Tfw a mexican make fun about how you lost clay

tfw a mexican make fun about how you lost clay

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yet you where butthurt enough to make your own thread

The countries around you were full of fucking monkeys, you didn't need to deal with the U S of A.

>We could give it all back and very little of value would be lost

Chile,Brasil,Paraguay were too strong in these times...

my butt is on fire.

Would you be ok with giving it back and making Texas independent again? we dont want texas here.

Can we get a refund on the gadsden purchase?

Central America? i didn't have idea that central america were mexican territory... how does they lost it? lol

because they wanted to look like a jalapeño

We allowed them independence peacefully. What's the story with tierra del fuego? Wouldn't it make more sense that it should just go to one country?

We let them vote.

Some Costa Ricans were fighting amongst themselves for months after they got their independence from us because the empire had already been overtrown and the news were really slow back then (they were fighting to decide whether to leave or stay in the empire).

The state of Chiapas (back then part of Guatemala) choose to stay.

Oh, thats has sense now, thanks mexicans.

I'm indifferent to Texas. We could keep them I guess. Just please take commiefornia

Who would win in a war between Argentina and Mexico?

I wish my country were part of Argentina

uh, where's the fight? but i guess that mexico will win... kirchner's destroyed our army... macri is buying some things but we are literally starting at 0.

Dude you people got big the same way canada did, as a default. You shouldn't really be comparing Mexico to Argentina but to Perú as the original viceroyships, At least we kept every single area that was a part of the Aztec empire, it's area of influence or natural aditions (Baja California, Yucatán) unlike the Inca empire which got divided. Mexico as a heir to the Aztec empire and the colonial kingdom of Mexico is the closest in the Americas to a nation with natural cultural borders.

you'll get european passport!

>Making mexico an even bigger shithole
Would it hurt you to be nice for once.

>tfw all the states we have from taking Mexico's territory are complete shit (excluding Nevada)
Mexico, I wish you'd take them back, barring the states that weren't completely Mexican territory (e.g. Utah, Colorado).

Only chicanos still giving a shit, you on the other hand...

wtf in what point of my history was I a Mexican
brb kms

what the neo-conartists are not telling the average "american" is that mexico is now unofficially part of the USA.

All this talk of walls and fences and deportations is complete bullshit

Thanks God you aren't

We have enough Bolivians to deal with it

Its in better hands now and we let them be in better hands, we don't whine 24/7 like muh malvinas

>tfw argies want to make this place a shithole


>lost clay
kek let it go, leave the nazi "lost clay" shitposting to Sup Forums
we're the buffer zone that got the best from both Brazilians and Argentinians

we're one and the same
we've been always one and the same
south Brazilians are gauchos and criollos too, one and the same
same lifestyle, same music, same everything

ya lo dijo Don Atahualpa: "una música tan criolla no se pierde así nomás, mientras haya una guitarra, Argentina u Oriental..."



stop pls :') i love you uruguayan, don't die never pls


eggxcelento postang :D :D: :D:D:D xDDDDDD maed ma thenk inededd

Question about Misiones. Was it a core part of Paraguay up until it lost the war of the tripple alliance?

>Sup Forums has annexed yet another part of another board's culture to the point where they think they created it/own it


%90 of misiones was paraguay's territory.

Only 90%? Was Posadas always Argentinian then?

What about Paraguay and Bolivia
If you're gonna count the Falklands you have to count the whole thing, clayloser.


Missiones seems to be cut in half from north to south between Paraguay and Brazil, or am I wrong? Is this map accurate?

>lost the falklands
more like failed invasion attept

100% of Misiones was Paraguayan. If the map is accurate