks, I offer a chuckle. These turks are so sensitive.
>because my parents didn't allow me to study English.
really Wasilij?
This tbqh
I don't dislike the Hispanics but I don't want America to become Spanish speaking.
We learn English at school you idiot.
Yes, they were (and still are) ultravatniks, extremely ango- and americophobic.
How is english superior? I speak it and know it to be shit. Honestly I see english as a bad thing for the world because it is a cultural underminer and promotes globalism and that is very jew sounding.
No language is really harder than another, it is all based on what your native language is.
>I don't want America to become Spanish speaking.
That Latin race will win, you'd better start learning Spanish or French now because our victory is inevitable.
Evidently not very well, and the ones who move here are generally terrible at adopting English.
Icelandic is an objectively superior language though
We should change our language to French or Italian, that would be pretty cool. I hate mestizos but am cool with the white hispanics. Some argies I met were Italian and were pretty cool
fuck yourself
yeah a thousand years ago perhaps
ehh suck a dick americans can already learn anything they want
Iceland is rightful Norwegian cly
do Scandinavians still pretend their language is nordic and not a german rapebaby?
>No language is really harder than another, it is all based on what your native language is.
this is strictly false
all languages convey bit information, which has a computational requirement in the form of energy, just like any computational process requires. bits themselves are measurements of energy transfer as well.
we can literally see the computational load certain languages require in the brain via cat scans
some languages ARE harder than others, and use various areas of the brain differently
you humanities majors REALLY need to stop with the whole "everything is ambiguous and uniform because I imagine it is in my mind" bullshit.
mira el putaso norteamericANO
source on this because memes aside this contradicts most things I've read
>german rapebaby
I don't even know what you mean by this desu. Similarities are due to all being Germanic languages and not from German influence.
>some languages ARE harder than others, and use various areas of the brain differently
Are these words based on some scientific research or you just have told them out of your ass?
>superior language
German is much better.
memes aside this is basic linguistic computation
brains don't work off of the aether. our brains use computational inputs. like any cognition/calculation, computation has an information structure which necessitates energy and bitrates
theres no "source" I can give you for basic linguistics. try reading the entire wiki and all the links in it. this is basic shit
>gendered nouns
>superior language
Did you just assumed my gender you shitlord?
También van a postear eso aquí, no jodas
computational neurology, fag
I love how everyone magically assumes that anything immediately outside of their sphere of comprehension automatically defaults to magic
>all types of thought and ways of thinking are equally computationally intense because of MAGIC
come on russia. this is like, the ONLY thing you guys are even good at. you should know about this
during the late middle ages there was huge amounts of Low German influence on the continental Scandinavian languages mate
Danish was the most affected but swedish and norwegian were too
most obviously through a shit ton of loan words but grammar and phonology were both affected
for some examples every single word in swedish that begins with be-, ge- or för- is a german loanword
even the word for language "språk/sprog/however swedes write it" is a german loan word
English is easy for hispanics, and sound so beautiful so i like it.
this is certainly not "basic linguistics" and the fact that you act like it is lends me to believe you actually don't know much about linguistics
on the contrary studies have shown that the more information carried in a phoneme the slower the language is articulated to the extent where almost every known language transfers information at very similar rates
I am a computer science major and I know amongst computer languages I really think there are tradeoffs between languages.
For example, Mips Assembly is easy because it has few commands/instructions so that is very little to memorize, however because of this you must build the complex abstractions from simple commands, and this is quite tedious
on the other hand something like C++ or Java has tons of built in functionality which is alot to memorize, however it does alot of stuff for you that assembly doesn't.
Also The brain isn't the only part involved in language, how about the vocal cords and tongue? For example I bet Japanese is more taxing on the brain than English but less taxing on the tongue as Japanese has a far simpler phonology than English.
oye waunu, you go to da washateria tomorrow to cleng clowds.
English ftw
How sad when the Latin American country furthest from us is much better at English than the beaners next door.
many amateurs and computer scientists underestimate the value of syntax though in favor of morphology
in general the more complex the morphology the harder it is for a speaker to get the words out of his mouth but it's easier for the listener to understand because he doesn't have to read as much into the syntax
well mexicans arent white, so there's that.
>you should know about this
I'm not a neurologist, neurophysiologist, neurobiologist or neurophysicist. These areas are very far from my degree subject.
and we go to usa with visas, jump the wall is for niggers.
>every single word in swedish that begins with be-, ge- or för- is a german loanword
No. A lot of words starting with be-, ge- or för- might be loan words, but it's the prefix that was borrowed. An example is "bespara", be + spara, spara is from old norse. Or "belåna", be + lån(a), lån is also old norse in origin.
>most obviously through a shit ton of loan words but grammar and phonology were both affected
Yes, languages in close proximity tend to affect each other. But that doesn't make one of them into the other under most circumstances. And German is pretty much completely unintelligible for Scandis. There's the odd word you recognize but that's about it.
that's because the argentinians like english so much and learn by his own... because the english that the school teach isn't more than "Open the window, my name is Victorino, nice to meet you,etc..."
btw, english sound cool for us and is easy to learn if you really want to.
Íslenska er mikið fegurra mál en engilsaxneska.
Ættu allar þjóðir heimsins að tala eitt mál, bið ég Drottinn að það yrði Íslenska. Í þúsöld hefur þjóð vor varðveitt tunguna og verndað af kostgæfni og alúð. Skulum vér eigi uppskera líkt og vér höfum sáð?
En: Icelandic is a much prettier language than English, if every nation in the world were to speak one language, I ask the lord that it be Icelandic. For 1000 years our nation has preserved the language with diligence and care, shall we not reap as we have sown?
it IS basic linguistics
what you probably learned in your undergrad classes was clinical linguistics to prep you for some sort of speech pathology program.
that's like saying the core of medicinal science is nursing
the core of linguistics is information theory you fag. go kill yourself
low morpheme languages tend to convey information faster. chinese is about 30% faster than romance languages. that's pretty fucking fast and not "very similar."
of course there are tradeoffs
fags these days learn some kindergarten-level undergrad program without any rigor and they think that the entire world runs on equality magic, where everything is exactly the same because of feelings magic, and differences are caused by hitler
I don't do much having to do with strain involving the vocal chords. no doubt differences in strain exist, if mostly negligible. japanese does take longer to speak
current studies show that japanese is fairly taxing in any case, being that it's a (maybe) altaic language with high level orthography from a foreign lnaguage group integrated into casual speech without clear cues as to meaning aside from formal rote education
doesn't mean it doesn't work, in any case. but it requires a great deal more processing power from any given person than a great deal of other languages. that's just a fact.
interestingly, orthographically, japanese and chinese are the fastest to read overall, by a pretty far margin. this is, of course, offset by higher computational requirements, which the other posters deny exist in spoken language, kek
Most people are ignorant who refuse to learn like rednecks.
Is it true you are able to read Old English?
of course it's unintelligible
so are french and english
doesn't change the fact that english is a french rapebaby
there are hundreds of German words in Swedish a significant number of which are common words in the core vocabulary (some of these may be spelled in danish):
drabba, flod, hustru, ort, rita, skicka, även, stad, redan, samt, sikker, arbejde, allerede, likväl, men, forlade, bädd, samle, ske, pligt, videnskab, etc. etc. etc.
this is not even to mention the changes to grammar and phonology which were clearly huge
no, Icelandic helps but it's far from sufficient
>[Japanese is] a (maybe) altaic language
>altaic language
why are you pretending to be educated in linguistics?
No, we are able to read Old Norse.
I've been asked about this Old English stuff before, and I can certainly make more sense of it than a monolingual speaker of modern English (as I speak both modern English and Icelandic) but I can't REALLY read it. I'd say I can understand maybe 35% of an Old English text without looking anything up, Old English had Þ and Ð so.
I was a little mad you insulted my Intelligence though. I don't deny objective truth and am not some kind of libtard, wishi-washi type, just was speaking from my experience learning languages. For example, From an English speakers perspective, I took Spanish and Italian in Highschool, and Korean in College and can rank the languages in terms of difficulty based on various elements and there are alot of tradeoffs.
English(most difficult)
Spanish(least difficult)
Overall Grammar:
Korean(most difficult)
Verb Tense Conjugation:
I am trying to be as objective as possible when judging but my english bias may come through
to be fair it's just our prestige register that uses many french words
people in rural parts of america and britain don't even use half of our vocabulary
german itself didn't gift us enough words to express nuance, which is why german itself borrows so many latin words for things that agglutination just doesn't work for
A great deal of loanwords and changes to grammar still doesn't make it a "german rapebaby", that's preposterous. Besides having looked briefly at Norse grammar I'm very thankful we let go of some of it.
There's nothing inherently good or superior with one's language being "pure" (I mean it's still a Germanic language, where do you draw the line?). The fact that so few speak Icelandic and that all but one language closely related to Icelandic changed significantly attest to the opposite.
so you disagree with something I advanced, cautiously, I might add, and that means I'm not who I say I am? k buddy
this board is nearly as stupid as /his/
you're judging language difficulty in terms of how easy it is for a foreign learner in a particular context.
outside of that context, languages have complexity in terms of bitrate, signal, etc.
some languages are LITERALLY harder for any theoretical blank slate brain just purely in terms of computation.
that's just a fact.
I don't care that you tried your best to be objective. I'm being rude because well meaning people like you use their personal experiences to try and invalidate the idea that computation doesn't exist.
that's stupid. computation doesn't care about your thoughts or personal experiences. it ALSO doesn't care about your context or status as a foreign learner. address it as computation, or don't address it at all
They used to say same thing about Latin amd French.
Where are they now?
Latin, dead.
French, an inferior communication medium for homosexual frogs.
Will English avoid this fate somehow?
>which is why german itself borrows so many latin words for things that agglutination just doesn't work for
>which is why german itself borrows so many latin words
>german itself borrows so many latin words
>borrows so many latin words
>borrows many words
>borrows words
>A loanword (also loan word or loan-word) is a word adopted from one language (the donor language) and incorporated into another language without translation.
it is to defend from economical colonization.
it keep own culure from investors.
that accent tell me this is the south or midwest. we have a lot of people like this.
the """""""""""""""""altaic language""""""""""""""""" family is practically a joke within linguistics and especially those who are ridiculous enough to try to link japanese and korean to it instead of leaving it with the already zero evidence Tungusic-Turkic family
the fact that you advanced japanese as an altaic language, even cautiously, indeed strongly suggests that you don't know what you're talking abotu
google translate didn't make that clear
there are plenty of latin words in german. I know next to nothing about your hakarl language, though, so I couldn't say
I was memeing m8
but your claim that history "attest to the opposite" is about as stupid
Old Norse which Icelandic is the closest to of any living language was far more widespread and useful than all the modern descendants today combined
I really, really dislike English. But since most people is forced to learn it, I guess there really isn't a better option at the moment.
But if there was, I would love a language that:
- You know how to perfectly pronounce a written word following the basic rules of the language, that is, without need of context or anything else. (There is a word for this, but can't remember it)
- You know how to write perfectly a word with only listening to it. No ambiguities, no confusions, no nothing. (There was also a word for this, but again, I can't remember it)
- No retarded "same sound/different writing" shit.
- No similar sounds. For example, I really don't want a bazillion of different "a" sounds that can change the meaning of everything. This crap makes learning a language a royal pain in the ass.
- Little to no exceptions.
- Well defined and simple grammar. (Not too much to memorize)
- It uses a simple alphabet.
- Has a centralized institution that is respected by pretty much everyone and that takes care of keeping the rules of the language in order. (It does a lot to make everyone learn the same language everywhere)
it's a fact that a major haplotype of japanese and korean descent moved across that very route and left major contributions in terms of patrilineal lines, which probably left some impact on the language
stop being autistic
choosing to champion or dampen this association to the point where it deserves the "award' of an official language family and associated intra-departmental promotions is purely a matter of academic politics
oh wait, you think academics is some sort of authority magic that always delivers the correct results irrespective of institutional politics?
wow, I feel sorry for you hakarl-kun
low iq costa ricans shitting up the thread with stupid ideas meant to enhance their inability to study
orthographical complexity allows words to be written without running into ambiguities
words that defy the normal rules ALSO reduce ambiguities 9/10 times, and the times they don't, they're typically the result of two languages fusing into one, which REDUCES complexity
stop just wishing for things to make things easier you spic. I bet you can't even do math.
jesus fuck, your entire list is just asking for things to be easier
you people come into my country and complain the schooling is too hard. jesus fuck. your genes suck. fuck off
"some impact on the language" is a completely different thing from being from the same language family m8, now that's basic linguistics
language families aren't "official", they're very well defined concepts that are either real or they're not
for example, english is not and will never be a part of the romance family even though it has been heavily romanized because by the definition of a language family it's germanic since it ultimately descends from proto-germanic (and before that indo-European)
and as of right now the only evidence for the turkic-tunguscic-mongolic family is very slim and any attempts to link japanese and/or kroean are just pathetic at this point which is why the theory was almost entirely abandoned among academics 50 years ago