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titcow edition

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>tfw no titcow gf

Just ate some nuggies that were deepfried instead of made in the over or microwave. They were delicious. The inside was juicy and tender and the outside was nice and crispy.

Why did the guy even become a meme?




>ywn be an anime girl

Being high ain't all that different from being sober

>tfw no tiddies to squeeze

holy cow

Is it hard to work in a cargo ship?

*uses 19th century nativist slurs*

Ye, I know someone who used to. He got to see the world.

guys.. i like tits more now instead of ass

good edition

>tfw no brown Californian gf

gf send me this

Really nigga? explain with details

One day, we may.
One day.

I thought about doing so but I dropped the idea when I was told I had to attend a course of the Canadian Coast Guard 180km from where I live.


Where do you live? also was the course free

The gf

gf sent me this


How do prisoners get /fit/ if they can't watch their macros?


He's such a fucking retard that I still can't tell if he's trolling us.



I live in the northern part of the province of Québec

>also was the course free
Likely not, probably fucking expensive : (

>---MAX FILL---



I hope Donald Trump is a good president...

how can men even compete???

that sucks i guess



>Kansas City

He was in the merchant navy for the UK. He joined by applying directly to the shipping company and became a certified able seaman. You probably can't do that anymore, I think some cunts make you be in a union as well.

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em

That was poorly cooked pork.

find a flaw

idk, but he looks like a 21st century hipster Abe Lincoln

wtf is this?

Anyone got that quote image where he talks about his dad dying in 1812 and immigrants?

>45 degree picture

>a woman

hot dog covered in bird shit fried in cold oil

Keeps shutting down her instagram account every time she gets a new bf. Cuban dudes are jealous as fuck.

You can't besure of that

She's never gonna be my gf.

I wish the Rhine was the border between Germany and France



t. germcuck


The Province of france, once france is under our boot again maybe.

out of my way




Calm down, Ahmed.



That was the first time they were under our boot.

Where's "None. Get annexed by Britain again."


Trudeau's party got 39% of votes but got 54% of seats? Why do you have this retarded system?




>my Leader is a cult member and just resigned
>but I call any other system retarded


Epic meme.

Those have to be fake...

>Defeated by Anglo-Saxons

I got some news for you buddy.

who /desu/ here


i doubt it


I must breed.


you must deny your programming

this kills the janitor lmao

>I doubt it
>playboy model



wow this picture is really hot. I would have a hard time having a conversation with her, she should cover up 2bh.

Yay trips

That looks like Tessa Fowler

Someone I know got a 7/100 on a final exam. How are people this dumb alive?

korea is an exception cause it is beyond retarded.

You didn't answer my question.

I need to impregnate a woman.

>no satsuki
Shit taste desu

look naturals to me

also trudeau is an illuminati cult member too who will bring canada to doom

I heard it suck because you only make enough money to fuck around a little bit when you dock, thus keeping you in a state of perpetual servitude. Unless you're an engineer.

>tfw I got a 78% on my chemistry final even though I didn't study at all

I guess he didn't prepare or study. Must be one hell of a slacker

What does that mean, you got 78% of the questions right?

if you guys keep posting breasts I'll have to keep coming here