/Afr/ican general

Sexy mulattas edition

Also join the telegram


>/Afr/ican general
>ordem e prog

>The clothes you wear designate your nationality



you stay the fuck away from brown girls


>Africa thread
>not a single African poster

me too...
I need the sweet love of a brown-skinned black-haired black-eyed maiden so bad...

It could be worse, for example

>3rd country countries general thread
>1st worlders shitposting the thread

Isn't that literally the case, though?

No, 1st worlders shitposting in 3rd world generals is like: "my country sucks, am i 3rd world?", "some part of my country is poor, am I 3rd world now?" "My bus was late today, am I 3rd world?"

No white Brazilian guy would touch her - she looks like a Rio monkey.

White as fuck brazilian here and I would literally suck all of her body fluids from her pussy.

Literally homosexual

She's from the UK

she is a brit of somali and swedish descent

>tfw troll with white women pics so my black folder is small

Maybe some day an African poster will show up


We are diaspora bby

>she's dating stormzy, the ugliest cunt alive


Money will make an undisputed 9/10 get with a nasty fuck like strmzy

W-where all the dark bros at?

He has a legit neckbeard

Wish I was rich

>Hating on the blessed neck beard

He's one of us desu

Do you have white girl?

reading about the nigerian civil war lads

hausa-fulanis are backwards inbred durka cunts
yorubas are master cucks
igbos need independence from n*geria NOW
everyone else is irrelevant

what ethnicity are girls like this? to me they're perfect

Me and the gf

Poo desu. Northern poo women are top tier


Sorry Dima, wrong pics

>ywn lick young Tyras forehwad

Dude like what the fuck is she doing?

With a multimillionaire quarterback desu.

>taytay will never burn your coal


Literal perfection. 11/10

This is 11/10 desu

That girl is fucking perfect.
I have degenerate fantasies of going to Rio for a fuckfest with thicc mixed girls, but I don't care anymore I'm just embracing it.

Russian boys like anime?


Nigga u gay lol


You're not wrong

I am home at last

Welcome African brother


This chick is African American and lives in Korea. Search Megan Bowen on youtube. Both her parents are African American.

Why aren't there african posters? They don't have internet? Is kenyan modernity a meme?

Who are the best Somalis and why are they from Minnesota?

Are you Somali?

Somalis are on Somali.net

Nigerians on nairaland.com


plus alot are on topix

Sup Forums isn't exactly inviting to them lol

Bump to save thread

what the fuck
Why is she so beautiful