What think Sup Forums about of the mexicans?

What think Sup Forums about of the mexicans?

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smelly dumb mestizo trash

Too many fucking threads right now.

Shit people, therefore shit country

Taco taco burrito

I love your videos on Liveleak and The YNC.


Go away mexico is white guy

Men Behind the Sun was a nice film.

Bonita proxy


No creo que voy a ir a Mexico este año. Disfruten una torta en mi honor, amigos.

I don't hate my country, i actually try very fucking hard to like it, but lets be realistic here, the people completely ruins the country

I sure like special snowflakes

Good food, okay people, neat history and culture, country is in a shitty time


How does saying how shitty and uncivilized people is here make me a fedora tipper?

Because this is literally you


mexico is okay, but anons like the ones above make me wonder why they have this macho attitude like a pac of dogs to attack anyone against the group think.

>they have this macho attitude like a pac of dogs to attack anyone against the group think.

This is the guy you are defending.

I don't there are like 100 Mexicans in Aus
Only Latinos we get are Brazilians, Chileans and Colombians

oh, reinstated? This is like judging the USA off of Detroit. I am sure parts of Mexico are more safer than here.

Well sums it up. Beaners are terrible human beings most of the time.

Food that makes my digestive system want to commit suicide

Better people than Americans. Worse Americans than Americans, however. So you have to go back.

And this is what he gets for acting like a lapdog We really don't need people like him.

He gets me making an exception? I would normally say "Beaners are terrible human beings" without any additive but I get reminded about 12 or so native Mexicans aren't fucking cancer.

My mindset is from dealing with beaners. You fuckers suck.

Oh yeah man, he must be proud to be one of the few "good mexicans". Please, don't reply to me again and kys.

I'm replying faggot, what're you gonna do belly slide across the border on all your fat beaner grease? Soon it'll be a face plant into The Wall.

Another (You) perhaps?

Not that guy but I want you to know I'll be pesonally placing ladders on that wall of yours. I'm dead serious, we are going to make that wall we are not paying for as the most useless and ridiculous object in human history.

Kek, even your border patrol doesn't want a wall as they can't look through it.

That's gonna be a year's worth of drug pushing to afford one ladder, Pablo.
Even if you Taco venders scale The Wall we're going to have armed guards shooting to kill.
As for seeing through, both irrelevant, AND fixed with our part fence plan, so we can look at your wastehole country like a Jurassic Park exhibit. Shame dinosaurs are extinct and can't gasp at how fucking stoneage you savage greasy degenerates are.
>Stop calling us greasy cowardly criminals!
>I am going to be a greasy cowardly criminal by the way, dead serious
HAHAHA I hope you fucking cannibalize each other.

And the real cringe begins now

I actually like my southern neighbors, only ever had a problem with a few individuals. The problem was usually that we were co-workers and they were a fucking idiot but even the morons were very friendly and respectful.

Have on on the house jose

Nothing illegal about placing a ladder in my country gringo, you can't shoot to kill if I'm not in your territory can you? And no, I can afford enough ladders to make it a nice art exhibit, I'll paint some pretty, symbolic stuff on them, I'm thinking naked Ivankas

im a gud boi i dindu nuffin

pls shut the fuck up and go back to pol. you are fucking embarrassing .

Can it you faggot SJW shill and or beaner shit. This is a board discussing countries and cultures and someone happened to bring up one that is objectively shit.

>Heheh look at me, I'm doing something that looks illegal under the guise of it actually being legal, you know, like a teenage girl
>No no border patrol, I'm making protest art with ladders

Im currently traveling in mexico. I have been throwing up every night. Im sick of being here, literally. I dont understand because I am drinking bottled waters and sodas and eating decent food. No one else I am traveling with has been throwing up besides me.


>What think Sup Forums about of the mexicans?
>about of the

The ones on Sup Forums seem bro-tier. The ones in real life not so much...

>instant noodle eaters like us

Ffs. Im leaving today, very soon

lol fat fuck American scared of able bodied, well-educated Mexicans taking their jobs, typical. Donny doesn't care about some loser's jobs, stay delusional degenerate. I can't wait until this alt right cancer's voting voice is replaced by sensible immigrants

The glaring issue with every latin american poster is that they hate latin america to an autistic degree

Do you think I'll be alone gringo? kek, jerk off to whatever fantasies you want but I'm telling you right now, there will be ladders on our side and you can't do shit.

>t. Zhang manlet

>thinks his opinion is worth anything


lol feminine cuck Canuck doesn't understand how the success of a country fucking works, typical. Have fun with Ahmed raping your sister you nutless failure of both a man and educated human being
>More beaners get arrested/shot than just one
Ai carumba it sounds too good to be true! Better throw myself a fucking siesta to celebrate the bitter beaner battle.

>Have fun with Ahmed raping your sister

>what think Sup Forums about of the mexicans?
master race, but more importantly what do you think about my dubs?

And we have a fraction of your mudshits. Odd's aren't lookin' in your favor eh dere bud?

yes, US border agents will cross the border to kidnap me, cameras rolling. They'll go to jail and I'll sue for a good bit of money, I'd call that a win.

Lol what's it like being poor and feeling afraid for your place in society? I wouldn't know; you really don't need low intelligence/racism to convince yourself that you're special in the world when you're actually successful

>Orlando faggot killer going for high score
>San Bernadino pair going for high score
>New York bomber retard going for high score


No, the US border agents will catch you on your side oft he wall hoisting ladders and arrest you for illegally crossing.
Either that or vandalizing US property.
That is if you don't get shot first for going FUCK YOU MUH RIGHTS.

>Muh trial
HAHAHA yes Pablo Diego Sanchez putting ladders up is going to get believed over our men protecting their country. Are you implying we're going to have cameras to document every chicano encounter we have on The Wall? Of course not. It'll be your word against theirs, and you pieces of garbage have pissed them off long enough.

>I'm really successful and happy
>that's why I shitpost on an anonymous Mongolian tea enthusiast's forum at 1:00am

Nice projection Ping.

Mfw when hillbilly white people are more likely to rape than immigrants and they still think they're civilized

Pic related: It's advice for you losers.

ITT: Americans and Canadians being insecure

>Get BTFO by the person you're arguing with
>Get BTFO by the guy arguing against that person despite being from his country
Just stop. It's embarrassing. I almost feel bad.

>3 cases where faggy Liberals and their strict gun laws got folks killed
>Our Government is now Conservative AF
Irrelevant, just like your country!


wew lad

just some angry poo/chink.

I love you guys stay perfect


Can't wait to see what happens when the mass deportation of illegal immigrant scum happens

Lol, it's almost like everyone on this board, regardless of race, is a cuck to the KKK and other white supremacists. Keep believing old white man's propaganda that white people have better genes, eventually society will put itself on the correct path

I dunno, I'm a happy successful american, I'm just visiting mexico.

>E-Everybody is wrong but me!!
And with that you've lost. Congratulations on winning by rules in your country, though


>CIDF at it again

Shouldn't you be ignoring a dying Chinese person or something?

It's not against the law in Mexico to hopist ladders and there's nothing in our books about vandalizing US property. Face it dumbass, your hope is pinned on law enforcementy officers on your side breaking the law with cameras trained on them. Don't you worry for my safety I'll make sure to research this and not do anything technically illegal on my side or that the US government can sue me for maybe I'll just leave the ladder a yard away from the wall or whatever I need to do to comply with the law, but I doubt I can't just walk up to your wall and place a ladder there.

You're full of shit and you know it, NGOs have been providing maps and bottled water for decades now to migrants and there's not a single arrest for asisting them.

You just got BTFO leaf, go home, if you can afford one.

Please address the hypocrisy of those two headlines which are talking about exactly the same thing.

Lol, I'm white as snow but I have a job that needs me so I don't care who's in my country as long as they don't have a barbaric deficiency in empathy towards others. Haha, can't even believe a white person can be successful

>eating an aborted fetus
>comparable to a placenta

Chinese morality, not even once.

The KKK hasn't been relevant for over 50 years you dumb chink fuck.

They article you posted is talking about eatin placenta.

And what a great country it is.

fuck off stormfag

>there's nothing in our books about vandalizing US property
Were you educated by LCD hallucinations? I mean, cmon there Pedro.

>Liberals have been providing maps and bottled water to criminals the entire span of a Liberal Presidency
Woop dee fuckin' doo

>officers on your side breaking the law with cameras trained on them
Doubt there'd be cameras, and besides it's like you think Americans appreciate written law over flat out justice. You've been scummy lowlife criminals fucking our country for too long and I figure you throwing a temper tantrum you can't be worse than literal garbage anymore would be enough for the border patrol boys to have some fun.

Pic somewhat related


>state facts
>f-fuck off

Bury yourself alive shitskin.

No it isn't you pathetic chink.

>The grim trade is being run from China where corrupt medical staff are said to be tipping off medical companies when babies are aborted or delivered still-born.

>Last year, thousands of smuggled drug capsules filled with powdered flesh from dead babies were seized by South Korean customs officers.

>The dried flesh of dead infants appears to be the not-so-secret ingredient in a health supplement that is reportedly being smuggled out of China.

Holy shit chisese are true sub-humans

So you've got the proxy working, big deal.


"the dried flesh of dead infants" is literally placenta you illiterate leaf. The pills you are looking at are exactly the same pills describe in the other article

That your current leader is a cuck who's going to sell you out to Trump and will get you to pay for the wall. It's embarrassing.

Justify this.

Two can play the same game

>The tiny corpses are then bought, stored in household refrigerators in homes of those involved in the trade before they are removed and taken to clinics where they are placed in medical drying microwaves.
>Once the skin is tinder dry, it is pummelled into powder and then processed into capsules along with herbs to disguise the true ingredients from health investigators and customs officers.

>the delusion is real

So are you an extremely deluded person or an Employee of the Chink gov't?

oh-- okay I search for this and the only source is itself and a bunch of other shit discrediting it. good job leaf.

pic related is placenta being dried in ovens

I really like Mexican people

>South Korea’s crackdown on the drugs began last year after SBS, one of the nation’s major television broadcasters, ran a documentary accusing Chinese pharmaceutical companies of collaborating with abortion clinics to make pills allegedly made of human fetuses and the remains of dead infants.

Here's a bonus for your delusion Wong.

Can't believe I'm from Canada? I was born and raised in Toronto, not a shitstain like Peterborough or Guelph if that explains it. You shouln't be ashamed of our country, our Prime Minister isn't a cuck for Putin like Donny. He's also intelligent enough to remember why we sanctioned coutries and tell when foreign leaders are using him, unlike Donny

>Americans appreciate written law over flat out justice
Oh yes, that's how you can take Trump seriously but not literally huh? So this is what you Trumpsters actually believe? That once your clown takes office you no longer have to follow the letter of the law but just your own subjective sense of justice?
Either way it turns out you're going to be severely disapointed.

And your dumb fuck wall will just look stupid all full of ladders.

lmao of course the original source turns out to be south korean documentary. candaians are soft headed people that, when confronted with proof they'v been deceived, believe more strongly in the lie.

It's placenta, look at pic releated above-- it's the same thing they are trying to pass off as real live dead babies

No we believe our objective sense of justice will be ENFORCED by the law
You fucking idiot.