/ourgirl/ edition
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Maisie > Rosie
will /brit/ be doing another match thread for sir spyros grime show at 9 like last sunday?
any grime man in
ah yes the alt right that never existed
>I won the lottery
Spent £20 on lotto tickets this week.
This guy is a walking Sup Forums stereotype
Was the whole series a scam to push green politics?
the alt right... ah yes
imagine if it were just you and Maisie out in the fucking desert with nowt and no one.
magine lads...
I did
I only won ~47k though
both are retarded
queen of /brit/
Eighty years ago today:
"At long last I am able to say a few words of my own. I have never wanted to withhold anything, but until now it has not been constitutionally possible for me to speak.
A few hours ago I discharged my last duty as King and Emperor, and now that I have been succeeded by my brother, The Duke of York, my first words must be to declare my allegiance to him. This I do with all my heart.
You all know the reasons which have impelled me to renounce the Throne. But I want you to understand that in making up my mind I did not forget the country or the Empire which as Prince of Wales, and lately as King, I have for twenty-five years tried to serve. But you must believe me when I tell you that I have found it impossible to carry the heavy burden of responsibility and to discharge my duties as King as I would wish to do without the help and support of the woman I love."
business idea: RP as Tim to Rosy's prossie account
>tfw you watch a movie and nobody you know has see it
>try to make a thread about it on Sup Forums, 0 replies
>Sister casually comments at dinner that she keeps losing socks
he's right when he says Sup Forums are like right wing SJWs though
send me 100 for your dilly dallying daddy
I want my boots and ill send you more
When was the last time you properly celebrated your birthday?
And now we play the waiting game
me on the left
>tfw to intelligent for books
>a scam to push green politics?
how do you run a scam to push something that isnt profitable?
my mum has been obsessed with winning the lotto for 30+ years
its only in the last year or two that she doesn't base her happiness that night on whether or not she won a jackpot.
What a pussy ass bitch. Get over it, you little girl.
Proper mental that I'm sitting here talking you lads in English, when there are billions of people in China and India going about their days. I mean, I could be an otter or a raccoon or a pigeon, but instead I'm a human talking to all of you.
fuck off poleaboo you sick perverted freak
So that rosy girl eh.
Prefer Sara meself
good lad
does ireland play uk lottery or was this on your own or euromillions
i'm aware of the 'irish lottery' which can be bet on in most bookmakers around the UK
Sara > Aisha > Rosy
your mother is a runt la
I remember you, you used to post your house that you bought and go on about how rich you are
imagine if plebs wrote a letter to their MP every time they were apathetic about the future instead of buying lotto tickets
we'd have a revolution tomorrow
ho yeah
no, I think that might have been someone else
can't buy a house with 47k lad
How do I create a 'gimmick'? What catches on with you folk?
fuck off you nonce
i'm at least grateful panhead doesn't seem to be online right now
Remember that snoopers charter?
lol me neither.
Fucking hell Brits are such spineless pussies
>sara only one not using an iPhone
True Communism in action
>does ireland play uk lottery
no, this was the yoyomillions
Good point must have been someone else
>shes a Scorpio
Well, that explains it. Pack up your bags boys, we can go home now.
>girls being sluts
perfectly respectable
>lads showing their feelings and approaching them for sex
unbelievably offensive rape HELP I'M BEING RAPED
why :(
left is far and away the most attractive.
the best gimmicks have a lot of research behind them
gimmicks are created largely by accident
there's not really a method
just watched Planet Earth 2. poor little turtles :(
>caring about the public after election day
they fob plebs off to local councils
if she was a true communist she wouldn't use any capitalist technology
did they change the price in ireland recently too?
went up from £2 to £2.50 a few months and i haven't bought a ticket since
you should see her without makeup. looks like a bloke.
>the Queen will die in your lifetime
Is she posting messages from her sex-work twitter where she solicits sexual comments on her normal twitter and complaining about being harrassed?
Is the findom stuf all a scam?
The best gimmicks are only posted once or twice a decade.
make it as unfunny as possible then spam the thread with it
That's what you fucking think
fuck Canada fuck the union fuck the Queen and fuck you
>Me and the lads smashed some fascist's head in last night
Any of you alt right cunts wanna have a go?
>local councils
they have fuck all power here
control the garbage pickup essentially
>6'0 84KG 22 year old, eaten healthily for my whole life, exercise regularly
>Resting blood pressure is 165/80
See you on the other side lads
the gf
she works at tesco
the biggest capitalist organisation in the country
alri lads
haha, don't think so mate
>leafs in charge of being correct
*gasses self*
She works there ironically
she's probably sitting their cringing about how pathetic the people she's talking to are
why do we let them away with it
I mentally can not understand this findom shit. Like I could straight up buy a prostitute for that kind of money. Fuck, I could probably straight up convince a girl to be my girlfriend for that kind of money. Meanwhile you're throwing money at this woman you'll never even fucking touch, why? Why not just spend half the money and get a dominatrix to wallop your bollocks? What is the obsession with absolutely wasting your money?
how far do you have to sink to pay premium for shitty pictures you can find online anywhere
>black hair
>blue eyes
>that nose
Ffs seats everywhere and this mong decides to sot 2 feet from me
Fucking hate people like that
yeah went from €2 to €2.50 but that's only about £2 when you do the maths
it's a fetish lad
she's "undercover"
prossie account?
>claims 6'0
>actually 5'11 and a half
*walks up behind you*
*grabs you by your bollocks and shoves my index finger up your neghole*
*throws you off the Gherkin*
risque sara
she works there as a political statement about the futility of individual agency against structural elite
*does the same to you*
Hello GCHQ
I have nothing to do with the harassing of rosy aka Princess Chelsea
did she put makeup on her cleavage?
Don't think I'll ever stop Saraposting until Mummy May shuts us down
Just asked my two prostitute friends what they think about findom
one of them laughed and said it was just weird shit
the other has started rambling on about how it's a "major abuse of people with mental health issues"
having a think