/military/ thread

Post you country's tanks. No bullying allowed.

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[heavy American breathing intensifies]

I want to fuck her dry cunt



It has 2800mm anti HEAT frontal armor(2050 apfsds)+3 layers of ERA

so cool

Surprised our military even has armoured vehicles 2bh


kek, what a shitty tank. literally looks like

>The M10's open-topped turret left the crew vulnerable to artillery and mortar fire and fragments. The 893rd Tank Destroyer Battalion took many casualties from artillery fire and tree bursts and lost 16 of 24 M10s during the Battle of the Hürtgen Forest.[24] The crew was also exposed to sniper fire and infantry close assault, such as grenades thrown through the open turret, or attacks from upper story-windows, especially in urban warfare and wooded areas. In UK service, one M10 in the 86th Anti-Tank Regiment (XII Corps) in Normandy drove back out of action three times with the turret crew dead. Two turret crews had been killed by 88mm air bursts or mortars exploding in treetops and one crew was killed by a direct hit through the turret. The same driver survived each time. When this driver was placed with a new crew, his fourth, he was declared to be a 'Jonah' (bad luck) and they refused to drive with him. He was transferred to another unit and told to keep quiet about his history.[25]

Here's better photo

Still better than sep v3

>cool thread shows up
>have to leave in 20mins

Well just post this one ;_:



Need something to stop those abos when they get a full tank of petrol.

abos can't swim mate, I'm sure we'll be fine

Where is the blond one


Your navy will be fine. Your army is gonna have a tough time, armor or not...

I do hope you're pretending to be stupid lad

Thats an anti-slime deterrent system. For when they crawl on top, like the insects they are.

Still the best armoured tank in the world, and has been tested extensively in the middle-east and survived numerous attacks.

>tfw my phone broke and I lost all my army photos

I saw a video of an abo chew through a steel girder with its bare teeth. I wish you luck, m80.

There is more pics, but can't find it.

I like this.

Good thing there's no abos in this country then

No doubt that its the best...as long as the Abrams isnt included in the competition...



So well armoured they get knocked out by each other's guns

Sounds like the crew are being cooked harder than 9/11 survivors user

Arent abos="maori"? I thought that was just a term invented by jews...gas the kikes, btw...

To be quite fair both our tanks use similar armour, the Chobham armour which was developed here.

>rifled gun

>not using smooth, thick smoothbores
The brits are autistic with their HESH rounds desu

The title is wrong, this is the KSA army not Iraqi.

Nope aborigine only really refers to Australian natives, hardly anyone calls maoris abos. We just call maoris maoris, very simple yes

Show us Singapore's great tank m8. Has it been used much?

>best armored

request denied

This is a portugal made armored car


Still equally incompetent desu.

>captcha on long complicated german words

Fuck off google.



The Dutch man is kinda' right, the Iraqis don't have LAV IIIs in their inventory, since the SANG is the only Middle Eastern user of the IFV.

I'm sure this has seen a great deal of use in the field.

That is true, money and high tech gear cannot buy brains and/or balls.

Yep. Yet they buy our shit so as long as they keep giving dem oil money then can go to war as much as they want.

>dealing with arab monkey model t72s and t55s
>calling this a field use

no bully

Come back and talk shit when this has actually been used in battle for any prolonged period of time

Lol who does not sell arms to the middle east? Ever seen how many different weapon systems the KSA and Emirate army has? It must suck working in the logistics branch for those armies. Ofcourse if they are that well organized and have any logistics at all.

yeah, could say the same about your women

I apologize if this offends you, but are you a maori (nigger)?

True that. Same with India we can say, look up their fighter jets.

Logistics and doctrine must be a pain in the ass.


It would kill 10 challengers every day soon

>sounds like your mudfilth "family" (implying humanity) was melted by our A-10s. filthy nigger...

>Cooked harder than 9/11 survivors

My fucking sides.

>""win"" iraq war
>iraq war is now america's hot potato, and number one liability

>Armoured vehicles

Is this 1945?

>t. somali/pakishitsky/ChInK filth


>be a second-tier city
>claim your tired city is a "country"
"giv shekel pleez"

It's shit.

>less crime than any city in america
>more aids than fucking china (200 million people VS 1.2Bln people)
>literally too burger to fight


>Kills own people
>Blames it on terrorists

Quintessentially American

*usa has more aids than china

>the only challenger 2 to ever be destroyed was destroyed by another challenger 2 million

>more AIDS
nigger, your fucking "prime" minister and founder have/ had AIDS. Thats really nothing to brag about...faggot...

L30 120mm rifled gun's MV is on the low end for even the german 120mm smoothbore, it literally means your challys can get fucked by russian T-90 series and above

>claims to be human
>is actually a chong
Its time to end yourself, slime mold.

M60 patton

>more aids than mexico
>more aids than russia
>more aids than fucking brazil
even hues can put on condoms, can you?

Say salty, white boi.


do tank killers count?

My average American middle class city LITERALLY owns 0.788% of your ENTIRE population. Better get on your knees next time Im in town, charlie chang...pucker them lips, boytoy.

Nah it was a lucky shot because the hatch was open.

the a-10 needs to be put out to pasture.

Patria AMV

that's what they said about the b-52

that is way too much of a coincidence

that's true, they are fucking ancient and the airframes only have so much left to give.

The duck is that for? Clearing reindeer off the road?

Well it's true, cry about it all you want.

>"crickets chirp in the distance"

well whatever, its not as if you need anything else to defend your cold island

Not bad going.

Dont argue with that chink/pseudo-nigger. Its frontal cortex cant understand logic.

"However, IHS Jane's 360 reported on the 20 September 2015 that following discussions with Senior Army Officers and Procurement Officials at DSEI 2015, as well as the head of the British Army, General Sir Nick Carter, that the British Army was looking at either upgrading the Challenger 2 or outright replacing it. Sources confirmed that the future of the MBT was being considered at the highest levels of the Army. "

"Shortly after, the British Army decided that purchasing a new tank would be too expensive and chose to proceed with a Challenger 2 life extension project (LEP)"

>" a new tank would be too expensive"

Leopard 1.

T-90 Bhisma

T-72 Ajeya

>no shtora
Its t72

Arjuna MKII