Left should just be called White
Good thread
I definitely believe tanned mediterraneans are superior to nordic savages who lived in mud huts and raped women
D-do I belong to superior med race ?
>tfw half-french ;_;
Good thread.
fuck nordics losers who are into cuck shit.
americans are german scum, that's why they're cucks and love the BBC.
you look like some italian or spanish pewdiepie
t'as l'air maghrébin, karim...
t. literal shitskin
You look like a moroccan but whiter and with a less rat face
What if you're in-between? Could it be called... Masterrace?
Fuck you I'm 100% white
nordics love the BBC.
>sandniggers and spics believeing they belong to med group
You don't belong here, mongrel yank.
>not literal niggers
>Master race
i hate brits and their stupid inbred faces, i'm praying for a new war so i can kill all of you bitches
Kryefara mesdhetare
we wuz meditereneans esse
don't forget this m8
shut your mouth fag
oy vey
don't do that
you're starting this again, Santiago?
I have more mediterranean DNA in my male DNA than any slav scum.
my country is better at soccer than all nordic ones together.
Northern Greeks are Slavs
Where are the pic of they kissing?
that's because nordics usually focus on snow and ice related sports
>m-my country is good at soccer
>c-check mate whitey
holy shit you shitskins crack me up
which are sports for cucks and women.
Slavs are not mediterranean, faggot.
Balkans are landlocked faggots.
we have bigger dicks though.
>balkans are landlocked
spic education lmao
Landlocked slavs are more Med than entire ''latin'' america
Who knew you were literal niggers? I didn't think you were that bad
pigskins BTFO!
except for two of the balkan nations all balkan faggots are landlocked.
teach me how to emigrate to german land, I want to fuck teen germans.
Nope, only spain, italy and greece are true mediterraneans.
amerindians have huge dicks, look up bolivia, which have also big dicks.
that's why they're cucking argeniggers and fucking their women while they cut their grass.
>America is white episode
>except for two of the balkan nations all balkan faggots are landlocked.
Julius Ceasar was known for his beautiful pale skin and blond hair.
We and FYROM are literally the only landlocked Balkan nations. What the fuck are you even talking about?
It's called Atlantid race and it's the best of the best of the best
>m-muh dick
Is this what you manlet mongoloids tell yourselves to feel better about your lack of achievement? How are you any better than niggers?
>amerindians have huge dicks
The meaning of his descritption ''nigros oculis nigrosque pilo'' talk exactly about his paleness.
To be fair, if he was "known for it", then it means it was not very common
>Not being a mix of the two
>aka moorish/turkish rapebaby
History knowlege level: onion
sup bogan
Well I have a med face but blond hair and pale face.
What am I btw
Where can I muh heritage
5 years in ms paint
here my white friend
good pic
>Be a viking groenlander
>Run from your land because overpopulation and minor glacial era
>Arrive in Quebec without the knowlege you reached a new giant continent/landmass
>Create a little colony
>Get beaten and cucked by Algonquines and Iroquoises
>Return to Greenland and then Norway without telling anyone of your ''discoveries''.
''Muh we wir furst Minnezotah stronk nordik powah''
Thank you my white friend.
>yeah user, give me your aryan babymaking semen, cover my disgusting shitskin with your white cum and make me your moorish slut cumdumpster
what do you do?
gib her benis :DDDD
"jokes on you, I'm American"
very good thread
>Not being Med
Good work. Tengri will welcome you to the blue skies.
>patriotic Finn: whites are cucks
>Swedified cuck: yes, master, we're white too, we forgive you
hol up
Indeed. Alexander was a cuck. Hitler was a cuck. Napoleon was a cuck. Charlemagne was a cuck. Only true conqueror and hero is our father, Genghis khan, herder of all the mongols.
>this picture
>Portugal above
The fuck are you guys doing to the point that we are ahead of you.
Literally almost every smart person has left due to the crisis.
>racial chart
>always in german
why are germans so obsessed with races?
>I have more African DNA in my male DNA than any slav scum.
Yeah it's not like an italian made this thread and took time to create that image...
>my country is better at soccer than all nordic ones together.
Confirmed for dindu. Most countries accomplishments are for things that matter not sports.
>North Russia is mongolian
wasn't Novgorod and surroundings literally the only areas spared from the Golden Horde?
maybe OP was south tyrolean
Meds are cool but Slavs are the lowest of the low.
Because deep DEEP down they know they're Huns.
>which are sports for cucks and women.
Hockey takes a lot more skill than dive grass.
My surname is literally "Mediterranean" and I was born in Antalya
>amerimutts deciding who's what or not
fucking lmao
Novgorod was a Fingol-Rusgol joint project
Yes, it's german old map, they knew jackshit about anything. Nevsky subjugated to mongols but never let them interfene with internal politics too much. There's a reason why he's a saint in Russia.
it's referring to Uralic ancestry which was considered "Mongoloid", not the Mongol occupation
Do your lady friends look like this ?
If not I have bad news for you my pure med friend.
>Return to Greenland and then Norway without telling anyone of your ''discoveries''.
You forgot Iceland where Columbus read the Vinland Sagas before his trip to the Indies.
>''Muh we wir furst Minnezotah stronk nordik powah''
That's supposedly Scandinavian Templars much later and the evidence is a bit weak.
Are Caucasians welcomed here?
nothing more pathetic than stormshits, Sup Forumsniggers and assorted white subumans shilling their revisionist jew """history"""" about how romans were white then suddenly they automagically became brown because half a dozen arabs occupied some village in sicily for 50 years lmaooo
literally nigger-tier "WE WUZ"-ism
You we wuz over being romans when the italians aren't even the same people as the romans