>integrate instantly
>don't cause crime
>qt grills that mainly stick with their own men
>integrate instantly
>don't cause crime
>qt grills that mainly stick with their own men
African Americans
>African Americans
>God Tier immigrants
Lets just take a moment on this...
t. Dong Fan
t. kevin liem
t. hapa
>qt grills that mainly stick with their own men
>that mainly stick with their own men
>be me
>be a so-called "god tier" loyal hardworking immediate-integrating mainlander in Vancouver
>see one of my friends has a new expensive sweater
>get mad because my own sweater isn't quite as expensive
>go buy an even more expensive version of it - one with the word "CODEINE" on it because it sounds french
>get in my Bentley and start to drive back to my multi-million dollar home
>see a puddle next to the sidewalk, right next to the woman in yoga gear jogging with a baby stroller
>drive into the puddle and splash them, soaking them completely
>get stopped at red light
>as soon as light turns green, I floor the pedal up to 100 before going back down to 70 or so in this 50 zone
>get back home to my beautiful mansion I bought using daddy's "casino winnings" at Macau
>see my uglier, shorter, less rich next-door neighbor pull into his driveway with my car - my Bentley
>get mad
>drive back to the nearest Rolls Royce dealership and buy a Phantom with some more of daddy's winnings'
>call my girlfriend and tell her to go run for an hour because she's getting fat and her ass isn't completely vertical now
>get bored and get some bubble tea and mama burgers
>call my professional tutor PhD student and ask him the status on my paper he is "editing" from scratch
>grab my expensive camera and take some macro shots of a nearby tree
>go to sleep, another beautiful day as a god-tier immigrant
I've never seen a ching chong nigga
The fuck is this? Maybe the Filipinos in the inner city but not anyone else and definitely not in the suburbs. I'm asian, and I know a lot of other Asian Americans and literally no one does this shit.
Is this cartoon from a different country? I've never seen anything like this, even the asian kids who are into rap are as harmless as suburban white kids.
Wow. really made me think
East Asians don't, all other Asians do. Maybe not the mudslime ones, I don't know.
t. Lingping 'Bazza' Chang
Choose one.
>god tier
No. All foreigners are communist faggots and should be gassed.
t. biao xianqiu
>integrate instantly
>don't cause crime
You surely have some strange brand of Chinese in your cunt
only filipinos from my experience
>tfw no qt, rich stuckup Chinese grill to buy me stuff
t. Shit
That's, burmese, and other mainlanders dont, it's those darn islanders
Any immigrants that don't stay in the major coastal metropoli are good immigrants.
Fucking triggered nouveau riche chinks trigger me so fucking hard; those fuckers are making it harder for the rest of us white collar Chinese that actually want to integrate.
>tfw no qt, rich stuckup Chinese grill who somehow still makes me buy her stuff
Muslim immigrants are pretty cool here. They all go into STEM or become small business owners or doctors. Some of the wealthiest, most educated minorities. Even the African ones here are really successful and they sometimes look down on American blacks. Plus Arabs are just funny in general
Probably the Vietnamese or the Cambodians since they actually integrated.
>greedy, jews nothing compared to chinling
>breath smells like dog shit, oh wait...
>always avoid them at lunch, if you worked with them you'll understand
>Even the African ones here are really successful and they sometimes look down on American blacks.
Which is retarded be schadenfreude they were only a few km aWay from being in their position.
* becaue they were
You never see Indian or East Asian homeless people here in DC. Just sayin..........
Desu, I knew a Sudanese guy who's dad told him to stay away from American blacks because they'd give him AIDS. He also didn't wany him wearing doo rags
t. xiao chong ping lee pong
chinks don't get their money from casinos.
they get it from living on prime land that the government wants to develop and bribes them with a $1 million yuan for
that's why you have these double digit IQ ex nong farmer nigger tier peasants driving bentleys and lamboghinis, and then ending up wrecking them or killing themselves in car crashes.
What do you think?
>Chinese FOB's don't intergate
Gee i wonder why (sarcastic tone).
When has any first gen ever intergated ... get off.
>FOB's again
wew lad.
dutch don't have 2nd gen chinese in his lands. sad.
first gen is always a shit for integration for most migrant that is why you cannot allow them to have a alcove to hide in.
when are you killing yourself you fat fuck?
The best immigrants are the ones you don't notice
Hey Poland, how are those Vietnamese people doing?
t. "Kiwi_"I'M THE SECOND GEN CHINK" Dude" !!E79QxF8GY1z
t. Zhing Zhang
Fuck off cunt
fat ass square goatee man. lmao ur own countrymen call you a wog
Indians are probably the best immigrants in my city, they are usually students or professors at local universities.
I like all East and Southeast Asian immigrants. I wish there were more of them.
Oh I know that, that's why I put "casino winnings" in brackets. It was a joke that his daddy is some mid-rank CCP public official who was money laundering his bribery funds through Macau before getting them out of the country.
Bognised chink here, I think I've over-intergrated because now I'm stuck with a heavy bogan accent and people were always weirded out when I start talking.
t. Wang
I know that feel bro... I wish I could get rid of it and get a sophisticated accent like a lighter one or a British/American accent desu.
i actually don't mind them at all
i just wish chinese wasn't a hideous language. if it sounded like japanese, mongolian or korean it'd be fine but mandarin sounds absolutely terrible
also hanzi as a writing system is total shit
inb4 too deep for you
as a language autist i just can't get over it
None, we're fucking full
But to be serious I would say Italians. Good fashion sense, good looking, nice people, nice language
Also would say white South Africans/Zimbabweans are pretty god-tier, they're basically us but better looking
Poles also get an honorary mention, despite what Sup Forums thinks most Brits like Poles and think of them as good and hard-working people
Africans, muslims and chinks should fuck off and stay the fuck out though
t. zhang wao xing pang pong
Holy shit you're retarded.
So basically anyone that isn't white?
theres a noticeable fracture within their community here due to the fact that many of the earlier waves of chinese immigration were fleeing the communists, and the most recent wave are often sons and daughters of rich communist officials.
>qt grills that mainly stick with their own men
what did he mean by this?
>what did he mean by this
it mean they against race mixing which is considered cool in the anime boards of current year
Fuck off Wei.
Even Haitians here behave better than Chinese.
>qt grills that mainly stick with their own men
Chinese girls mainly stick with their own.
Fuck of Peter. It's not """cool""" it's right.
No, you're retarded.
More or less, but Indians are pretty good immigrants too.
>Chinese girls mainly stick with their own.
>it mean they against race mixing which is considered cool in the anime boards of current year
I see chinese girls with white guys all the time, it's one of the most common interracial pairings, so still not sure what you meant by that.
>>qt grills that mainly stick with their own men
Ofc thats a bonus since youre a chingchong
Oh and they dont.
>mainland chinese
No, Filipinos are best Asian immigrants by far.
t. pajeet singh
t. Kap Mendezu
>speak english
>work hard
Filipinos are bro-tier
I wonder who could be behind this post.
As much as I dislike Asians sometimes I can't disagree with you.
They work and stick to themselves generally.
Filipinos are practically Europeans, probably more European than Russians. Nice meme though
Estonians and Karelians, because they are our people. Rest can fuck off from Finnland (whites can stay in small numbers).
Fuck off cunt they ruined Sydney
This, chinks are scum
That's because your country is so shit you got the shit chinks.No chink ever wants to go to hueland
viets, cambodians
except that they don't have a corrupt chink government official parent ("casino winnings" lol).
*for such a small minority, viets commit a lot of crime.
>what is liberia
t. James "GOTTA GET A GOOK" Irwin
Sorry for stealing your term and the ensuing cringe Aussies but crikey your posts are shit.
It's even funnier that Blacks fought for Africans being able to even be able to come to America as immigrants yet some immigrants have this weird ass complex in regards to being a minority of a minority that you look down on and share similarities that you are a part of that is also a minority.
In general immigrant groups tend to have a group they shit on to feel good about themselves and often a complex develops overtime.
Anyone who already knows English and knows how to parent, race or religion is pretty much irrelevant.