Culture Pals - /cp/

Scandinavian autism edition

Come meet QTs from around Scandinavia, get your flirt on, learn how to set up QTCrawler with BR user if you're a dumb T*rk, partake in bants with Kalmar pal, impregnate qts, find new Slovak femanons, give a few (You)s to Nortism, etc.

Actual site for all of you autists:

OP pastebin:

mega with all the OP pics that nobody uses

Old thread: →

Other urls found in this thread:

Old thread is actually:


3rd for rejection

Yeah sorry to inform you senpai, but your mom probably slept with him :)

They were pretty popular, still are in the punk scene

why is descarte a cp meme

Marrying my qt in Mayyylmao

Post qt browsing and shitposting music


I don't want her nudes tbqhwyf

she has amazing pussy


Seal Jordan (y) of approval.

Can I have my profile graded or will I just be bullied

You'll probably be bullied

This is a no bully thread

Undoubtedly gonna get bullied, m8

Why do people write on a girls wall instead of just messaging her? And it's always some black or asian guy

Marking their territory.

Why does anyone write on anybody's wall? That's a better question. I get plenty of wall posts as well, and I always reply via PM.

I'm guessing that some people enjoy having their comments seen by the public. Maybe it makes them feel a little more legitimate.
Or, maybe they do it for to appease the other person's ego. I know I like it when a new qt introduces herself on my wall, since anyone who then visits my profile will see that I'm qt-approved.

Pls no

hey that's my line

I'm a bit late tho, was on discord instead

Link to the discord?

they're lying

literally nothing happens

I'm /friggnrightboys

post urs puss

idk how to link it

This is for the /cp/ general right

Also, which one of you is /mentally_ill and what do you have against the United States and Lithuania?

These are hilarious. And they always leave an entire fucking conversation.

>tfw gf has acces to all my social media except whatsapp
>IP got banned not too long ago

An odd feel

yeah, I don't know how to invite people though

Click on server
Click invite members

Copy link, report back to me

Holy fuck guys...

I hadn't been on IP in years because I felt shitty for breaking this qt in Romania's heart. This was years ago.

I just logged in today because you guys made me miss it and I had a message from her from a couple months ago that said "I still haven't forgot about you" and it looked like she viewed my profile just a couple days ago.

Never heard of them never used them. But aren't they all blue pilled turbo normies there? What are you guys doing there?

Rekindle that shit yo

message her

How? I feel fucking terrible about it.

Say you're a better man now, and that you've regretted it for years

I'm not a better man now though.

>getting lewd in qts language
Now I understand why they never seem to do it properly in English

also: who the fuck is /GTRyan

He has an Sup Forums at the bottom of his profile.

I have this one qt on my end. She says she has a boyfriend (it sounds kind of on and off), but I still flirt with her regardless. For some reason, when she's going to sleep, she won't say "goodnight" and just close skype. She actually keeps the Skype open and she'll fall asleep as I talk.

It's kind of hot, but I don't know what to make of it.

It seems to be for attention

Dude, she's broken. Don't fucking message her. Instant block and don't look back. That girl is fucked and she needs to not obsess over you.

What a fatass lel.

She's playing with you

She certainly likes the attention. I wonder if she actually has a boyfriend, since we've been spending all day talking to each other.

Are you a pussy? Do it, just be frank, girls understand that men do shit sometimes and they easily forgive when we show them how we feel (if they like us at last)


I would send her a message saying sorry if it hadn't been sent already and then block her.

She lives in the UK now though..

Our UK office in Kent is one of my accounts at work. Maybe it could go somewhere?

Or would I just fuck it up and ruin her life worse? I really did like her :(

Come on guys he's not that fat

If she knows you've been online, then yes. If she doesn't, then instant block and don't give her any new hope. Dude, that's not healthy. She needs to get over that shit.

Naaaaaaah, you don't want that. Totally nah. Fucking hell no.

Playing with me? I guess, but I'm not really being baited.

He is not fat for American standards,


And then people say that women are cold, that they play with us and are bitches, while us guys are victims.

Who cares if it's "not healthy"? People have problems, they fall in love and not everyone is "healthy" enough to just get over it, not even our Ameriburguer friend as he seems to still like her too.
I hate pussies that give up before trying and I hate even more cold people that are too smart to understand how people feel.

>not even our Ameriburguer friend as he seems to still like her too.
I do still like her.

I just feel terrible about what I did and I'm struggling to think of what to say.

No, I mean it totally wouldn't be healthy for you to engage a relationship with her. If she's obsessing that much, she needs to learn to love herself first.

This isn't love, it's obsession.

Im just honest.

I'm an egomaniac though. Someone being obsessed with me it's really a turnoff.

I'm mostly just worried I'll do something shitty to her again.

Not fat by American standards, according to huehue But like, is that fat to the rest of yurop?

Just message her, even if you dont know what to say, say "hi" and one time things will just flow in the right direction. You might apologize, you might make her understand how you feel and why you fucked it up, and maybe you two wont even keep contact after that (peopl change and things chance, sometimes the magic just goes alway and she will move on, making you also move on easier). Or maybe you two will get together and you will have a second chance to do it right, but it's way better to communicate than not saying anything and making you and her feel bad.

Shit dude if you really don't want her pass her off and we will take a crack at it.

If you're gonna be a little bitch and whine and complain "idk what to do boo hoo I miss her but I'm afraid I'll hurt her again" then fucking don't.

If you're gonna nut up, explain you were wrong, apologize, and take her back then fucking do it.


How's this?

>I haven't either. I never dreamed you'd still be on here or if you were that you somehow hadn't blocked me. I realize I'm replying to an eight month old message but if I still remember how to use this thing you viewed my profile today, which is incredible in and of itself. I don't know, maybe I'm reading that wrong. But on the off chance I'm not I'll log back during the next few days and check.

>people, change*
I dont even wanna keep reading, too many typos

Looks good! It shows you think about her and at the same time doesnt show much, so she will be the one leading the conversation on her reply, making it easier for you to proceed.

Fuck man.

I wasn't prepared for these feels. Interpals is a trip.

>tfw you get made fun of in this thread

Remind me what the good way to get views is.

Is it ending your profile that knocks you to the front page?

You're not that fat

Use qtcrawler.

That is, by far, the best way.

Thanks m8 :(

don't worry faggot this site'll fix your yellow fever within minutes

Don't know what that is.

I haven't used this in almost 2 years.

Follow the instructions on the page and you'll be golden.

Russian fever - and there is no cure. Russian girls are the future.

I suppose it's pointless to ask if I can trust Sup Forums with a python script.

it's a script that automatically makes your profile view everyone based on the criteria you select

here's what I got for crawling Europe grills for a day

wasn't worth it tbqh, it's better to just dedicate yourself to a few

fair enough

I used to get way more views though without using a script. Like I don't have a single one today.

What was the trick? Wasn't it updating your profile or something?

yeah without the script I got ~50 on a day where I would update my profile, it pushes you to the front of some searches

I've gotten 6 today, 3/6 were from here, and 1/6 was female.


Do you view a lot of other people's? That helps.

maybe it's just your location

having mine in Toronto Canada gets a lot of people who are interested in moving/visiting here

I try to

Lel, not many people are interested in Weatherford, Oklahoma

I've thought about changing my location to somewhere more recognizable. Does it actually make a difference? or does it not matter in Canada unless your location is Montreal, Toronto or Vancouver? I'd be setting mine to Calgary because it's the closest major city.

Jesus I forgot how many of the chicks on here were edgelords.

Can't sleep cuz I keep missing my qt
I hate feelings

>Mfw Russian fever

>mfw Russian fever

Haven't heard from my Iranian QT since Saturday night. I should probably send her a message to make sure everything is ok.

She probably was hanged in public after people discovered she talks to you online.

It's illegal to speak to leafs in iraq

My Iranian friend was caught and almost sent to jail because a cop saw her giving a hug to her bf on a car. It blows my mind.

She's probably pillaging Iraq and raping Iraqi boys in the name of Allah.

As sad as it is, that actually wouldn't completely surprise me because Iran is such a backwards shithole. She was telling me about how badly she wants to get out. She's also not a Muslim so she probably hates it even more than most.

I meant Iran oops

But in all honesty, Iran isn't a fan of Canada after the hostage crisis.

Zoroastrian or one of the three remaining kikes?

>mfw russian gf

Omg budder Found you finally
Come on Skype

iktf too Jonas.

But, tfw only one Russian gf.