Hi guys

Hi guys

let's just post pictures we got from Sup Forums

here's the oldest one i got

I think it will be comfy




they don't need to be meme pics or do they?
this one pic i will always remember and thank the user for

No, they can be anything that you feel like posting and found on Sup Forums

it's better if it's Sup Forums-related in some way but it doesn't have to be funny

cool lol
this one is a souvenir from a serb in 2013

translation pls


where is that?



I lost










got this only yesterday I think


Finding a magyar spurdo was surprisingly pleasant

slovenian Alps
it's comfy beyond words

Bohinj itself is the town right? some user said his hometown was there

i'm pretty sure it's slovenia

wow, nice




Nah it's the name of the basin.


this one is another user's hometown, in France

ah ok my bad


holy cow


Cheeks too big, nose too pointy, hair too messy

Ill give her a 2/10 only for dem ubbers






I can't read German but that pic was a common one years ago. It's some kind of antifa ticket warning for flying a German flag or having a flag bumpersticker on their car. National pride is not socially acceptable in Germany (because Nazis)

I don't know why i have this


Dear driver/dear (female version of driver)

I have confiscated your German flag. Regardless of whatever motivation you may have for flying this flag, in every case it produces NATIONALISM.

This flag does not represent football or whatever team, it represents GERMAN IDENTITY.

(this part hard to read because of blurry fucking picture)
Save yourself some money, and the work, and the damage putting this in the trash does to nature and do not bother buying one again in the future.




All ladies.
Poor you rope.

dizz polshka

This is lol.
White people are lol.
These kids are white btw.


>le france

The current Anglo Defence Ministers/Secretary of Defense [sic]
(America and I think the UK will change theirs shortly)

(The sikh is far and away the most qualified and was Trudeau's only good cabinent selection)

I saved this from a webm

That legit looks like southern Chile


that drawing of the asian family cracks me up everytime

That sikh dude looks fucking adorable


Can't find any images I've saved from this board but here's a picture I took in Ukraine




Why are they doing this?


Parthian shot doesn't seem as impressive anymore


Did he even try running up the quarter pipe bowl thing?


Anybody have the pic of those Ukrainian kids cutting up a table full of chicken and then playing counter strike on their computers


All that this picture taught me is how based Poland is.

bottom left
Is that a 12 yr boy or lesbian?

wew that's some good chub....

classic peter and roy

>tfw no Mongolian warrior princess to fuck my shit up every night


That's sad

me on the right



>(America and I think the UK will change theirs shortly

Yes. This is the man Trump has chosen to become the next SecDef.

Can you post webms?

This made me laugh really hard








Why do finns do this


battle of nations was a good time

Puking makes them lose weight fast and because of this they can run much faster. Finnish education is the best in the world so you don't need to doubt this method.