Country family

country family

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>no america anywhere

Create your.

This is shot, Roman Empire is our ancestors as gaul were, maybe more. Best friend is USA since they're our best ally and share the same values.

You can't be more wrong.



pls no

Friendly rival should be Germany




i have two


>Italy is a tomato

oh and this

Also, Ireland and Scotland aren't friends.
Germany in friendly rival and the US+Japan in friends.

>France is your brother

>Not friend

Switzerland being "french" and Luxemburg?

Come on man.

even if i or you don't like it...
France had a great influence in our history but we learned that never trust the french, they are perfidious like Albion

They'd have been if they separated from the UK during the referendum.
>Aimer un pays en alliance avec la perfide Albion

>France had a great influence in our history
We had influence in the whole world. It doesn't mean we're bros with the planet.

Scotalnd definitely is a friend

I hope they do and join the EU, I am worried though.

East expansion of the EU was questionable and possibly even supported by the US in the day to also expand NATO and have inter eu tensions fuck us up.

Arguably the german speaking countries,france,benelux and dutchies are the core EU with Italy, portugal and spain.

Central America cluster is absolutely adorable.

i just read the first phrase
i'm not going to discuss about this, i'm losing time




I don't have one so I am just going to post this one, just because I can
>that chile

>friendly rival is UK
>not chile

you switched brazil with the UK hermano :3

>apefrican sons
More like lowly bastards we adopted out of kindness

>friendly rival

We dont even rate you desu

I didn't make the image
You can switch it if you want

sorry, i accidentally the template

Hey dood we used to be your family too

>cueca cuela

>tfw lazy

toppest kek. You're indeed the best guay


god, I hate our colonies so much

(no offence, England)


kek canada is like a skinny submissive bitch compared to a strong and big america

Your ancestors come from the kingdom of Sokhai nigger


It gets even more pathetic
>Natural enemy


My province


You forgot to turn on your Australian proxy

What's that, Canada?

this sucks why did you even post?


We consider France Ireland and Catalonia our friends

Your ancestor is spooky

>American memes

I'm making a better one, don't let the mods archive the thread

I made one for Mexico

>having two dads


is it gud?




The frames on the glasses are too chick. Looks geriatric.

oh well i guess it's fine then lol

Friendly rival m8



Hey dood we're also one of your parents :^)1

Dammit, and I live in a mostly Dutch area, I should have remembered this

I like you Colombia




Brother should be only Guatemala or Central America or southwest US, i wouldn't even consider Peru to be a brother of us for example

>former enemy


How could you say that? We designed our flag after yours, we wanted to be a republic like you, the short-lived Republic of Connacht only existed because of your help the Irish Brigade served the Kingdom of France for 100 years and the Napoleonic Irish Legion was the only French foreign legion to earn a gold eagle. You helped us more than any other country in history.

I wasn't sure whether to put Japan or Germany for former enemy, but it seems like there was a lot more hatred between Americans and Japanese in the 40s so they were the better choice.


You're one stupid burger.

You can guess the spanish

You embarrasse the rest of us.


Bigger is better.

Natural enemy is obviously Britain

Para la otra agregas a Bolivia y Ecuador tambiƩn


Ancestor one makes no sense lad, should be a picture of Gaels

>Mexico and not the Natives

This is the real Canadian one, ignore the others.

It's the closest thing to a Gaelic flag.

>Irish saltire and Irish harp

so your life revolves around America?
hows it feel to be 2nd place?

>blue background
Naw it is not, fuck off

Because that's the colour of Ireland you stupid brit. Green is a meme.

The blue background was added by the Brits, gobshite
>green is a meme

>2nd place?

I wish

Fuck off you Leinster-loving monkey. Blue is still our official colour despite what shitty tourist traps sell you.

Bet you're that shoneen who'd tongue Thatchers mulchy vag for British citizenship
