I dunno edition
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لا بالط
your thaughts on incest /mena/
Hey cute dutch user from last thread, i need your skype name D:
keefak intah
t. fairouz
build a wall
Biladi biladi biladi
>mfw our lebanese president is about to be impeached
impeached is the word for "empêché" ? Fucking anglos
Hala :DD
lmao is he really
I don't think we should let it go closer than second cousins desu
I mean let them fuck but no kids
7amdellah habibi
t. abou george
>inb4 she screams rape as always
[email protected]
Good luck lad, hopefully you can get to know the real her.
How are you doing tonight?
yeap, he is involved in a corruption scheme which he got 10 million reais as bribery
Hi MENA thread. MENA has the best cuisine ever. I'm eating this tabbouleh with pitta and falafel, all cooked by myself. The sauce is yogurt with cucumber and garlic.
Fuck whoever ruined Lebanon.
>tabbouleh with pitta and falafel
kek, literally everywhere here. kibe is great too
dude how does this happen so fast
can't we just have a president
what did he take the bribe for
hi man
I ate mashawie today, beef and riyash
well he did conspire to fuck up Dilma, also instead of saving the country the way he said he would do the economy is getting even worse, and also our judiciary which is investigating the corruption schemes is literally sent by the US to fuck up our economy and companies and get the US-puppet party in charge of Brazil
Laki 7obi wa fo2adi
Only around spain
>what did he take the bribe for
for getting around the bureaucracy for a our #1 construction company, also for his 2014 campaign funds
Oh dude I thought you were talking about aoun
I didn't know brazil had a lebo president
shame about the situation though
What are you doing over there?
In Moscow, if you want some Lebanese street food you have to go to a fucking restaurant. They'd serve you four balls of falafel on a huge plate and if you don't eat it with a goddamn fork they'd look funny at you. OTOH in Saint Petersburg they seem to get it right.
What's a Moroccan with a spoon shoved up its ass?
a pedal bin
you guys run our country hue :D
Hello /mena/
In which countries is Hassan a common last name?
>What are you doing over there?
looking for qt CC pictures :D
lebs are just jews who are not as good at physics
there is a joke around here:
>What's the difference between arabs and jews?
>Both sell their mothers, but the jew doesn't deliver it
ik ben Hassan ik ben Hassan
'k heb een kaftan daar zit plas aan
daarom doe ik maar een jas aan
want die jurk die moet ik wassan
you are the christian?
I'm not christian
I mean in brazil :3
Are you brazilian?
I wish we could run our own country kek
>Are you brazilian?
yeap, I am dating a daughter of a lebanese couple :)
ayy lads
Do they cook you tasty lebo food?
yeap, but lebanese food is popular as fuck here, everybody does it, even my dad cooks tabule and kibe all the time
brazil is Lebanese colony
enta el shi3a?
is it really?
Ana lebnani w bas
I never knew, I just googled it and there are lots of arabs in brazil
that's pretty cool
christians >> atheists > jews > piss > shit > muslims
enta phoenician bardo?
dood jezelf nootjood
zelfs kanker is beter dan een christen
christians = muslims >>>> shit >>>>> jews
>/MeNa/ is not too islamic enough for france
Can anyone who speaks Arabic confirm the translation of this video?
This is supposedly a clip from a children's TV show broadcast in Gaza which explicitly calls for genocide and martyrdom.
This seems pretty extreme, though, and I can see why someone might be motivated to put out a mistranslation. My Arabic is too shitty to determine on my own.
>pic related
I dun fucked up. Naturally I meant not islamic enough but I guess the damage is done.
holy shit its actually accurate its basically calling to reconquer al mashied al aqsa and genocide the jews.
Oh and for any Arabic speakers reading this - the video's only 2 minutes long, so don't think you'd be committing yourself to anything to lengthy.
Here's another screencap of a particularly spicy bit.
Yikes. Hopefully I can get some more opinions to confirm that.
I love Lebanon :3
me too :3
بروح بدم نفديك يا شهيب :-ططط
it loves you too
The translation is correct
Damn that pic is spot on
Get out theo
Sara7a bro I don't know what waseta means
but the rest is pretty good
>even in brazil, the eternal lebbo is corrupt
What the fuck? I guess I have a pretty good idea where you might live if you don't have to use a wasta to get anything you need
selam aleykum
dear infidel,
it has come to our attention that you are bewildered by this illegitimate tv-show that is giving islam and muslims a bad name.
this show is by the majority of the islamic scholars deemed misrepresenting of the islamic faith and aqida. therefore it is kufr to watch this show, and as such not permissible for a muslim. there are also other issues like the use of colors and the showing of women who are clearly above the age of 8 and as such may cause the male viewers of the muslim community to be tempted. there is no doubt that this show is haram at its core.
as for the content of the show, we do not allow this type of behavior or speech at all in islam. there is a broad consensus on the matter.
as it is now, mickey mouse was deemed a kafir(infidel, polytheist) by sheikh mohammed abo suud ibn wahab el maani already in 1980. a fatwa was issued by him on the matter, that it is obligatory for all muslims to kill mickey mouse the polytheist and transgressor.. therefore, it is not permissible for a muslim to take orders from mickey mouse, who is to be executed in accordance to islamic sharia. furthermore, any dialogue that the children may be having with mickey mouse is automatically deemed unislamic and bid'a (innovation)
and Allah knows best
ahmad abo khaleji
No idea why I was pronouncing that waseta
like "middle"
now I get it, he's got a degree on the wall lmao
>Arab man 48
Dump the rest
How did you even find Sup Forums? Why are you using a trip? How long have you been browsing Sup Forums?
Are you the that normalfag that spends his time in maameltin clubbing and partying?
>el ta3lem el lobnani
we are also really corrupt too :3
Muslims brothers when will you sail over the sea to join us in Germany?
>he wants me to dump my entire folder
You'll get them one at a time and you'll like it.
I was in living in saudi arabia till I came here to study, so I couldn't acesss till then
I just like to talk to people since the internet is usually too slow for anything else
I don't party, I don't really have a reason for using a trip, it just makes it easier to talk to people
Well meme'd. I would have replied with , but the Lebanese fucker beat me to it.
So you came here in 2015?
Okay bye
like 2014 I think, but I came to see family every summer
are you one of those saudi closet turbo atheists? or another wahabi shill? we have enough of the latter here
I don't really care honestly, believe in what you want
I just want to chill in some threads and talk to people
do you believe that women who drive will inevitably get raped :DDDDDDDDdddddd
I believe that we shouldn't leave our houses in the first place desu
>when you're eating but then your birds decide that you're going to share the food with them
Its literally like eating next to children, they want a taste of everything
did you get healthier ?
you are a good muslimah mashallah, not willing to tempt the muslim brothers
niqab or no niqab?
Why is there shit all over your desk
Having birds is not easy man, believe it or not I clean that desk every night before they go to sleep
I don't really have an opinion on that desu
how many birbs do you have
you all dirty kafirs
i'm asking if you wear a niqab
I am a dude, my dude
Did you just assume his gender?
well he used first person plural when i asked about women
>mfw that hillarious video on Facebook about lebanese girls being interviewed on some lebanese campus about their stance on dating syrian boys and desperately trying not to sound racist is not available anymore
I didn't know these threads were so oppressive desu
I just want to be a gender-fluid non binary
I meant us as in people in general
everyone should just stay in their house and mind their own business and communicate from behind a screen