ITT: post your country's mosques

This is the Al-Rashid ("the righteous": one of Allah's 99 names) Mosque built in my hometown Edmonton, Alberta in 1938. It is the first mosque in Canada, and arguably the first mosque in North America. It was founded by Muhammad Abdul Aleem Siddiqi (from modern day Pakistan), built by Ukrainians in the style of an Orthodox Church, and inaugurated by the 21st Mayor of Edmonton, John Fry.

At the time, there were only 700 Muslims in Canada, mostly from British India to work in Canadian industry (railways, construction, lumber, mining). Edmonton was only a city for 34 years, so it's one of the city's oldest buildings. The Muslim community of Edmonton quickly outgrew the parish mosque of Al-Rashid, and the mosque has been moved to Fort Edmonton park, beside the 300 year old Fort Edmonton, on which the trade post, later town, later city of Edmonton was founded by Anthony Henday (from Edmonton, England).

This mosque is an integral part of Canadian history, as Muslims represent 3.2% of Canadians.

Other urls found in this thread:,_Belgrade,_Rotterdam

What the fuck canada. In here we dont even have a proper mosque but these random "muslim praying rooms" because why the fuck here should be a mosque

What the fuck I noticed only now it says jihad kill all the whites on its doors
theres a religion of peace

Largest mosque in yurop
Yuropiors btfoo

Wańka, you are so progressive.

Why haven't you destroyed it?

not sure what the designer was thinking with this colour scheme 2bh


It doesn't look too bad

T.Little russia

Looks like Lego.

There was this beautiful white mosque in Mexico City that got turned into a nightclub (the bulldog in Patriotismo for anyone familiar) I litreally got a handjob from a wannabe fresa in there.

There's a few decent looking ones here and there but they're all destined to the same fate sooner or later, fortunately pictured is about the limit of what they can economically manage here at the moment.

This is, apparently, a mosque. However it's an Amadiya mosque which is probably why they aren't trying real hard to be all mosquey.

We only have small, wooded, old tatar mosques that they still use.

tatars >>>>>>>>>>>> shit >>>>>>>>>> other muslims >>>>>>>>>>. arabs

There are Muslims in Colombia?

>how do you want your mosque senpai?
>just candy cane my shit up
>gotcha senpai

I drove by a pretty mosque last week but I don't have a pic.

>Russian education
We have nothing in common with you other than Slavic heritage.

> why the fuck here should be a mosque
Because these Muslim workers from India were skilled tradesmen who were foundational in building our city.

The least we can do is give build them a mosque to practice their faith.

Muslims have never been an enemy of Canada. They've always come here to contribute to our nation.


This city doesn't have a lot of history. They still hold the odd Friday Prayer there. It's literally one of the oldest monuments in Edmonton.

Tatars are okay. I have never heard anyone complain about them

> I litreally got a handjob from a wannabe fresa in there.

The Carthaginians had temples to Ishtar that doubled as brothels. Women went to these temples pray to Ishtar for fertility, men when to them to fertilise the "priestesses" for a small tithe.

>destroying public historical structures as a religious/ethnic/territorial statement
sounds like ISIS

Yes, a lot of lebanese people came after WWI, most of them where christians but some of them where muslims, they've been in the country for many years


>tfw the National Headquarters of the Nation of Islam is right by my College Campus

t trudeau

They hate arabs.

Selim Chazbijewicz a Polish Tatar professor said that arabs are a threath to autochtonic muslim population in Europe and should never, ever be taken in by European countries.

I am going to have to ask you to stop shitposting Ahmed.


Why does this pic make me hungry?,_Belgrade

this the only mosque in my city left from Ottoman times. There were more than 200 mosques in Belgrade but were all destroyed/converted, lel. Only this one survived.





The whole building looks like a lolly



I like it. Its different, but not in an ugly way.



>implying it wasn't a filthy kafir that wrote it

>implying NoI are muslims


Disgusting thread made by a Paki tbqh.






>This mosque is an integral part of Canadian history, as Muslims represent 3.2% of Canadians.

lmao kill yourself. Muslims have literally contributed nothing to Canadian history. How could they when they just started showing up a few decades ago



built in the 16th century, turned into a Catholic basilica in the early 18th c


another, this one's built in the first half of the 17th century, now operates as a museum

your a dorable

built in the 16th century, used as a dwelling house after the expulsion of the Ottoman Turks, then refurbished completely in the 1970s, now serves as the place of worship for the muslims who've fled from Serbia during the Yugoslav wars

>It is the first mosque in Canada, and arguably the first mosque in North America
open a book

>This mosque is an integral part of Canadian history
>Canadian history

then there's this, the only Turkish mosque of Hungary which still retains its minaret


Largest mosque in Bergen, our second most populous city.,_Rotterdam

I live close to this mosque. It was built for the Turkish community, apparently. Voted most beautiful building in Rotterdam like 10 years ago.

Might even be true as Rotterdam is one of the ugliest cities because the Germans flattened it in WW2.



The biggest mosque in Europe




Being proud of being cucked

>never seen islam shit in my life


Slovakia is only country in Europe to not have mosque

>kill all the white
that's the spirit brothers

turkfucks left some there, but as i know, there are none left in usage, thank God

only some carpets-in-the-basement mosques in budapest where the migrant arabfucks/turkfucks pray in hide

On the left it's our mosque
On the right our giant cross

The funny thing about the mosque is that our former mayor asked Morocco if they could invest on muslim archictecture, he ended up only building the minaret and using the money on other things

Here are all 3 """mosques""" in my province

Literally don't have a single one

in my town there were a little mosque in the middle of an industrial zone (for immigrant workers), but it was abandonned for a new one finished in 2007. It's called An-Nur (The Light), like the association that was in charge of building and managing it. The association didn't accept funds from governemental entities, donations were only accepted from believers.

We have one of the best recitators in the entire country

How's the muslim community doing ? Here the mosque gives free lessons to help highschoolers graduate, thanks to some generous teachers.
Unfortunately, the believers who pray there make a lot of noise, especially at night. And they park their cars anywhere, so that causes problems with the neighbours

>"The Islamic Cultural Centre of Iceland runs a mosque in Ýmishúsið on Skógarhlíð in Reykjavík."