Be american

>be american
>literally 99.9% of people here are SJWs
>loud, ugly, fat people outside that I can hear very loudly talking about football and cheeseburgers while i'm in my NEET lair wearing headphones
>step outside
>get shot
>delivery from amazon
>open door to get package
>get shot
>costs over $1,000 to denounce citizen
>can't go to Japan because NEET

Just b urself

>le japan is a utopia meme

You are truly a fucking idiot. I'd play for your plane ticket if I could just to see your dreams shatter.

Japan has a very low crime rate and no SJWs.

>literally 99.9% of people here are SJWs
Stopped reading there the US are the most socially backwards developped country on earth.

Too bad Japan is nothing like your animes and everyone has the same black hair and dark brown eyes and all live boring lives

You are a neet. Literally worse than a criminal nigger

This doesn't mean anything.

Have you seen their insane work culture? Ever heard of Karoshi? The fact that many Japs are extremely depressed to the point where suicide rates are some of the world's highest?

It's nice to visit Kyoto and all the temples, but I'd never live and work there. I'd much rather a country like Switzerland.

>literally 99.9% of people here are SJWs
We just elected someone President who referred to Mexishits as rapists and criminals and campaigned on forcing them to pay for a wall to keep themselves out.

Reality =/= the stupid shit you've imagined.

>I'd much rather a country like Switzerland.
That's because you've never lived there.
If you did and you were'nt a housewife, you'd want to kill yourself too

>be me
>be white american in Japan
>walk outside
>surrounded immediately by my harem of 10/10 loli anime girls
>hum to myself as I get into my 100k Japanese made automobile
>drive to work bumping my sick Japanese anime character songs
>go into work and immediately receive a blowjob from office loli
>get offered promotion and 10 billion yen raise
>drive home and turn on the news
>giant statue of my glorious american cock has been erected in the middle of Tokyo
>this is what Americans actually believe


Yeah but yo know i had to write that or else it would trigger burgers

Depends on where you are. College campuses are insufferably leftist, but I assume that's everywhere.

No it's just you that is a triggered Sup Forumstard, monarchists infest my uni

Interesting. I agree we are rather socially conservative as a whole and OP has no idea what he's talking about.

>implying this isnt what happens

nice try zanichi


Average weekly work hours are very good.

Ton of social benefits.

All while maintaining relativel low taxes. France's suicide rate is higher than Switzerland.

im living your japanese dream tbqh :)

Yeah but damn this country's fun is non existent.
It's work->go home->dont make any unexpected things->go back to work

that's all you can say? At least be original babe.

exactly. we have freedoms insofar that we can buy a gun and rise up the social ladders, but we're completely owned by corporations and wages. there is no time for relaxing, learning, and having fun. if you want to succeed then you need to throw that shit all away.

how can someone complain about "sjws" when they're a neet

This NEETs are subhuman-tier kill yourself OP

>Be Japanese
>Live in a 2x4 ft room
>Work 160 hours in a week or end up on the streets
>Rely on America for doing anything
>Most of the people in Japan don't want that to change
>Those that do are right wing psychopaths
>They're either crazy or a mindless drone who hates free choice
>Your economy relies entirely on foreign countries and when anything happens in those countries Yen turns to feces for months
>Despite hostilities with every single neighbor have no actual military and don't want one
>The main pop culture attraction to your country is looked down on by everyone in it
I like Japan but eat dog shit OP.

>99.9% sjw
>half the country just elected donald trump

>literally 99.9% of people here are SJWs
You're retarded.

> be finnish
> your job is literally to shitpost on Sup Forums
> get paid 12 euros per hour