Why does Russia wanna see America great again?

Why does Russia wanna see America great again?

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Because everyone idolizes America. It's just a natural reaction.

we don't

Really makes you think.


>a single Mongol rape baby can speak for the largest country on earth with more than 140 million people and more than 160 different ethnic groups

Then why was your government trying to do everything it could to see that an inexperienced, thin-skinned, childish demagogue get elected?

>it's a lefties blame the russians because no one wanted to vote for their criminally corrupt candidate episode
You people are severely mentally unstable.

>Then why was your government trying to do everything it could to see that puppet gets elected?

for this I am here right?

any proofs you have?

I didn't want Hillary coronated either bru, but that was the will of our democratic overlords

really REALLY makes you think

I actually don't, just a bunch of people from the Washington Post and New York Times trying to undermine the legitimacy of Trump's presidency.

He has no proofs. Democrats and poopskins are losing their mind and have been for awhile. It's amazing what being raised on entitlements and handouts does to one's ability to cope with disappointment.

Letting them vote was a mistake.


Fuck you too Ivan.

I don't think they care what happens in the US as much as they just want to fuck around in Syria, like we did in Iraq, and not have to worry about Madam Nuclear President.


I think that the Russians wanted Hillary win, but severely weakened. Hillary is predictable member of the status quo, the devil they know. Trump offers opportunity but also serious risks.

It's likely they have the opposite intent.

Hahahahaha. Trump is america's Gorbachev, the Russians will be dancing circles around America for at least 4 years now.

to keep the world "interesting".

And more power to them honestly.

I can't think of a single person or group in Syria that couldn't be markedly improved by being made dead.


We're used to it after 8 years of Obama.

If by dancingg circles you mean forging a constructive partnership befitting of two great powers then so be it.

The world is not a zero sum game. What's good for Russia is not automatically bad for us and pretending otherwise is the height of idiocy.


Whatever you say my burger eating friend. Enjoy losing world power status and being told what to think by the kremlin.

Are you dumb


will trump be as based as reagan?

Kremlin, with capital letter

Outside of ending the cold war he was a terrible president.

>forging a constructive partnership befitting of two great powers
>forging a constructive partnership
>With Russia
Good luck

If he signs amnesty for mexicans like reagan then americans will truly get what they deserve.

I'm not entirely disagreeing with you, but important to note that the Executive isn't a dictator. POTUS needs consent of Congress to make most decisions, and even on those he doesn't, Congress can stymie his initiatives in other ways, assuming they have a 2/3rds majority.
This is by design. The Founders foresaw the possibility of a maniac at the helm , and separated powers accordingly.

If Congress desires to stop Trump from taking actions vis-a-vis Russia which they feel endangers our national security, they can't entirely prevent it, but they can ensure it doesn't get very far.


It's really not that hard.

Literally all we have to do is allow them to bomb Muslims at their leisure, a goal we share. Other than that just stay out of each other's way.

>y-you'll stop being a world power

Nobody fucking cares you retarded chink.

You are an absolute retard if you think the Middle East is where their projection of power ends. And now with Trump in power the entire world is back on the map.

>the us is in danger of losingg world power status to fucking russia
This is what I'm talking about, the ridiculous nonsense you lefties are expecting people to believe you further your narratives strains all credulity.

If you legitimately believe the US is in danger of losing status to fucking Russia of all places you are certifiable and neither you or anyone who shares your delusions should be anywhere near the halls of powet.

>butthurt belt


>Literally all we have to do is allow them to bomb Muslims at their leisure, a goal we share
Be honest, your knowledge of geopolitics and history ends on Sup Forums. Am I right?

The middle east, central Asia, and the Ukraine are more or less the extent of their power projection, yes.

And I would ask you which of those places should the US give even a fraction of a fuck about?

>Not even pres yet
>Bullying all his allies
>Trying to fight the 2nd world power
>Allying with some worthless dictator shithole with nothing but old nukes

I don't get this guy

>If you oppose Russia, you must be a leftist

They just exposed what we knew all along: American democracy is a fragile sham and voters are mouthbreathing idiots that vote based on muh feelingz rather than ground realities. Look at all the rifts it has exposed in the government, soon it'll be Rome 2.0 with each Gov faction trying to exterminate the other.

>pooland and canada getting increasingly nervous that their countries won't exist anymore without the US babysitting them 24/7

If your retarded countries cannot exist without a foreign power supporting and constantly defending it. It shouldn't exist in the first place.

>And now with Trump in power the entire world is back on the map.
What will Trump attempt to do that Congress can't cockblock?
He can make any overture he wants. He can fly there, take pictures, and shake hands. And Congress can mandate new sanctions on everyone he shakes hands with, and Trump can't stop it.
He can sign Executive Orders, but Congress can legislate them to oblivion. They don't disappear, but become irrelevant.

Nope. And in fact my grandfather was in the Polish military during WW2 and had to flee to the US afterward to escape getting gulaged to death by the Russians as happened to his older brothers. I'm well aware what shitcunts the Russians are.

But the question becomes if the Russians are directing their shitcuntery to Mudslimes and other common enemies of the US then why should we care? Russia is to weak to threaten the eastern members of NATO.

Better than a war mongering bitch who was set at starting new wars with Putin.

You are aware Trump is/has already threatened congressmen to fall in line or he will field candidates against them.

Perhaps you haven't been paying attention to North American news lately but that's precisely who are going ballistic about Russia at the moment, lefties.

You mean it shows how out of touch with reality are the media and the elites in the status quo. The elites have become profoundly self-enclosed in their own echo chambers. They are not as enlightened as you think when all they have and had to say is:

"Then, let them eat cake".

No worries, if Trump will indeed be dumb enough to cut a deal with Putin, we will simply make the same with China.

Do you honestly believe that you are the ones who own the cards in this game?

Oh no. He's threatening them with democracy!? What a horrible man.

China is best fucking friends with Russia you dumb cunt. Good luck having them defend you.

>Russia exposes a massive democratic deficiency with a candidate and her entire party, revealing widespread corruption that merits reopening a CIA investigation
>"Russia is rigging the US election!"

I know there are some people on here who don't like Trump, but there should be no people on here who like Clinton.

Be obtuse if you want.

OH! Hello Americans and other western pals! I am lost in the internets and was going on dvatch. Could you please show me direction please?

Tank you wery mutch.

p.s. we are winning in Syria lol

>wanting to suck putinlet's dick this badly

how delusional are drumpftard?

>h-h-hilary want to start warzzz
pic related: thin skinned doncuck who wants to start Iraq 2.0 if Irani ships make gestures at American ones.
This "start a war with Russia" meme is the most retarded one I've ever heard. Did Russia invade Turkey after it shot down a Russian plane? The Russians aren't idiots that they would try to fight us and neither are we, its cucks like you that are content with handing over the entire middle east to Russia because "m-m-m-muh white degenrcy xddd"
Just do us all a favor and kill yourself. I would tell you not to breed but an inbred like you is probably out of the gene pool already

>that's precisely who are going ballistic about Russia
Yeah, and back in 2008 Obama was the one who promised better relations with Russia and leftists made fun of Romney for "wanting a Cold War 2.0" and treating Russia as US geopolitical enemy #1.

So you base your beliefs directly on what lefties believe, and just switch them by 180 to always be contrary to them?

You're the one beingg obtuse.

Guess what, in democracies people can run against you if they think you're doing a shit job.

>China is best fucking friends with Russia
But doesn't Trump want to openly confront them and fight them economically regardless?

If he wants to blow his PR capital on a fight with Congress (and ultimately both parties in their entirety) on an issue they've been pretty ironclad on, it's his loss. It's not like there's a public appetite for a new "Russian Reset" or a severe disengagement from Forpol, despite what the politically disenfranchised on Sup Forums think. I doubt he'd try. And if he did, it's unlikely he'd win.
Trump has some leeway. His leeway isn't that extensive. Particularly once he starts governing, and the honeymoon ends.

Wrong. I thought it was retarded when Romney was using the same trick, but by all means keep projecting.

No matter what the propaganda, from either side, Russia is objectively not strong enough to pose a threat to NATO. Treating them like they are is infantile and counterproductive.

Why do you even want the Middle East? It's in the progress of collapsing. Most of the states there have their days numbered excepting Turkey, Iran, and Israel. You don't even need the energy resources anymore and the Russians are there for show not necessity.

>it's a 'idiots don't care about a foreign power meddling in our election as long its meddling FOR their side' episode

If I had my way, Jim Webb would be president. But it doesn't matter what candidate you support, if you think Russia didn't influence the election then you're a delusion idiot in denial. They had motive and opportunity, and the CIA certainly doesn't have liberal sympathies.

Just because Russia's interests and your own line up for once doesn't mean that this isn't a terrifying precedent.

What kind of idiot are you: the kind that denies Russia influenced the election to elect a more Russia-friendly candidate, or are you the kind that acknowledges they meddled but the ends justify the means?


Yeah, heaven forbid people running for office be exposed for their crimes.

>Trump will start ww3 with Russia
>trump is a Russian plant

>stupid trump elections can't be rigged
>muh Russians rigged the elections

The complete breakdown of the democratic party and their media mouthpieces has been remarkable.

When are fake news sites like cnn and nyt going to be closed down

>Russia is objectively not strong enough to pose a threat to NATO
It does however posess a strong means of manipulation and infiltration, as well as powerful propaganda tools. EU threathens Russia economically, NATO - militarily. Trump already questioned the existence both. I'm not telling that either is perfect, btw - just a fact that fall of NATO and EU will strenghten Russian powrer greatly.

I'm pretty sure Russia didn't force Hillary Clinton to break a shit ton of laws.

Maybe she would worry less about getting caught and more about not committing crimes and breaches of ethics to begin with.

>one quote vs actual policy

You are a fucking retarded cretin. Meanwhile Hillary helped to destabilize Libya and Syria by supporting military action and arming the """""""moderate rebels."""""""


People are tired of your proxy wars in the middle east sponsored by your frail old physically ill hag dumb fuck leftishit. The Middle East is destabilized massively thanks to you stupid fucks. Bury yourself alive.

And why would they defend Pooland when it poses no significance to them, Pyotr?

>be in election
>a bunch of candidates with seemingly different ideologies appeared
>media make a drama out of them
>one of them win, the rest react with seemingly different reaction, some accept, some looks furious
>more drama ensued on media
>in the end, the winning candidate turn out to be no different than the rest, both in ideology and resolutions
>pic related

this is literally every election ever in every """democratic""" nations. why would the americans never learn?

>just a fact that fall of NATO and EU will strenghten Russian powrer greatly
And neither of which is in any way likely. To treat Russia like a pariah over fear of something so incredibly unlikely is again, infantle and counterproductive.

There are very real areas for partnership insofar as Islamic terrorism is concerned. To dismiss those areas for partnership because of a fear of something so unlikely as NATO and the EU simultaneously collapsing is foolish and a waste of an opportunity.


Now die of aids stupid fucking leftist troglydytem

>muh inbred hickzzz

Which is why Trump did better amongst college educated Whites than your bitch, right?

>disagrees with me = lefty

Oh, nobody really believes that either China or USA would "defend" us against Russian aggression. Nobody believes that Russia would actually would invade us either.

It is purely about economy and technology. If Trump attempts to backstab us and "make friends" with our greatest enemies, we can cut a deal with the country that HE considers America's greatest threat. In fact, our cooperation is very good in this very moment.

Nothing personnel.

>China is best friends with Russia
>t. I know absolutely nothing about geopolitics outside of why happens in flyover states that adjoin my own flyover state
>all former Communists are BFF, right?

Consider reading for your pleasure:

Yes, China and Russia have similar interests, usually when it comes to opposing the West/USA, but they are ancient rivals and competitors for influence in Asia. Just because they occasionally veto shit together in the UN doesn't mean they're best friends. There are still thousands of troops stationed on the Sino-Soviet border, specifically to watch and counteract any cheeky military maneuvers by their opposing force.

In fact, Nixon opened relations with China and made them our biggest training partner specifically to fuck with the USSR. It was a strategic move designed to strengthen the US and isolate the USSR.


You can cut a deal with China, but they won't give much of a shit about you or even bother to commit resources for your national defense? Against what? The Russians? The Russians and Chinese are best bros my Polski friend.

>To treat Russia like a pariah over fear of something so incredibly unlikely
Not for that.

Russia is isolated because of their wannabe imperialism, breaking of international treaties, annexation of neighbouring lands and being bydlo in general.

The reality is that Russia is not in a position militarily to conquer Ukraine (not quite there yet), nor is the U.S. in a position to defend it. As long as the Russians don’t return to the Carpathian Mountains and the U.S. doesn’t go east of the Dniester River, no alarm bells need to be rung. Both sides know that conflict in the future is possible, but neither is ready for it now.



Holy shit kill yourself. The USSR hasn't existed for decades now.


China and Russia are some of the closest allies now. China even supports Russia in Syria.


You are a retard who is caught up in Soviet-era relations.

>College graduates backed Clinton by a 9-point margin (52%-43%), while those without a college degree backed Trump 52%-44%. This is by far the widest gap in support among college graduates and non-college graduates in exit polls dating back to 1980.
>Among whites, Trump won an overwhelming share of those without a college degree; and among white college graduates – a group that many identified as key for a potential Clinton victory – Trump outperformed Clinton by a narrow 4-point margin.

Trump won the undeucated whites.
Trump lost educated people in general.
You're an uneducated white.

And them being bydlo to their other neighboring bydlo that we are not allied with is not any of our problem or concern. What is a problem for us though is Islamic terrorism. Crimea, which clearly wanted to be Russian anyway, is not worth losing that opportunity for partnership when it comes to removal of kebab.

>and among white college graduates trump outperformed clinton by four points

Read your own fucking link you dumb fuck limetrash. I only soecifically mentioned white college graduates. Not nigger or spic clege graduates with their liberal arts degrees. Trump WON the educated white vote.

because you will fugg yourself


>but they won't give much of a shit about you
Oh but they will, they already invest lot of Yuans into our inflactructure and Chinese business on our soil. Poland is one of key transition points in their new Silk Road.

>commit resources for your national defense?
When did America ever "commit resources for our national defense"? As far as I remember, you only sell us your junk. We have way more trade partners than only USA.

>Russians and Chinese are best bros
Wrong again. Russians fear China far more than US - overpopulated China needs more lands, and Siberia would make a perfect lebensraum.

In the face of both USA and Russia slowly collapsing - USA because of racial problems and neomarxism (which Trump obviously isn't going to solve until he genocides niggers, Hispanics and fags) and Russia because of low birth rates and Muslims, monoethnical China that will soon become #1 world economy makes much more valuable ally.

43% of college graduates still voted Trump, and universities are basically marxist hotbeds, where people pay shitloads of money to get indoctrinated.

>a no fly zone is different from the "safe-zone" drumpf wanted
I see retardation is very prevalent with drumptards

I'm sure the French aristocracy was educated too.

>And them being bydlo to their other neighboring bydlo that we are not allied with is not any of our problem or concern
With that attitude in 80s, entie Eastern Europe would still be under Russian influence.

>Crimea, which clearly wanted to be Russian anyway
Doesn't matter what "Crimea" wanted. Annexation of Crimea was a violation of international rule. Constitution of Ukraine only allow a region to dispatch from the country if the ENTIRE COUNTRY agrees for that in referendum.

You're thinking of the wrong email server, buddy. We're talking about the breach of the DNC servers here.

>be Russian GRU hackers
>have impressive rap sheet over the last decade of state-sponsored international hacking (stealing information, defacing websites, military espionage, etc)
>hack the DNC and RNC servers
>as one would expect, both contain lots of backroom dealing and shady shit
>both (presumably, since Russia strangely only released DNC emails) show corrupt shit that would outrage people
>basically show how the sausage is made
>only release DNC emails
>only make the Dems look like shit

If I didn't know better I'd think that was a calculated move meant to sway public opinion against the Democrats.

Look, I'm not a Democrat. And I really didn't like Hillary or Trump. I have a pet iguana that is more trustworthy and charismatic than she is.

But if you can't see how these allegations (if proven true) are devastating to this country as a whole, not just Trump, then I'm despairing at the state of this country. For the first time in our nation's history, a foreign power meddled in our election. If it's true, and Trump doesn't punish Russia hard, then shit is going to get really, really ugly.

The US is losing influence in general. These days it's not so important that you cruise around with your aircraft carriers. These days it's more important to have good trade relationsships to allow special collaborations and work with them from within the country. China and Europe are bigger powers now than 70 years ago and Americans have to live with it that they are not more relevant than another country eg. Russia.

>universities are basically marxist hotbeds, where people pay shitloads of money to get indoctrinated
Darn those commies in universities that LITERALLY make us recite the soviet anthem every morning! It's ridiculous I tells ya!

they dont want to see America great, they want to see America isolationist, so that the USA wont do anything about Syria, Ukraine, or whatever Russia plans for the future.

Investment into your slavsquat trash is less important than maintaing the extremely strong Russian-Chinese alliance.

>russian and chinese alliance isn't strong!




Your country is of no strategic value to China, idiot. They will not defend you against Russia.

>america doesn't even defend us


And NATO. And US bases in nearby Germany equipped to defend specifically against Russian aggression.

Neat. And Ukraine's laws are not worth dying on the vine for when there are very real areas of concern us and the Russians would do well with partnership on.

Ukraine is not a US ally. Their problems are not ours.