Friendly reminder whites are hated in everywhere. they have no future. and they will cease to exist in 8 years

friendly reminder whites are hated in everywhere. they have no future. and they will cease to exist in 8 years.

Welcome. we missed you

desu I think black people like white females atleast.

Yes fuck whites.

>fuk wite ppple dae tooks our lands
what an edge lord

>Be proud black Haitian kangz
>Revolt and kill all the white people
>No country wants to do trade with you
>Europe and most of South america puts embargoes on you
>Become and remain the poorest and most useless country in the western hemisphere

pic unrelated


all haitians should move to France and give their land to Dominican Republic.


More simply:

>Kill white people
>No more welfare
>Blacks revert to their natural primal state and eventually die out(1-3 years max)

angry apes like these should be shot on sight Tbh

>muh land muffuga y'all took dis shit
>well yknow he has a point, we did take his land we need to apologize this was THEIRS

>muh land muffuga y'all took dis shit
>omg fascism....this was centuries ago..

Anyone going for the muh land argument in the US should realize the US is what made their shitty state/island useful anyway

amerika itself is a taken land you retard.

Friendly Reminder that Turkey was relevant last when it was called Ottoman empire. Now it's just bunch of closetfaggots We wuzers.


>amerika itself is a taken land you retard.

Which piece of land wasn't decided by War at some point in time?

Isn't war and conquest literally how ownership of land was decided at some point in time?

Ok YavĂșz, now you can go back finish your pasta with yougurt and then after you can smoke some hash.

Exactly, which is why we should stop arguing over it and just move forward, all the 'natives' are practically dead anyway and all you have now is a bunch of wannabe natives(mexicans, haoris) who in fact weren't native, just reached the land before us but after another

I hear armenian voices? Can you hear them?

Which country doesn't have war and conquest in its history?

Is all land anywhere "stolen"? Kind of confused on this.

Good, the sooner wh*tes are exterminated the better for the world


Well here you have things like the Balkans where an invasive empire went in raped everyone and killed all the men, this is mirrored elsewhere(US as well). Now you have native Balkans and mixed Balkans living there, that is a huge problem for relations.

You have key differences in the US. The native populations were first off essentially completely destroyed, they were apologized to(for what its worth) and now get free gubment money for the wrongdoings. You also have huge populations besides just Europeans and natives that make it not such a dichotomy, and a general modern idea of diversity. Add the fact that Mexicans took a lot of land and the natives were insane murdering infighters and people really don't have much sympathy. You could go deeper in but at the end of the day if you want to argue over nativism I don't see the point in the US, it's a country made for immigrants and all the butthurt belt states would be 3rd or 2nd world without the US. A lot of places where ethnic conflict occurs are poor as fuck so people can't just ignore their problems with money

fuck the white people FUCK THEM piss of shit

>8 years
pretty generous

whos this qt?

Thank you based argie bro.

piece* you fucking spic

No way.