Which country makes the best fighter jet?

Which country makes the best fighter jet?

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America clearly.

Isn't it obvious?

Anyone who is involved in the F-35 production.

I sorta miss when france was a middle ground supplier for non alligned countries
now buying our gear = being cucked by us

which means we are doing something right I guess

There's a good case to be made that the F-35, F-22, and F-15 are all better than the nearest non-American competitor.

cost/performance: Russia


In the sense that they cost nothing and you get what you pay for, yes.

T-thank you senpai :3

t. Ivan

It's fine. There's plenty of room on our ample coattails.

quantity in war is better
if you have something that can shoot and can poop it out faster than your enemy you surely will win

>quantity in war is better
Even if that were true, it isn't, the USAF has the capability to outproduce Russia 10-1 before the USN and Marine Corp even got involved.

t. Ilyushin

If good means overpriced Lockheed Martin makes good jets

We don't need to poop out fighters because we already have a shitton of working ones.

Weren´t the F22 too expensive for you?

They also make good cheap jets. Who do you think makes the F-16?

can't argue with that


>city of kremlin

Yeah so too expensive that we bought more than you have total fighters in your entire air force.

stop hoarding the only good fighter for yourself and share

You managed to kill Russians with F2A Buffaloes, you don't need anything of high quality.

Cost of one F-22 > finland´s annual military budget

tbf Lockheed Martin is famous for their innovations in the field of creative financing.

those spurdos sure rode those buffalos hard

This. Thank you based Britain.

Russia as an air superiority fighters.

America as a multi-role fighters.



>air superiority fighters
good meme

I refuse to believe that anyone is dumb enough to believe there are any Russian aircraft on par, much less exceeding, the F-22 and F-15.

US obviously. Nothing new will be discovered in this thread.

I saw a demonstration from the air force, because our shitty country is also involved. The most impressive thing was that it could turn off any electronics nearby. It's like a flying DDOS machine. You can have so much advantage with that.

>It's like a flying DDOS machine.

It can also drop 1000 lbs of high explosive on your head. Twice.

>any Russian aircraft
don´t underestimate the Russians. Many outstanding weapons systems came and come from Russia .

While you try to restart your PC.

You don't seem to understand. It's one thing to say an Su-33 or Su-35 is better than an F-16, but to claim an Su-33 or Su-35 is better than an F-22 strains credulity past the breaking point.

>Su-33 or Su-35 is better than an F-22 strains
sure, but Russia also has 5th and 6th gen fighters in the making. Let´s wait and see.

>sure, but Russia also has 5th and 6th gen fighters in the making

I see.

Damn, that thing is sexy.

I love Italy.


>tfw will unironically have to get the bae systems hawks out of the mothballs and drop migs with them when russians attack because even if every f-14 drops 10 enemy planes there will be 500 more left
pray for us lads

unironically their cheap, good enough prop fighters are


I was being facetious but you are right, their planes are good for what Brazil needs them for.

>but Russia also has 5th and 6th gen fighters in the making
You mean that vaporware they can't even engineer S ducts for?

Positively terrifying.

Apparently the irony that your country LITERALLY owes its continued existense to a US air superiority fighter, the F-15 Eagle, is completely lost on you.

You might be able to make an argument that there is parity between the F-15 C and D and the Su-35 but to claim the Su-35 is superior to the F-22 is completely fucking delusional.

Also, on the multirole front, I should point out that there's a better case to be made as to the advantanges of the Su-27 and MiG-29 over the F-16 and F/A-18 A/B/C/D than there is in regards to the Su-35/Su-33 over the F-22/F-15.

Not that I think that argument could plausibly be won either, even before factoring in the F-35 and F/A-18 E/F, but it makes more sense than arguing that Russia is somehow superior to the US when it comes to the air superiority role.

I wish we could go back to Spitfires and Mustangs desu

We can but the way I want to do it is with a long range, twin engine, 5th gen air superiority fighter with a sensor suite on par or exceeding the F-35 but without all the thrust vectoring bullshit named the Mustang 2.

Also it should be made by Northrup Grumman because they need a fucking contract.

You all need to go back.

Trump's still learning.

Wait till based Mad Dog Mattis redpills him on how GOAT that aircraft is. Trump is going to request his own personal airframe bedecked in red, white and blue to shoot Mexicans.

Though actually now that I think about it there's really not much reason to do away with thrust vectoring since a2a refueling is a thing. Even though it is a fucking retarded feature we've already paid to engineer the systems.

I guess what I'm asking for is just a new Raptor with modernized electronic warfare suites.

Everyone knows the program was a shitfest and went way over budget, but that doesn't mean the aircraft isn't good. Prices for a single F-35 will drop once it hits full rate production, and it's arguably better priced than its competitors. Not to mention lifecycle costs will likely be lower than its competition due to its single engine, ALIS (Autonomic Logistics Information System) and a higher rating for the airframe's maximum flight hours.


I understand that Americans elected him, because the competition was even worst. Trump must grow up and see that his people made the best plane in an international program. Wtf does he knows about international relations other than memes?

Well it's too late now, it's gone past the point of no return. Plus the UK needs these aircraft for its two new carriers.

It's already cheaper than its competitors and it's in LRIP.

The cost meme is only believed by drooling retards who can't into math.

Spitfires are still about.

Underated post

The F35 can do an British Harrier?
You shopped dis.

Mad Dog Mattis is going to be Sec of Defense (the name should be switched back to Secretary of War for him) and Mattis loves the thing. He'll educate Trump not least because the Marine Corp needs the thing desperately due to their AV-8Bs literally falling out of the sky by now.

That's the mark of a good leader anyway. You don't need to be an expert in every single thing, what you need to do is hire the experts and listen to them when they know wtf they're talking about. Something tells me Trump isn't going to have much of a problem listening to Mattis when it comes to the science of freeing hajjis with extreme prejudice.

Of course it can. The fuck did you think the B version was? It's the STOVL variant.

You guys aren't getting them, you're getting the A variant, but our Marine Corp and the Royal Navy are buying a fuckton of those.



What were we thinking giving Germany 4? They'll know how to make them for next time around now. Numpties.

jet fighters are a lot more aesthetic 2bh

I understand why US wants the F-35, even though it's overpriced as fuck and will be even more to maintain. (50 hours of maintenance for each flight hour lol) They do have the cash to maintain.

But how will countries like Italy, Netherlands, Norway and other countries that aren't as active military will manage to pay and maintain them.

Why not a 4++ fighter instead?

Oh yeah. I forgot about Italy and their meme carrier, good for them.

Does Spain still have their carrier? They should snatch some Bs up too if they do.

Actually even the Charles DG would have its capability significantly improved by the adoption of a squadron of Bs but something tells me the French will never be able to swallow their pride to do that even if their country was faced with imminent destruction.

>tfw no Rolls-Royce Merlin engine of my own


I see. An international project are very important for a small country like us. It would be a shame that the USA waste that knowledge.

Yes you are right. Amazing that you know this. Is this your job?

Italy needs to have them for their carrier, there is no other option. And if you're going to buy them for the Navy you might as well buy them for the AF too so you can save money through standardization.

Norway, being on the front line with Russia and lacking current gen electronic warfare capability, basically gets an entire new type of aircraft they never would have been able to afford in addition to a standard fighter force.

Netherlands is a little different. The big draw for them is they do help to build the things and it futureproofs their nuclear deterrent capability.

Remember the Netherlands possess US nuclear bombs at all times. Using the same fighter as the US insures you will maintain that capability at least through the gen even if the US updates and changes munitions.

>But how will countries like Italy, Netherlands, Norway and other countries that aren't as active military will manage to pay and maintain them.
Denmark just ordered 27 F-35s.

Fuck you. No way.

No just an aviation enthusiast. I have a pilot's license but I'm not military.



Go ahead and Google Translate.
The article is about Trump's recent tweet rant against the plane manufacturer we just ordered from.

Why is that shocking?

Denmark has been a partner nation for years and years.

From my understanding, at the peak of the f22 production we had our ground troops pushing shit in all over the middle east while the airforce sat on its ass. This lead to the argument that the army needed the money more, so we abandoned the jet to buy more ground equipment.

Well, it is quite a lot of money from this small as fuck nation.
There was a huge fuss about it, when the news first got out in May this year.

Personally, I believe we as Danes are pretty scummy for not using the promised 2% of our BNP, as agreed to in the UN.

It just feel like a waste, since the plane had and still have several problems etc... plus the costs.

Just me with autism.

2% of BNP on military*
My bad. Currently we only use 1,2%

Shit.. not UN, but NATO, haha.

You know all the types of the airplane. Bretty cool.

The Denmark air force must be unstoppable. We got one F35 and it was a national event. I'm fucking serious.

You're mistaken.

The F-22 was abandoned because it was crazy expensive and it was believed the F-35 and F-15 could adequately fill the role of air superiority for a lot less money. Also because Dick Cheney was vice president at the time and Cheney is famous for his hateboner of the Air Force.
Shit like that annoys me. Some people seem almost to willingly delude themselves into thinking it's possible to maintain a capable modern Air Force on a budget.

There aren't many problems anymore though, and the cost is minimal when compared to its contemporaries. Hell it's in LRIP right now and it doesn't even cost over 100 million. That's a bargain by modern standards.
He means they purchased them, not that they've received them. Denmark hasn't recieved deliveries yet and won't for some time. In fact the Netherlands will recieve their jets first due to their partnership level.

>tfw no NF-22

F-16 Block 60, Super Hornet, Gripen NG are definitely cheaper, but also worse than the F-35A in pretty much every way. The Eurofighter hovers around the same price, and the Rafale is quoted at a lower price but you'd have to buy French munition as well.
It's almost impossible to get exact prices for comparison though, due to exchange rates, ongoing development costs and most of the public contract deals for these fighters include other things like ToT, training, spare parts etc., so are not comparable to the base F-35A price.

This. That's why it's funny the government still did an evaluation including other fighters that are not capable of a nuclear strike. Belgium is currently undergoing the same. I don't know why they are even wasting their time, they should just buy the F-35 already before their F-16 airframes run out of flight hours.

Really, that's great then.

But still, won't the maintenance be expensive as fuck?

I think even Trump said this week that the F-35 is a "Lobbyst wetdream".

I thought Turkey was going to be upping their purchase to 130.

Or was that just a rumor?

An oldish picture I imagine.

Rafales have been spotted with GBUs on recent combat missions.
I don't know if they're testing something or just short on ammo but it might lead to something.

Now, I'm not saying it's you. But there's a pretty constant theme of a Brazilian poster coming into F-35 threads and hating.

Is that you?

It's all politics. And Trump just smashed it. But he is right at the end, because he wants America first.

Nope. Must be other.

I ain't hating, i just see some news about being too pricy.

>The Denmark air force must be unstoppable. We got one F35 and it was a national event. I'm fucking serious.
Doesn't this say that the Netherlands ordered 37?


Sweden,and im not even a Börje