France is White

WTF I Love France now?

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>10% fucking black

Is this the United States of America? No? It's a European country?
Then why does it have so many niggers

>southern european german rape babies

You mean 5%, learn to read

We only have 10% nigger. And look at all of the problems we have here, they have 10% arab and 5% nigger.

What the fuck.

keep in mind, your average sandnigger can pass as a local in southern france most of the time

north africans look part nigger which is why they stand out

an afghan like pic related wouldn't be seen as anything but french there

this should give you a picture of what french people really look like (a good number of them are swarthy and sandnigger looking)

whereas white in america or canada in non-meme terms are literally WASPs and germanics/nordics (where I'm from, people from places like greece or the balkans aren't considered white)

Even if that was correct the numbers for under 20 would be radically different, possibly over half non-European.


They also eat raw meat which gives them a parasite that makes them go crazy.
Also from said vid.

Actually 13% and the population hasnt really changed over the years.

>keep in mind, your average sandnigger can pass as a local in southern france most of the time

No they don't you retarded leafboy

this guy looks North French. French aren't considered white in the USA and Canada

Does this include overseas territories or stuff like french Guiana or Mayotte for example.

I've been to france myself several times, french are white but there are lots of average non-whites that can easily pass as locals in france as long as they don't dress nigger/have nigger haircuts

I really can't take you seriously.

I'm from Minnesota and the few French we have here (like 5%) aren't really considered white

Why are all the French cities full of Nogs and Arabs?
85% seems too high

>"my pants are clean, only 15% are covered in shit."

He explained in the Friday flag video about that

What's with this blatant racism? Sup Forums has turned into Sup Forums -- it's pathetic and sad.

Also France did countless atrocities towards their colonies, it's only fair that they can reap the benefits that was originally taken away from their homelands.

Typo only 3% are black

>France did countless atrocities towards their colonies

>10% Maghreb

Lyon is White

Because they're concentrated there and you retarded tourists can't understand that.

>he doesn't have a dominatrix beurette fetish

You're no better. Keep in mind that this is from 5 years ago and that pakis breed like rabbits.

Fucking Erbfeind i hope the mudshits finish them off once and for all

The majority of people live in cities you stupid idiot.


Dropped immediately. I like the concept though.

The huge majority of blacks in France live in Parisian suburbs. They come to Paris during the day because they're jobless and want to scam stupid tourists. Actual Parisians like me avoid touristic places and nigs end up completely overrepresented, which leads to idiots like you believe in memes.


>America le 60% even though just like everywhere else most of the subhumans are concentrated in the major cities/surrounding suburbs while virtually everywhere else is White

really gets the neurons firing

At least we have blacks from Haiti.

the last dirty habsburg will die before the last french dies

I never said that about the US personally. I lived here for a few weeks so I can tell the truth from the memes.



It seems not

I wonder who is behind this post

>says the Jap
Friendly reminder that Japs are no better than niggers.

>they rape
>they plunder
>they steal
>they're perverts

t. Black GI in Okinawa

shut up American pig


It's not just Paris it's every fucking major city in France that Arabs and Blacks are in. The whites are just somewhere else like a different country

ellooooo oui oui i am whiteuh aryanuh


85% white

Jesus Louisiana is whiter than France