Were ancient Greeks actually blonde? What is Sup Forums's stance for this?
According to Sup Forums they certainly were
Were ancient Greeks actually blonde? What is Sup Forums's stance for this?
According to Sup Forums they certainly were
Maybe some were but the majority weren't
the reason blonde is popular in the northern european area is because blonde haired and pale skinned people take in more vitamin d from less sun
natural selection
They were a nordic tribe that ruled over the brown peasants
this is how greeks looked pre arab invasion
they were black, nigga.
Who fucking cares
Fucking autistic cunts obsessing over the hair color of dead people
White people always wanna claim Egypt- well imagine this really (they have to wash their hair every day, if not it stinks and become matted) where was the shampoo and conditioner or blow dryer, they had to work in the hot sun (they skin fries in the sun) so imagine fried skin leather skin and matted hair...black people hair natural curls no need for comb or blow dryer, skin contains natural skin protection (MELANIN) in fact the SUN activates the Pineal gland) to strengthen the black spirit and soul) white people have 423 mutated chromosones, they age faster, bones are weak and brittle (osteoporosis), sun fries their skin (looks like leather), crows feet at age 19, body deteriorates, that got the diseases you never heard, old whitey smarty pants do your research watermelon has more health benefits- that red nasty steak. So yea I eat as watermelon as often as possible, never been sick a day in my life, no cancer in my bloodline, we are cancer free, wrinkle free, natural sun protection in my beautiful black skin, bone density test age me at 25 ...wow I am 65 years
>the reason blonde is popular in the northern european area is because blonde haired and pale skinned people take in more vitamin d from less sun
Cold climates also work as a selection pressure for intelligence
[citation needed]
[citation needed]
Truth...Albinos have no pigmentation..the SUN fries their skin..sunburned their skin sheds like a SNAKE....they have to take a day off from work to recuperate....People of color worked in Egypt building temples and shrines..no sunburned skin..so you still wanna claim white people came from Africa and built the structures in Egypt.or ignorant enough to say "they were white skinned negroes" white people are psychopaths and a big inferiority complex
(this goes on for a while)
Whats the difference - Albinos and Whites are the same no difference /same color - same biological defect in the skin/(she had that part crossedout) - same defects in eyesight - same defects in SuN exposure same fucked up eye color...when white folks die they turn black again..mutated genes
(+Leves D Retards.. Really, the retard Black Inventors: Benjamin Banneker inventor the first pocket watch and Farmers Almanac, Dr. Daniel Williams - performed the first open heart surgery, Dr. Shirley Jackson, inventor first portable fax, touch tone phones,, solar cell, and fiber optic cable, Garrett Morgan-inventor first traffic light system and gas mask, Dr. James E. West - first electric microphone, Elijah McCoy, mechanical engineer and inventor steam engine lubricator (coined the phrase "the Real McCoy"), Otis Boykin invented 28 electronic inventions, wire resistor compoents hired by IBM and military to develop electric components for computers,,and many more Black inventors (retard) the white people try to hide and cover-up.. they don't teach this in schools. George Alcorn,masters degree in in nuclear physics, Ph.D. in atomic and molecular physics and inventor the X-Ray Spectrometer. Black Retards
No, they looked more like the Cappadocian Greeks of today, who are quite similar to Kurdish people in appearance.
The Washington Post - Dec. 2005- reported The Penn State team calculates that the gene, known as slc24a5, is responsible for about one-third of the pigment loss that made black skin white. A few other as-yet-unidentified mutated genes apparently account for the rest. Scientists said yesterday that they have discovered a tiny genetic mutation that largely explains the first appearance of white skin in humans tens of thousands of years ago, a finding that helps solve one of biology's most enduring mysteries and illuminates one of humanity's greatest sources of strife. The work suggests that the skin-whitening mutation occurred by chance in a single individual after the first human exodus from Africa, when all people were brown-skinned. Now smarty pants who is the Retard - can you argue with bio-geneticist and scientist about the mutation of white people
The DNA Change that Accounts for White Skin..Geneticists states....A few genes have previously been associated with human pigment disorders — most notably those that, when mutated, lead to albinism, an extreme form of pigment loss. But the newly found glitch is the first found to play a role in the formation of “normal” white skin.
They died their hair
The blonde greeks you see nowadays are just scandis that moved there
the 84th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, offers dramatic evidence of recent evolution in Europe and shows that most modern Europeans don’t look much like those of 8000 years ago. When it comes to skin color, the team found a patchwork of evolution in different places, and three separate genes that produce light skin, telling a complex story for how European’s skin evolved to be much lighter during the past 8000 years. The modern humans who came out of Africa to originally settle Europe about 40,000 years are presumed to have had dark skin, which is advantageous in sunny latitudes. And the new data confirm that about 8500 years ago, early hunter-gatherers in Spain, Luxembourg, and Hungary also had darker skin: They lacked versions of two genes—SLC24A5 and SLC45A2—that lead to depigmentation and, therefore, pale skin in Europeans today.
t. mcree marie
>According to Sup Forums
A small percentage of Greeks have blonde hair. It's definitely not uncommon but when you encounter blonde hair it looks like this:
that's brown
>Cold climates also work as a selection pressure for intelligence
t. Lynn
>According to Sup Forums
top kek
you're brown
>According to Sup Forums
>slavs are angry because pol doesn't approve them
Pay no attention to these cucks
Sup Forumss had many threads showing that ancient Greeks were fair skinned and brown/red/blonde haired
There are blondes in Greece now. Hell you'll find natural blondes in Syria and Lebanon but they are rare.
Athena was blonde and blue eyes (gray eyed Athene)
Zeus had black hair and so did Neptune (dark thick brows: Homer)
There's a Greek name that floats around throughout history like Xanthippus (one was Pericles father) which means Blonde Horse
Xanthi is a nickname meaning blondie which was also used in ancient times
Ancient Greeks were mixed.
Anyway they were such fags of epic proportion I wouldn't want to claim them as my ancestors if I was a Greek.
>They died their hair
They did do this but there were natural blondes.
Herodotus talks about hair bleaching many times.
lmao i thought louis ck made that name up. the joke is funnier now, thank you sir.
FYI ancient greek DNA has been tested and it has nothing to do with northern europe and/or germanics.
Now kys dumbfuck.
probably but they must have seen it somewhere before they tried it
how did they test it?
'ippos is horse in Greece
Hippocampus is named after the Sea Horse since it looks like one
Hippopotamus is river horse
Meso-potamia is between rivers
Language is cool
What's the joke?
DNA is in the bones. There's ways to extract it and amplify it without introducing too much error.
Have a source I would love to read it I study genetics
t. antifa polska
they were also streetshitters rivaling indians
but based Varg does.
If there were any, they would've been a minority
I mean, come on blonde whiteboys aren't made for the Mediterranean
Does he really believe that crap?
Their language is an isolate related to no one
What's next?
he lied in the red hair part, gingger hair is inherently jewish
Your just jelly of our sunshine vitamins
I bet they were blonde too
This one makes some sense though.
>China the current landmass
>Or China the core of the Han civilization near the Yellow River 2000BC?
Interesting reads tho user. Do you know about the proposed Roman Legion that got lost in China?
Speculation but kinda cool
This is me, r9k and /soc/ told me I'm a straight 9 out of 10.
what do you think?
Too white to be greek desu
You look Swedish
This man is Greek
I think you are misstaken, this is how they would have looked.
These are the neo-nazis in Greece
That's a Finn though
Literally looks like my dad's Lebanese friend lmao!
Greeks = Middle East-tier
>That's a Finn though
this is his wife though
swedish af
rate my Levantine genome
>my last name is a Greek cognate too XD
>According to Sup Forums they certainly were
lost it
proof that white women can't resist swarthy cock
swarthy men are manlets though
> Pindar described Athena as fair-haired[citation needed], and Pheidias described her as golden-haired[citation needed]. Hera, Apollo and Aphrodite were also described as blondes.[62] Pindar collectively described the Homeric Danaans of the time of the war between Argos and Thebes as fair-haired.[62] The Spartans are described as fair-haired by Bacchylides. In the work of Homer, Menelaus the king of the Spartans is, together with other Achaean leaders, portrayed as blond.
>Although dark hair colours were predominant in the works of Homer, there is only one case of a dark hero, and that is when the blond Odysseus is transformed by Athena and his beard becomes blue-black. Other blond characters in Homer are Peleus, Achilles, Meleager, Agamede, and Rhadamanthys.
>The following Roman gods are said to have had blond hair: Amor, Apollo, Aurora, Bacchus, Ceres, Diana, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Minerva and Venus
that's a turk
>tfw mainly dutch descent
>tfw turbo manlet
Aer americans white?
lmao Armagan
No. They were pale but probably black haired. Also all of western europe was black haired and looked like the basques but then the eastern europeans niggers invaded and destroyed our megaliths
If it's true that blonde hair and blue eyes were the norm, then blue eyes wouldn't have had some special power at that time (bewitching in ancient Greece's case).
Plus, curly hair isn't a widespread trait among Germanics at all.
>That's a Finn though
better manlet than scrawny lanklet
It does. The snownigger who couldn't be more productive and do a proper shelter would've been jjust eliminated by nature. Natural selection at it's finest. That's why the average Iq is so high in Northern europe ( i know it doesn't mean jackshit but it gives some information)
>according to Sup Forums
dey wuz blacks u cracka
dis niggu
fucking cave men stealing muh prides n shit
Anyone who genuinely thinks that is outright retarded and poltard too
Historians and geneticists from Sup Forums are always correct and their intensive research is always peer reviewed by other scientists
You get transferred to 10000 BC, no knowledge about technology or anything modern. You know how to make spears and such. Where do you think it will be easier to survive, somewhere cold where you have to plan ahead for the four seasons and adapt to the continues change, or would you rather live somewhere comfy where you can pick fruits from trees and hunt animals by long-distance hunting?
There is a reason why humans didn't develop in the same direction.
Ancient greeks were a nordic tribe originally. Achilles was in fact a finn