Stop bullying portugal

stop bullying portugal

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>t. Alberto Barbosa


Is orange named after you,or you after orange?

porn to gal


wouldn't dream of it, best ally

orange named after us

Fuck off portufaggot

>anime poster
you deserve to be bullied


>tfw Britain is the only country in the world that doesn't hate us


WTF I love Portugal now

no such thing

Portugal love

Catholic brethren should never be looked down uppon

Stop bullying Portugal.

Wait, why should we hate portugal? I just want more port, please.

Misha is fat. FAT.

she's curvy. CURVY!

I haven't bullied you Tempra senpai

lmao u smell!


liquid autism

Misha a dumb stupid slut.

Kill yourself weeaboo

Anyone who doesn't post best girl deserves to be bullied.

Weebs should be gassed

Prepare to get bullied then, nerd!

I've had toast less burnt than her. Better personality too.

Hanako > Rin

fight me you armless art autist

patrician taste

Rin a best.

Scarface a SHIT. SHIT.

w-why would you say such a rude thing....


die you fags

I only speak truth.


it's not that you are a liar, is that your tastes are awful

So you admit I am correct that Rin is a best? Then how can my taste be anything other than immaculate?

this shouldnt be deleted on any board since this is just tiddies and shouldnt be deleted since it is a part of human anatomy but ill bump so they will delete it anyhow.

lewd anime won't be deleted, stay mad normalfaggot

you shouldnt question my powerlevel you fucking faggot ass fuck

I will take care of you :3

Sakura is a slut.

>So you admit I am correct that Rin is a best?
no, you think you are correct but you are so very wrong

Hanako is the best girl