Why are Americans so obsessed with their heritage?

Why are Americans so obsessed with their heritage?

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When you live on the other side of the world and try to cling to the other side of it to not to feel lonely I guess. Just like strayans

It's a projection of a fake nation that trying to be relevant nation

You need muh heritage to justify white supremacy. That's all.

because it's an important part of their identify, built on immigrants
Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free and dat innit

But it's not just white Americans, it's black Americans too

They are just muh heritage because they are not accepted and whites don't want to "pollute" their genes, that's all.


New Zealand
Papua New Guinea
Solomon Islands

got plenty of friends

So much this. Countries like Bahamas and Barbados don't give a shit to Africa.

All that this meme pic is missing is the chicANO American ball.

everyone in American dream of being European. In particular being Spanish is what Americans dream

No they don't

I'm the Irish heritage kind of idiot, even though I'm as much French as I am Irish.

Both countries on our borders are fucking pieces of shit. It's easier to find a cool foreign country by looking at your history than by doing research. Plus you feel more connected to them that way.

It's pretty obnoxious though, I'm an American first and foremost and so should these people be.

Hello my Irish Brother

I'm African Irish American

>people should have to pretend they're not the ethnicity they are just because they moved somewhere else

Choose one or the other. If you're claiming to be half something, American takes up a half.

>Heil Hitler, fellow German!

Ummm well I have brown skin

So Irish?

No, not even once

Nah we mostly see you as European Mexicans, and we hate the ones we got here.

I'm honestly still have trouble differentiating. So you fuckers aren't Mexican brown, you're just Italian yellow?

Yet you have more in common with those countries bordering you than you ever will with Europe.

Why do Anatolian Greeks cling to the culture of Turkic invaders?
Don't forget Chicanos.

I don't know why, but it's cute.

>your poor,
That part really should be deleted. We have enough poor dumb people of our own.

>In particular being Spanish is what Americans dream
Being unemployed and having the country shut down in the middle of the day are not what Americans want.

>Why do Anatolian Greeks cling to the culture of Turkic invaders?
Can't decide if 'murican education, shitposting or bait.

>I'm the Irish heritage kind of idiot,

>Have Irish ancestory
>People ask where my ancestors from
>Never mention Ireland

The leaf has a valid point.

When I was in the U.K. for work the only two people I could really have a good time with was the Canadians from a sister company.

No Brit knew much about let along liked hockey, they didn't know enough about politics in the U.S. and Canada to really joke about it, really just overall they couldn't join in on our jokes because they just didn't know what we were talking about.

We did have a good time watching them try to figure out who was American and who was Canadian. They were from Toronto, and I only live about 4 hours from them so for the most part our accents were very similar aside from some slang and a few pronunciations.

>discussing/arguing Québec politics on Sup Forums with some Americlap
>he tries to reinforce his argument by claiming that he knows what he's talking about because his grandfather was a francophone Canadian, even though he himself doesn't speak a word of French and has never even been anywhere in Canada
>he literally referred to himself as French Canadian

>discussing/arguing politics with a Canadian
>It's legal to partake in sex acts with your dog in his country
>Haha why am I doing this he already lost

>that japanese one with stereotypical weeb
i hope those people actually don't exist

They do

They're nor asian American tho

They're black and white Americans

I live in a small town in southern new england and i'd say around a quarter of the people living here have french surnames from your cunt.

I've never heard one of them have a muh heritage moment about being french canuck like the italian/irish heritage fags do.

Pretty much this
I have seen the same in Northern New England. The bulk of them are descended from Québécois but most of them claim to be Acadien and talk more about historic ties to the French in Louisiana than the Québécois.

Italian americans are the worst disgrace ever happened on this planet