When you think of Europe, do you first think of the individual countries, or do you just see the EU?
How do outsiders view the EU?
Other urls found in this thread:
"5 souveniors for 1 euro"-France
Big Fat Sausages to represent the need for BBC-Germany
Surrendered in 1 Bomb during ww2-Netherlands
Countries I guess. What first comes to mind is a mental map of Europe's languages t b h
Absolutely the individual countries
i'm a freedom man
I think of EU like the US, but countries as individual states.
It's a megomaniacal Imperium Germanicum, and it must be destroyed by the Anglo race, for the sake of Western Civilisation.
The EU is more like China. Each of the "countries" are provinces based on medieval kingdoms and sub-kingdoms, all ruled by the iron fist of Beijing/Brussels.
All it really needs is better governing and set spikes on land so no refugees go in
Jewish conglomerate
I just see the EU and its efforts to destroy sovereignty
It needs to be dismantled, like the Germanic Empire before it.
We need WWIII, except this time we nuke Berlin.
you're a redpilled man
I think of it as a failed kike attempt to federalize yurope
yurope is a cancer
islam is the answer
I've lived in Europe for half of my life, so in my own experience, it's a great continent to live in.
It's not perfect by any means, but the authenticity of local cultures is admirable, I used to live an hour away from dairy and veggie farms back in England, I've also known these nice old beekeeping couple who had the best and most organic honeycombs I've ever tasted in my life.
Don't get me started on how beautiful southern France is, it's so spectacular, possibly even better than west Italy if you ask me.
>When you think of Europe, do you first think of the individual countries, or do you just see the EU?
The individual countries, of course. What kind of sick person negates all the diversity across each of the European nations' distinctive cultures into a singular, ambiguous "European-ness"?
When you think of North America, do you think of Canada/Mexico/USA, or do you just think of us as displaying "North American-ness"? When you think of Asia, do you think of Russia, China, India, Singapore, Thailand, or do you just think of those people displaying "Asian-ness"?
Don't listen to the corrupt globalist overlords who are bent on deconstructing the nation state and scrapping every unique element of a country's culture just so they can create some singular, borderless, culturally-extinct "world" comprised of its 8 billion subjects.
The people who are behind globalism may use "Diversity" as a turn of phrase, but their goals are really to eradicate any difference between people to the extent that it might lead to some countries resisting population replacement. The concept of "Europe, generally" rather than "Europe, comprised of the European States" is an attempt at exactly that. It is the twisted brainchild of postmodernism, and its Kafkaesque bureaucratic tentacles, the divisions, commissions, committees, etc. have zero democratic legitimacy. Those behind that dystopia have proven themselves unwilling to recognize massive financial problems, societal unrest, and the increasing rise in intolerance that stems from shoving diametrically-opposed cultures into the same narrow space and expecting them to play nice. If you want to get rid of the EU you have to win the power back yourself.
I think of the whole continent including Russia
>What kind of sick person negates all the diversity across each of the European nations' distinctive cultures into a singular, ambiguous "European-ness"?
All the leading European politicians.
I think of other countries relying on Germany for economic support and Germany trying to destroy the social fabric of other countries.
I think of the "main" countries like France, Germany, and Italy, and the rest of the countries I think about their "region" first like the Nordic Countries, or the Balkans etc etc
as individual countries, with some separate upper powers like EU council, parliament and council, bound together by some rules.
This pretty much
I hope for federalization one day. But as for now it is hard to think about EU as a very united formation.
>I hope for federalization one day
top cuck
Cuntmuffin ^^. So you disagree
I think of Europe as an entity, not as a political block. I only think of individual countries when it comes to history desu, nowadays you are basically merged in one homogeneous blob with slight differences.
group of central countries with a shared love of bureaucracy and their southern neighbours whose national sport is tax dodging
I think of it as a collection of varied countries. The EU and the euro have always seemed weird to me.
It's a useful Free Trade organization
Euros (currency) are cool, and its worth keeping free trade even if Europe dissolves.
When I think of europe is see nations:
>all ruled by the rubber fist of Brussels
>that Switzerland
Aww :3
To eliminate Turkey unfairly on the grounds of religion and ethnicity seems to be out of regretful values in the medieval dark ages.
Also, Germany must fulfill its responsibility to Greek finances.
People who keep putting themselves into bad situations and then blame it on others