/v4 + friends/

good luck liechtenstanon edition

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Thank you!

And also good morning!

good morning lads

Good Morning

Good morning/ Dzień dobry

I want this semester to be finally over desu

Blue=allowed but no pimping

oh the irony

>mfw girl from yesterday is not in clinic anymore
>got transferred to closed institute
>cannot contact her


>tfw girl L i t e r a l l y has to go to closed mental hospital after a date with you

Can you say the same, friends?

pimping is not allowed here

it takes brothels as pimping

i want to be bane when i grow up!

Welp, somehow you made me feel better about tfwnogf situation


So that's why he lost


engrish pls

*you fucking broke my daughter, you pleb*

Czech post office shilling for Hoffer


the Czech Posts have been asigned with the task send the election leaflets for Norbert Hoffer. our nihilistic friend hints at their incompetence

hi dot, how are yuo.

what did you eat today? how was school/work?


not bad
i liked my shrimp sandwich and apple cider
dinner is ramen

Dzien dobry koledzy!
How is the weather in your city/country?
It's pretty shitty here in Vienna

I hope Hell exists and I will be tortured and fucked by Satan forever.

I'm glad I live in such open minded, civilized country.

But Satan is tortured in it too, if I am correctly read in the book.

No one gives a shit about the Bible lmao.


You showed her your dick or something?

police took him because they thought he groped her

my first ex is now a "man"

wouldn't happen if he was a rapefugee desu

nah they would take him too.


Ok /v4/, very important question. What people in your country think about visegrad group, what do they know about it? Honest answers please.

No one gives a flying fuck about this meme group, a lot of people don't even know it exists.

people generally like the idea, judging from news comment sections, but it's hard to say what your average pepo thinks about it

I know, I'm asking about your personal observations.


Also, matfyz nebo čvut?

Government reads everything we say


>falling for the college meme

they also see you posting traps
SBU's file on you starts with the word 'FAGET', in all caps


>implying feminine penis is gay

i dont post traps


user, i ...

I don't think average Pepa even knows it exists

I only post pretty girls

post more traps

Im not DEGEŠ i have only pictures of girls(female)

>girls ("female")

Actual females

>dyed hair


Bitter virgin

Stupid gypsy with shit taste.

pretty much what said
although people who know about it are generally fond of the idea

Does V4 even do anything in actual politics besides holding conferences where they basically just say whatever they want and go home unchanged anyway?

Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Greece, Germany, England, Russia, Ireland, France, Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, Liechteinstein, Austria and Belgium are rightful polish clay.

reminds me of ashe maree

Zastanawialiście się dlaczego polacy zawsze tak narzekają na demokracje i chwalą sobie te hehe rządy silnej ręki? Dlatego że ich azjatyckie geny (nie zapominajmy że słowianie to mongolskie ścierwo a nie europejczycy) sprawiają że potrzebują ciągłego bata nad głową by w ogóle funkcjonować. Zachód zbudował sobie na demokracji kraje pierwszego świata do którego polactwo wali całymi niedomytymi hordami ale to dlatego że zachód ma białych ludzi a nie jakąś hołote kurwa co nie wiadomo co robi w Europie. Slav = slave i na każdym kroku to widać bo polacy liżą dupe zagranicznym na każdym kroku to ich instynkt rasy niewolników by usługiwać zachodnim panom i gardzić ideą wolności i demokracji. Następny kandydat na prezydenta powinien po prostu obiecać że wszystkich zamknie w gułagach to zyska 100% poparcia.

I disagree with the current ruling party on certain issues.

Everything posted from this IP is either a satire or a work of fiction.

You can't call her? Have an appointment?
I'm sure she will appreciate that

what about Iceland, Luxembourg, Croatia, Bosnia, Albania, Slovenia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Serbia, Macedonia, Moldavia, Romania, Ukraine, Belarus, Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, Vatican City and Italy?

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

All are literally who countries aside from Italy.

Ukraine and Belarus have significant amount of Poles or their descendants.
Iceland's biggest minority are Poles.
The rest is undergoing polonization at slower pace than in those countries here: Eventually, the Great Work shall be done.

>walk outside
>no pooles for miles

I have never met a Pole in Czechia and i live in Prague, where every 7th person is a foreigner

That's weird, when I was a tourist in Prague I bumped into many fellow Polish tourists.

It's probably easier for you to spot Spaniards or bongs than Poles.

I guess that's because Poles can kinda pass for locals here, unlike Ukrops

Going to Prague in January.
Gonna look for you specifically, user.

I wish I could clone myself, watch my clone fuck my wife and cuck myself.

I wonder if twins often do this with each other

>spend few months living somewhere else
>come back to Prague
>ride bus and hear Ukrainian
>shop in supermarket and hear Ukrainian
>talk with cashier who has Ukrainian accent
>go on a toilet and there are Ukrainian guys talking there
Just now i realized how many of them are here. Forget the muslims, this is fucking serious

Embrace your slavic brothers Mirek.

a bude hur


wtf I hate Putler now
truly this is the final straw

It's pretty shit here too.
It rained yesterday and then it snowed for a while, but it will probably rain again soon

>lets help these poor countries by letting people from those countries emigrate into our rich countries
I fucking hate this logic

It's even worse here
I'm literally the last Pole living in Poland, everybody else is an Ukr

good because poles are scum and literally no one will miss your kind

it has nothing to do with emigration, it's just free travel

Putin is so qt

цaн цoнфиpм
дa здpacтвyэт coвиeтcки caюз

>at work in my old job
>lots of ukrops employed there through (((agency)))
>one day cops come in
>3/4 of employees get deported because they had working visas in Poland and were here illegaly
>next day busload of fresh ukrops comes in
>next week another police visit, same scenario
>another bus of hohols comes in next week

really made me think

Free travel that will cause 80% of Ukrainian population to move here

Why can't we just legalize slavery? I'd totally take a job as an overseer!

Losing the title of the Mexico of Europe is much less comforting than I expected it to be

what do they do that is so horrible? It seems like they just work and integrate easily.

Don't worry it's normal you're a slav(e) so seeing someone being even lower in hierarchy than you fucks with your mind you should clean some toilets in London for below minimum wage to feel better.

Since countries aren't don't have a nervous system and thus cannot suffer, while human do have one and thus can suffer, we should help people first, even if such action causes a country to collapse. Naturally such action must be done in a manner that reduces the net suffering of the world.

Poles are East Germanics

>integrate easily
Just no
They keep to themselves, just hang out with another UKs, usually can barely speak the language, live in UK appartment buildings and don't even show any effort in integrating at all. Good thing is tha most of them leave for their home country sooner or later.

Sure they are.

That's a polonised Ukrainian/Belarusian

Who would want to hang out with us?