How is being an Asian man in multiracial countries? Sex life. I'm curious, sorry my english.
How is being an Asian man in multiracial countries? Sex life. I'm curious, sorry my english
If he's autistic and/or ugly, problably won't have any sex
dat racist
Brazillian right. If you go generic Kpop singer style or something you might be able to snag a weeb, or it'd be a lot easier to suck dick instead, specially if you're asian.
They fuck other Asians
99% of FOB asian girls will only date FOB guys from their country
Most anglicized asian girls will date whites but still prefer anglicized asian dudes
As per usual there are the weird ones which prefer dating outside of their race
I don't care because I'm white and only date whites
t. Last white man in Vancouver
Even our "Asians" are multiracial.
So, not different from the rest of us.
>dating outside of their race
More common than you can think.
And there is no problem on that at all.
I don't know what you're talking about, the Canadian is right, recent asians like Chinese and Koreans only marry themselves.
At least I've never seen a multi couple.
Well, you do. Otherwise, you are pretending.
I know a lot, but a lot, of mixed race Asians here in Brazil.
Beautiful products, I must say.
t. chang
FOB girls love the BWC
I'm talking about recent ones, not pretending anything.
The chinese are not beatiful.
The japs and korean are most cute. :3
Hum... eventually, they will.
Here is like gravity, inevitable.
Brazil is much better in terms of acception (see the japs), but USA is first world.
In Brazil, if you aren't ugly you have sex.
Maybe 50 years later, central Fortaleza is full of them and they don't mix.
I'm not very found of Asian in general, but their mixed ones come quite beautiful.
Maybe, I haven't said when.
But perhaps sooner than you think.
Recent asian immigrants are a minority among asians in Brazil, anyway.
here its as lame as the original people
It's pretty shitty, dude. Asian guys are always portrayed and seen as effeminate and weak in the western multiracial socities and media.
Statistics on western dating websites repeatedly show that westernized Asian girls are the demographic that prefers dating outside their race the most.
So, the options you have are either succumb to the fetishist girls or completely crush the Asian stereotype and become hyper-masculine, ripped, tatts, etc.
Most japs are mixed.
The chinese are not in general.
You don't need be that hyper-masculine today.
Are you sure? Are you a girl?
The average attractive western girl rates the average attractive western guy below average.
You have to be within the upper 20% bracket of attractiveness in order to be considered just above average by the average girl!
>You don't need be that hyper-masculine today
That's mostly a meme desu.
Can't say about the Chinese, though.
I've seen only one, Pei Xing kind of name; and she was mixed.
Being ripped and tatts aren't that necessary. You just need to be not ugly and not much skinny.
They came to Sao Paulo to sell Chinese things. I've already saw a whole family (like 5 persons) talking chinese in the streets.
And how are they?
I'm just saying that reversing a stereotype can hugely play in your favor.
They are poor. Just sell Chinese things. Recent don't even speak Portuguese clearly, so they just stay with another Chinese in Chinese locals. They make a lot of children, too. In 20 years, we will see a lot of Chinese people.
Ah, sorry. Mine mistaken.
The stereotype of asians (at least Japanese and Korean) here in Brazil: small penis, very smart. Girls: cute and smart. They're OK, and a lot of girls like asians.
Maybe that's why they are a little bit distant, poor Portuguese.
Not just because of the Portuguese, they're not well seen.
1 - Sell garbage from China
2 - Doesn't have much respect
3 - They're poor mentally too
They are not in the same level as japs and koreans. Let's just wait for their childen be good and learn something.
If you look like Hero Jaejoong, you can go to party with girl from any race?
Not so manly. You will make sucess just in girls with less than ~22 or more. People will look you like a stranger.
>>dating outside of their race more common than you can think.
My ass. These girls work with my cousin and we never could fuck them because muh family.
I see.
Interesting point, I've saw the same comments of some friends of mine.
Well, let's hope their kids grow better.
They look chinese
They ARE Chinese.
If you are good looking, yes.
Here we are a bunch of halfies.
What is the socioeconomic position of the Japanese within Brazil? I noticed in Tokyo they do the shitty manual labor jobs, and the only ethnic homeless Japanese I saw were from Brazil. I guess poor in Japan is better than living in Brazil.
Are you kidding? It is very common. Most of asians date outside of their race. Except the Chinese.
And they look horrible.
I can't say.
But nowadays, this isn't by far a good places for poor people.
Most of them go to factory work, so they are kind poor. The rest or work for some years and after that came to Brazil with big money or lives normal japanese lives.
Here is a Chinese Costa Rican.
This place is owned by Chinese immigrants.
This American is right Only if you look like a Kpop super star you can fuck good looking girls from any race, even natural gingers.
Only super chads fuck girls from any race or skin color here.
You need to stop being the typical dork Asian STEM type dork and work on you soft skills. This guy is Asian on the outside but a white man on the inside. He runs the Warner Bros movie studio and was educated at USC/Stanford.
azns are treated like shit. and Sup Forums is too nerdy to criticize it.
though its right everything you can do is within weebshit and every person you deal with there is the likes of autists and bipolar psychos.
you have to be a very rare similar creature like a handsome-yet-super nerd to achieve it before everything. and still once you get off the field, you suddenly turn out to be a nerdy weak loser ofc. nerds eventually gonna nerd anywhere.
I don't know if you're still there OP but you won't have a problem as long as you're RIPPED. LIFT SLEEP AND EAT.
Now fuck off.