>he doesn't live in the best country in the world
>he doesn't live in the best country in the world
I am coming next year
i am also muslim and brown
why do you allow germany to steal part of your peninsula?
A great country needs a great neighbour
t. with zero history apart from some banter about some islands
same reason why you guys still have not gibraltar and will never have it back
Why is it danish girls don't wax their mustaches? Is it frowned upon?
In Denmark, facial hair is seen as healthy
language too ugly
do you speak english like sweden?
Yes, the fuck are you on about?
They're pretty closely related, so we have a fairly easy time learning it.
It seems to be a common practice among you people. Girls I've known from finland, norway, sweden seem to like to sport mustaches. Germans and grils from the netherlands too. It's weird and a little bit on the eeww side desu
>small as shit
>garbage language
>more pigs than people
>shitty weather
>very uninteresting nature
>flat as fuck
>filled with danes
Is the left or right in charge of your gob?
Why do snowniggers think living in a boring ass dull snowhell that has accomplished nothing is the best country in the world because muh low crime rates.
Fuck off Anglo countries will always be the best countries in the world.
>Yes, the fuck are you on about?
Nothing, you just don't see that many reportages about denmark on tv.
What happened to this guy's clay? Doesn't this mean it still belongs to Denmark because it was lost in an uprising?
2nd Union when?
t. Karl Gustav
You're right, I guess we can't be as glorious as the United Kingdom.
Even your tv shows are far more superior than Borgen for example.
Defeating Sweden is more important than defending Christianity, Moor.
Both of them are actually my middle names except Karl is spelled "Carl" and Gustav is spelled "Gustaf".
t. Dæn Smith
It's the same climate as you britbong
Denmark is the original Anglo alongside the Dutch.
>tfw you were born just in time to be born a Danish citizen in the Faroe Islands
wew, I feel sorry for future generations who won't be so fortunate.
Got tired of the batshit christian government already?
No, I'm Christian. I just like my SU bucks.
delet this
Why is it denmark can't into warfare? Bad luck?
Yes, quite the best indeed.
spain btfo
You know how courage runs in the blood?
All our nobility drowned trying to conquer a german peseant republic in 1500.
I wish I was kidding.
But in all seriousness our two kings from 1600-1670 were downright terrible commanders. Sweden's Gustav Vasa was the second best commander in Europe, only second to Vallenstein, who was hired by the HolyRomanEmpire to defeat Denmark's protestant invasion. Then the King lost his power to the nobility and merchants. We were one of the first to democratize because by 1800 the king had lost almost all his power to aristocrats.
>All our nobility drowned trying to conquer a german peseant republic in 1500.
Source fampai
Give me more of autismo Danes.
>why don't you want to live in the netherlansd 2
because you never came back for us senpai ;_;
360 adelige doede.
I thought Danes were the normies of Scandinavia.
Oh they have the same problem with muslims? What the fuck is wrong with this people why do they allow this to happen.
they are almost just as cucked, funny story i remember from 2012:
>The story reported that the board of a housing association in Kokkedal, north of Copenhagen had decided not to purchase a Christmas tree this year. But what attracted national attention to a local housing association's seemingly insignificant decision was that the majority of board members were Muslims - and the fact that, only a few weeks earlier, the same board dedicated 60,000 Danish kroner (about 8,000 euro) to celebrating the Muslim Eid holiday.
Damn. And nobody did anything against an obviously biased decision? BAKA
hvordan får jeg en dansk kæreste
I went to school in Kokkedal and the housing complex is right next to the train station. I got to know this little really fully Eurasian kid who lived in the complex. He told me a story of one of his classmates who also live in the complex. Both parents faked an injury and are on disability benefits and get 60k kr per MONTH (9k euro) The parents speak no danish and sit inside and smoke hooka all day. The kid travels to the q'uran school in fukin Mecca each christmas break.
Just burn this country already.
hope the little cunt gets CRANE'd next time he goes
Is that a bomb or something fell over the roof?
This made me really happy for some reason.
Danebros, how does living in Copenhagen compare to somewhere like Gothenburg? Lived in Gothenburg for a year, quite liked the place, but fucking hate Swedes. Thinking of trying Copenhagen at some point
It is my sole purpose in life to impregnate a Danish woman
Thinking of getting my Master's either in Denmark or in Sweden. Which one should I go for?
>That woman in the middle that remembers about the little kid after good 10 meters of running away
Muslim parenting
Go up to her, like really close (She needs to smell your colonge, that's the closest you can realistically get to a girl) then, in a toned down, very american accented, ask her.
Pronounced, [no-ma]
Can I live in Denmark?
It depends on what you disliked about Sweden. A lot of danes think swedes are too serious, stuck up, narcissistic and self obsessive.
If you want to avoid muslims you're out of luck, there's a lot of them in Copenhagen but our society is more segregated, so you won't find them in schools.
But then again, Copenhagen is expensive.
What was your problem with swedes?
Tak. Det skal jeg prove at gore.
What subject?
If its STEM go for Denmark, if its humanities go for Sweden and get easy A's by acting like a feminist muslim sympathizer.
but denmark are Anglos
Can I live in Denmark?
Pretty much everything you listed. Really stuck up, take themselves too seriously, genuinely think that Sweden is the most important place in the world.
Spent a bit of time in Copenhagen, really liked it, always got on well with Danes in general. Don't really care about Muslims to be honest, I've lived all over London most of my life and it's more effort than it's worth getting hysterical and worked up over immigration I think
savner lidt fisseronni favæ
I'm working abroad and coming back in a few years.
Skåne is the biggest shithole is Sweden. Please take it back so we lose 90% of our muslim population.
>savner lidt fisseronni favæ
Hvad betyder den her?
>Hvad betyder den her?
What did he mean by this?
>Both parents faked an injury and are on disability benefits
>Fraud on fucking Denmark of all countries
So much for being corruption-free.
>What did he mean by this?
Hvad mente han med dette?
Its not corruption unless they're government workers m8.
This is just fraud.
Oh yeah, I've always loved Norway, thanks for reminding me.
Denmark is vastly inferior to Netherlands
Amen, sidewaysbro.
but Netherlands is a crowded hellhole
Netherlands is just Denmark with more hookers and weed.
I'm pretty sure it counts as corruption. The world corruption index is misleading because it only measures government corruption, ignoring other forms of it.
If you're toothpaste, would you get washed away with your houses if it rains too hard?
häng dig
>be Dutch
>step outside your terraced house
>look at the other hundred terraced houses down the street
>go to work
>drive on a flat motorway for thirty minutes
>park car
>go to workplace
>it's flooded
>straddle along the submerged floor
>get stabbed by a Moroccan
ah yes, The Netherlands, truly the greatest nation in the world
>mfw a Dutchman tries to serve me a small, foamy beer.