Are you ready for the Asian Century?

Are you ready for the Asian Century?

I want her to do this to my dick and live the rest of my life as a cockless sissy slave in her dojo

You bet.

Whiteys will be flooding in there, fucking your womens left and right.


muh dick is ready.

you may be autistic

hes just german,

>tfw China is the next superpower
>shitskins and paleskins all wants to be chinks
>mass immigration to China
>China is now 20% white boi and they act like niggers
>discrimination against whites are now consider racism but discriminate against chinks are not
>Finns are now proud of their chink heritage

Like niggers are to you lad :^)

i would only consider moving to china if they started building toilets with doors. i cant squat and take a shit without a door. thats just nasty.


If you consider every foreigner as nigger, you are correct.

now im muh dicking even more than before.

>no qt nip gf
Why even live?

A lot of developping country people and a few curious developped country people will earn low wages in IT jobs.Ofcourse most of the latter will be poverty.Crever developped country people will study the law and accounting to get a good job to take the lion's share.Remarkable IT development will make International and domestic disparities more and more radically wider, then Asian countries which have many IT slaves will get awesome development. IT makes most of mankind poor, produces slaves and brings Asian century.

>Crever developped country

aw so cute and adorable, japan.

>whites acting like niggers

Nice liberal fanfic

Anyone would act like niggers if they're poor enough.

no but im ready for the year of the Linux desktop


t. knower

Bogans are already here leaving behind halfies to be traded soon. Better make haste mongol or there won't be anything left.

I unironically have no problems with China, India, Japan or the Philippines as powers.

But Europe and the USA will always be on par with them, per capita.

why do people so obsessed with swords?
they're shit tier weapons

Dutch ceremonial guards (military police) still wear Indonesian Klewangs.

These as well.


*unzips dick*

Is that an alien?

dumb shit

you're damn right it is

My dick it is you can be sure about that m8

>that outfit
>that hairstyle
cum so hard it reached your mom in mexico

No not really. Statistics prove you wrong