Are russian names common in your country?

Are russian names common in your country?

Here names like Ivan, Anastasia, Eric, Sofia, etc.. are very common, and pretty much all of common russian names exist in Spain (many with some orthographic changes) except some of them like Vladimir or Yuri

I don't think those are Russian names.



t. Valentina

Erik is a common name in Russia

what kind of meme is this? 3/4 aren't even specifically Russian forms

yeah, Ivan and Natalia are pretty common

I don't know about russian, but among tatars pretty much

they're written in spanish


It is Greek. I am Greek.

.t Fedot

t. Miroslav

I remember some Yuris back in middle class.

>middle class

Middle school*. lol.

Eric is pretty common all over northern Europe and is of Norse origin.
t. Erik


t. Vladimiroslav Ratoslavovitch

vladimir is a slavic name, written as włodzimierz in polish

calling everything slavic "russian" is like calling everything romance "italian"

t. yuricz gagarinwyzc


>remember Tatars usually have some weird names
>go check some Tatars
>find an Erik
>he has a British girlfriend

Wow, Tatars are more successful than Russians in the dating game.

>british gf

pick one

Some of those names you've written are Greek, hahaha
We have a lot of our original names, lol

So-so, they were more common in the 80's.

My name is of greek origins somehow

this, it is NOT a russkie name

t. Erik

Why do we persist with the Iván meme? It's just Juan in Russian.

What kind of gf you need to be successful in life then? Finnish? German? Italian?

t. Erik

Imaginary 2d slut from his favorite chinese cartoon.


This is a French name

>slavic at all

Eric is Germanic you filthy spic

Topzoz right here fellahs

>calling everything slavic "russian" is like calling everything romance "italian"
It is.
