Did i just fixed Europe?


Other urls found in this thread:


the blank map for anyone who want to try and do better than this
>pro tip you can't

and a racial map for help

>Alternate Europe by redalertbryanl


so what my map is pretty different

>The megali idea will never happen.


Yeah it is
>Belgians in charge of borders

>racial map

>Its greeks take over west Turkey and North Cyrups while Kurds and armenians take the east Turkey episode

Shit episode my friend

Southern Jutland will never be Germany again

And Germany is too big.

t. butthurt Turd

>kaliningrad polish
>lwów still not polish

bullshit map

Hey it's the way most racial maps are determined and league is a big characteristic to understand someone's "race" I don't see the problem

>no Belgium

You did well, fellow Greek.

This, he even gave Romania a bunch of ethnically Ukrainian lands but didn't give Poland its terra irredenta.

Everything fine except Belarus being a part of Russia. We would be really happy to not have border with Russia at all, it would be a great comfort.

>Implying you'll ever get Lviv back
Why don't you give back Silesia and Pommerania first before making demands you shithead

Made some improvements

East Germany is rightful Wend clay.


Much better, wallákbarát

t. hohol diaspora

Chimp out proof


It was perfect until I saw what you did to Belarus

Fuck, didn't notice.


>moldavia bordering poland
I love this

>giving germans more power

>scotland independent
>ireland not back under the crown
shit map


>give other countries not only their full ethnic homeland but also shit tonnes of other tenuously claimed territory
>break up the UK that has been united for centuries

Why are people so jealous of us?

>wanting the giant leech that is scotland

Because I love you, baka

love you too

>no Switzerland
Kill yourself shitskin

Sorry but this is the only viable solution to your problems


Poland is too big.

>independent Scotland
>united Scandinavia
>no Switzerland
>no east-Germany
>Galicia to Portugal
>Slovenia and Czechia not part of Austria
>Wallonia to France
I think you have made so e mistakes there


I thought I posted in this thread already, you confused me lad.

So Senegalese are French ?

I would say that it's about right.


No, but I did


YOU did for me at least.
Maybe give less clay to the dutch

You're right. Belgium needs more clay. Give Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Luxembourg, Bourgogne and Franche-Comté to Belgium as well.

I like you australia

did holland just annex denmark?


>australian man saves Europe


>tfw that map includes all European countries expect one

bit exaggerated for us, Scotland and Wales

I like it except turkey would be green and spanish america would be it's own thing.

Yes, that would be better, but I just grabbed a map based on an anime (Code Geass - It's pretty good btw) and edited the picture to included Mr. Trump.


luxembourg will never be part of an other country except for an unitited Benelux country

>forcing spain/france/italy to take care of all those african shitskins

shit map

You wish


>feudalism in the ottoman empire
>implying that present-day turkish isn't full of turkish loanwords anyways

Púdrete, griego de mierda, muerto de hambre

Luxembourg is ours, mate.


no your people are luxembourgs and now back to the construction site , we don't pay you minimum wage to be on Sup Forums all day


>le catalonia maymay

Why does every single foreigner fall for this

>turkey still exists
no it's still pretty retarded

>giving poland kaliningrad back
>not giving Lwów and Wilno back
pointless, literally pointless

I don't care how you color it in, as long as you give me my money.

fixed europe for you, no need to thank me

the real racial map

>making Hungary bigger to include diaspora
>doesn't give them southern Slovakia

>making Catalonia and Catalan-speaking territories independent
>doesn't give them Valencia

>splitting up the UK
>Wales doesn't get independence

>giving Poland Kaliningrad
>doesn't give them Lvov

>recolonizing Africa
>not doing anything with the land past the seacoast

Idea 10/10, execution 4/10

Close but no cigar