
This is what Switzerland looks like


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usa > switzerland

And this is Skopje

We are clearly superior to Switzerland


yeah, but it makes me feel bad, i had a serious gf for like 3 years and never let her suck it, cuz i was too self-contious

im genuinely thinking of moving to fucking korea or romania so i could be normal ffs

Can't be touched

Why do russians always have hi res photos


>No cyrillic

This isnt russia

ye that's nederlands

>3 years
>never succd
what the fuck...

she was kinda prudent anyway, we fucked like 2-3 times weekly anyway


heaven for gypsies

surinamese and somalis usually stole the bikes

>mfw a gypsy unrionically stole my roommate's bike few months ago


its so fucking good brehs

ko ima m/u 2te filiiki hlqb ?


NEVER fucking quote my posts again, filthy diaspora swine

bad post

first of all
>4 in the morning
Hellooo fatso
second of all
post ingredients

forgot to give (you) the (you)

kys faggot, im drunk as shit, ill do whatever the fuck i want


>got a dank-ass whole grain baguette
>slice that shit in two
>spread olive paste on the one side of it
>spread butter on the other
>put some quality ham in betweeb
>put some turkey fillet
>put some cured pork meat
>some prosciutto
>top it with shitloads of grated kashkaval(Bulgarian yellow cheese)
>a few slices of tomatoe
>put a small stem of thyme inbetween
>bake the shit out of it in the over
>top it with a bit of sriracha, mayo and dijon mustard

it tastes like heaven, brother

holy fuck it actually sound fucking delicious desu.
i`d definitely try to replicate this but with fewer cured meats desu
tnx for the idea voulgarbro
good luck with the hangover tomorrow tho
good night

call me voulgar once again an ill BEAT the shit out of YOU, you filthy brownie, you hear me ???

bretty good la, personally id change the mayo with some mushroom sauce tho


I really fucking hate non-Bulgarians


ku jeni shqipe

Morning, cuckolds

needs more lens flare and maybe animations from bling

who won ?
LMAO opened news and literally everyone says that they won, what a country we live in...

who won in memedonia?
is he/she ok?

as i said senpai everyone says then won lmfao

So in theory, can /balk/ claim we actually won the elections?


is it wrong too mastorbate?

Whoever wins, you guys lose.

>tfw diaspora voted for vmro
fucking parents tbqh

Why does diaspora even give a fuck ?
I didn't voted and i live 2 meters from the voting place, why would you bother to go to an embassy to vote lmfao

Cause they're turbo nationalists

VMRO reign days are over

>Thats like being 63% white

>Can't coalition with shqips and hold all the power
>Skopje hates your guts (100% blue)
>Half the parliament is SDSM who cancel all your projects
>Meme parties like Levica and VMRO NP now in parliament

Based elections

Levica won 1% the vote by facebook word of mouth

11k votes


do they still hold majority in parlament ?

also arent they in coalitiion with dui?

>aljiancha za albantsite

makedonski, wtf?

is Grujo crashing this styrofoam plane?

How is the wageslave life?
just got back form brake, and its not bad.

>form brake

sounds fun my Proficiency-at-Iglis friendo

What the fuck is VESA?
How the hell did georgievski make it into parliament? Is there a quota to make?

just got out of the bed, and drinking tea in the "office" atm

How can we import Cuban girls in Balkans?

Tsipras made a first step by going to + ФΙΔΕΛΟC ΚΑΣΤΡΟΠOΥΛΟC + funeral, so what do we do next?

>Is there a quota to make

Yeah 40%.

It's over he can't legally coalition

Last elections he had 43% now he has 38%

btw Shqip parties lose their votes, you can check the map of rural shqip shitholes in northwest macedonia voting for SDSM


the dark blue is DUI not sdsm senpai

Skopje central area: 60% SDSM


No as in NP got like 2% votes, how the fuck do they get a seat?
Yeah, the sips won't go into coalition with him.
Enjoy your federalisation under Zaev.

Yeah I'm making shit up because it's funny

Also check kumanovo shqip parties combined are not half of vmro votes

And this is a sdsm city, stojance here tried to convince me zergs are taking it over

Macedonian news:

Greece expecting 2.7% gdp growth next year

Is this true

Yes, growth is expected. I doubt it would be that high but growth is growth

Sad thing is we lost 25% of our GPD within 6 years, which would need 10 years of 2.5% annual growth to be recovered.

Record 70% turnout

This means all the SDSM fags LIED about so many people moving out (600k lol). I can see with my eyes my friends are here


Malaka fuck this, we will never have the 666494.8% growth that Romania has :[[[

Kumanovo are mad at Ali Ameti because they don't get enough gibs, they stoned his car when he visited.
That's why they didnt showed up to vote

Now that I said "Romania"

>Romanians mocked us for electing Ayypiza

>They proceed to elect their own Ayypiza version

Does not compute

>That's why they didnt showed up to vote

They showed up BESA & Alijansa are their replacements

Romania just elected "social democrats" = commies


we are all commies now, comrades. Now we can finally federalize the balkans.

I get it lads, we're commie loving idiots because we never experienced the Moscow blessed enforced ideology

But Romania? A country that suffered by the ultimate Russian incompetent puppetry leadership, electing """""""socialists""""""""?

As thatcher said, Socialism is great until you run out of other people's money

depends on if they're actual socialists or not

the Bulgarian socialist party has implemented some of the most hardcore right wing economics ever including a flat tax


>implying eternal grujo will give up our country to sorosoid cucks and albos

Do you take Grujo for a retard ? He will false flag and raid some albo village and kill/arrest ISIS members/UCK members which will spark a civil war or riots.


>Bulgarian socialist party
they are "socialists" only on papers, tho. After the communism fell, the people from socialist party (that is direct successor of the communist party) became the most hardcore capitalists.

isn't that exactly what I wrote?

This nigga convinced sds fags that there's no "democracy" and vmro has slave operations where they make people vote so that's why there in power, and then sdsm wins in skopje.


Zaev victory speech in front of government


This is a pic from France though, not Switzerland.

French roads are always beautiful

We have some scenic roads indeed, I have nice memories from childhood going in vacation on the road across the country.
I bet you have your share of great roads too /balk/

i'm just pointing out that they are socialist only by papers

Feels so good being Macedonian :D

Everyone is competent here

Whoever wins we still win

That's the old challenger the orange version only came out in limited edition 2008-2009s

they don't appreciate architecture for retards?

discord link pls

Ke juni shqipe



Yeap, although balkan roads mainly aren't as big as the ones in France, those who pass through mountains or plains are nice and comfy

I've seen that very same Limited Edition once, driven by Djibrill Cisse when he was still playing for Panathinaikos

That car has a monstrous roar

what are you guys talking?

anti-roach coalition, obviously


1v1 me you lame gyppo

hmmmmm.... someone is impersonating me...

Show me one Bulgarian qt that will make me rock hard and I will invade the former whatever of Macedonia

Went for a walk outside

An extended walk. Whole city is buzzing. Very high energy today

Seems like everyone is in semi celebration mode expecting memes

no you are impersonating me

invading them, when?

here, do it

Body pic and I will bring my tanks

>tfw straso will never be pm
imagine the mems