
Canada USA Mexico

Modern art edition

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inb4 janny'd

Modern art is a disgrace.


Does someone have a picture of that one time some dude put his sunglasses on the ground in an art museum and people started taking pictures of it

>walking to store
>feel something stuck in my boot
>it's squishy
>take off boot and stand there in the snow shaking my boot upside down
>a jalapeno falls out

yea, here you go

they've forgotton about us user, and they're coming for YOU

>someone bought this for millions of dollars

>walking downtown
>feel something in my shoe
>shake shoe to get thing out of it
>it's a $10 bill

I don't even remember putting money in there.

>I can sell my bed for million of dollars

Only if you're a slutty college girl

Holy shit you got visited by the toenail fairy.

Be sure to clip your toenails extra nicely and she might give you $20 next time. Remember to leave the nail clippings inside your shoe!

You're a lucky bastard... I never got anything but quarters from the toenail fairy. Then again, I have toe fungus.

Make sure to leave the jizz stains, soiled underwear and pubic hairs like the artist did so it is valuable.

But I like mexico...

cancucks btfo

If Mexicans come to Canada, how easy will it be for me to get a qt twink Mexican bf?

>But I like mexico...

What kind of faggot wears something like this?

Why? We don't even have a real relationship with each other.

But only at a distance huh? Bigot.

>tfw you will never be an italian-american living in jersey

>be me
>wear something like this

Well... fuck.

>H3 making fun of based Pollock
2016 is truly the worst year


Alternative headline: Black Students Shake Spears at Shakespeare

wondering what english sounds like to foreign people

>Reddit making fun of literally who
who cares?


>same regionals

R, L, Th, Sh apparently


I meant this


i thought you said what english sounds are foreign to people

Oh hey I can actually help with this.

there's nothing more exhilarating than driving 80+mph on packed snow and ice. the feeling of having no traction on winding mountain roads having to over correct every little thing to keep me from crashing into the snow banks or plummeting 600 feet into a frozen abyss. for that brief moment in my life i felt happier than i've felt in a long time.

>one of the single most influential human beings in regards to the English language
>we need to replace this to be more diverse lmao


mmmmmMMMMMMM I want to pleasure my willyman johnson so much but I'm saving up some jizz to measure how much I can put out at max volume


just do drugs like a normal person


prime canadian post


>he only likes realism
do you also like Michael Bay because explosions are cool and neat Tyrone?

Measurements in terms of mass are more significant.

>tfw nobody will ever like us on this site...

EMxico is not a country

Look at the bright side. At least we aren't Turks.

I need fapping suggestions buds. Give me someone good.

buy a telescope and fap to the female constellations

but doing drugs and driving is so much more fun than just one or the other

what the fuck


I LIKE Mexico. I mean it.


This anime girl is very cute.



fap to the first thing that comes up when you open this

she's trash, and so are you

>tfw only Turks, Indians, and Swedes are below us

I just want to be irrelevant on here again...

ya mums cunt

>>he only likes realism
You inferred it, I didn't imply it.
>do you also like Michael Bay because explosions are cool and neat Tyrone?
I like artists that don't rely on obfuscation to find popularity. The only reason people like Pollock is that they're looking for a hidden meaning or they think he's deep. There's no emotional connection to his art.

Shut up
that's an angel kiss

Melanie Rios and Remy Lacroix are two of my favorites
>Tfw browsing /s/ or /gif/ (or even Sup Forums sometimes)
>See a 10/10 perfect girl with a cute face and killer body
>Only a couple pictures/gifs/webms of her get posted and they're all from the same set
>Look her up on pornhub for more
>She's actually a 7/10 and all her videos suck

>open tab
>close tab

devils dinglberry

you're a satan shit smear

wtf I hate porn now

lol whiskey is fun

Truths the truth

What is drunk sleeping?

This gay meme has gone too far for too long.
God smite these fairies.

>hidden meaning or they think he's deep.
Oh ok, so you want your art chewed up and digested, there's absolutely no point in subjective interpretation, everyone needs to feel the same while watching a painting?

What is "dog erection"?


Goodnght /cum/, have a nice dream!

>jovecitos gays follando

heck off homo

y-you too

Goodnight chile.

>dog erection

I don't remember this episode

all women want to fuck dogs

Nehmen Sie dada ernst :^^^^^^^^)

This is a meme I sincerely hope is not even a little bit true.

Night chile

The longer I let it go o the weirder it gets

Is the one on the right supposed to be comically fat?

it reminds them of their place

good post

each of their upper lips looks fucked up and its really bothering me.

African American women are the most obese demographic in the USA



me on the left

chile and finland need to be swapped


Check out my art, it's a lad in a tophat pretending to smoke a joint like his ancestors. I might use it for my essay.

*walks toward you*

Vapeman is dead

What would happen if I applied to a law firm saying I played all the Ace Attorney games.