/cp/ - Culture Pals: Thailand edition

Come meet QTs from around the world, get your flirt on, learn '''''languages''''', partake in bants with the lads, shit on your chest for good luck find new qts with intrinsic mental illnesses, script until you get 1K views, suffer from other people's bipolar disorder, etc.

Actual site for all of you autists:

OP pastebin:

mega with all the OP pics that nobody uses

Old thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


first for thicc koreans

this is where losers get a chance to get in to get laid.

What kind of a fucking angle is this photo?

no wonder it's full of koreans

An real edition edition 8/8

It symbolizes how deep and emo she is

haha funny guy

Interpals was great.

I really wish I could go back to it but I feel bad because I broke a qt Romanian grills hesrt.

i broke like 10 qts heart stil lfeels great

Serbmane, pls help me finding based Serb qts?

I envy your lack of guilt.

I blame my Catholic upbringing.

Just 10, with your flag? Do you look like a carp or something?

I broke 100 grils hearts, getting off on it to this day

calm your tits down bollocks
i fucked quality white chicks

Let's try to claim for /cp/ glory?

how do you guys maintain so many conversations. I have like 2 penpals and its difficult to keep up.

Do any of you make actual friends? or are you just in search of nudes?


Again, with your flag it's disgusting it's not in the 100s or 1000s...
t.fake profile fag

there are some metrosexual wannabes and they look good unlike 1/10 koreaboos so i picked them
fucked them during euro tour

qts is my life, that's how I do it

alrite big boy im sorry for making you feel disgusted so sorry im not living up to your expectation

How does a man take a picture of himself that makes him look attractive without having to go through the effort of renting a suit or pretending to play sports?

>there are some metrosexual wannabes
W-what? A-are you a homosex?
Shhh baby is ok. Just step up your qt game, some of us would kamikaze to get your flag tbbh.

>how do you guys maintain so many conversations
I just do I guess. I usually reply slowly anyways and they lose interest.
>Do any of you make actual friends? or are you just in search of nudes?
Mostly frens because nudes arr rook same 2bh. Not that I would discourage nudes.

yeah im a fag


its true why are you overacting? there was no roastage

top slovak qt

P-post sharpie in boipucc.

I found an interesting thread for the non-fags btw. Maybe we should share interpals titcows?

yeah the two that i talk to are cool and we friends now. so when i visit their country ive got a solid place to stay/tour guide.

I think if i made any moves on these two girls they would be done with the friendship.

And yeah, to farm nudes is lame because they are subpar most of the time compared to actual porn

i thought this idiom was unisexual

t. dumb fag who got fooled by korean article


i could have fucked one or two girls from your cunt but i didnt because going there is basically rip off

one girl had seriously saggy tits when i stalked her SNS so this was one of the reasons why

>So many cheesy comments on this site, yours too, but a little more original . are you still looking? there was a time limit of 5 days. you went over the time line and will be forced now to only watch all others talk to her. You can not talk to her for 30 days. sorry. lol
What did he mean by this?


Those digits...

...you had one fucking job Nortism.

my hands are shaking now...
norwegians are lucky

I have no doubt you could. Post her pics, maybe I know her :3
S-sorry, I did my best :(

At least you got dubs now, but...

>literally losing sexts

I know... But now I feel sad since I got 555550 and 555655, I mean I must be the most unlucky motherfugger in the west?

Can this be the official thread theme, since I'm not going to be a dad anyway? :(

i have like 2 that i enjoy talking to, one just as friends, another one is so qt and hot

hello are there any cute 1st world grills on this site?

Do you need to be korean to enjoy this site or something?

All the finns I've seen on IP have been fugly man I'm sorry.


Yes but only the Cat Stevens version

yeah i dont understand it either?

No, but your self esteem will get a couple of heavy blows to the nutz if you're not.

You mean Yusuf Islam?

Ta nå å hold kjæften på deg!

do this place congregate all the women who like yellow cunts?

all finnish grills on interwebs are ugly everyone knows that, im mostly looking for qt french/italian/spanish etc. grills

Why is this though? Where are your cute women? Or are there so few of them?

No, women there like the /scn/ D, TRUST me.


all the actually attractive girls dont really use internet that much outside of facebook/instagram

What about Tinder Jaakko?

Why do so many girls have this shitty dog filter on their profile pictures? Do they have the mental age of a 6 year old or something?

Are the spammers even trying anymore? They always have the same 3 sets of pictures and the same 2 or 3 locations.


Not really lol

i look kinda good with that filter too desu but its so basic now, i dont wanna use it :D

never used it myself but most likely it's just full of white trash grills

Are older women attracted to guys, who are virgins?

Should I say to 35 year old qt, that I am a virgin or not?

just me having fun

Has /cp/ ever had any Italianons posting? I don't think I have ever seen an Italian in the threads

Yellow fever is strong on this site.

A 31 year old German mum from IP wanted to meet me for sex when I was 17 and she loved that I was a virgin, I've spoke to other older ones who didn't care so it's all about who you talk to.

Why not just use an ordinary photo of yourself?



This thread is pretty sad until I remembered you guys are all autistic as fuck. What satisfaction do you get hurting people from across the world away? Do something more productive with your time, my god.


t. virgin

bls teach me how I can stop being an autist :(

step 1. do math

you fucking wish faggot, if you think I'm a virgin for not talking to girls thousands of miles away from me to laugh with my retarded anonymous buddies on Sup Forums your autism shows even more.

>wanting to stop being an autist
There's no way to stop especially if you're a nordick

which qts are most likely to enjoy a 27yo NEET who is very fit since i just work out all day, and will give me a wealthy life somewhere else

t. virgin in denial

stay mad lul

Ones from rich countries.

Y-yes.... Cat.

\ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you fucking autist? I’ll have you know I went on a trip to America last summer, and I’ve been making out with numerous American sluts both from Interpals and from Tinder and I have over 300 confirmed swipes from Maine alone. I am trained in Cernovich's gorilla mindset and I’m the top kiss closer on the entire RooshV board. You are nothing to me but just another beta cuck autist. Your favorite cutie will squirted the fuck down with my cum with the precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of redpilled gentlemen in the US, all your exes, crushes and female family members are being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life, the storm that makes me your fucking stepdad. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can find the girls you love anywhere, anytime, and I can make them orgasm in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unprotected sex, but I have access to the entire arsenal of dragon dildos and I will use it to its full extent to fuck your crushes' miserable cunts off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will scat all over your mom when we fuck and she will drown in it. You’re fucking cucked, kiddo.

*waves paw*
A fellow oldie :3
*pours a glass of black label and serves*

Why do all of the girls on Interpals have huge pussy lips? Have you made the same experience?

what does huge pussy lips mean lol

Like a butterfly


Is this a trick? Sounds like something that would make me more autist 2bh
Hey, I'm not the one who's together with a qt who has been sexually assaulted by a drunk granddad/uncle :3

miiiii, is this a fcknleaf? :3

Lmao. This is best version

nahh, friggnright

>Hey, I'm not the one who's together with a qt who has been sexually assaulted by a drunk granddad/uncle :3
Lol what?

>more than 300 people live in Maine
Lmao this is fucking fake or you only fuck hairy frenchmen

trust me senpai.

inside or outside?


t-tnx. kakao?
Y-you're qt too... but you have to share my boipucc with a fcknleaf k?
You're the Murrican right?
>trust me i'm not an autist.
Posted in /cp/
Oki doki oki dok :-1

Do you have a sister mishka-chan? :3

fat pussy lips = fat girl

No, but i have a retarded (not literally) cousin.
>trust me i'm not an autist.
Well, I mean, I do not even have an interpals account.


There were several Italianons but none of them were regurlars.

>You're the Murrican right?
Just use extra flags Nortism

Congrats, you found my girl fake account.

fat grils arent pretty