How the fuck is it possible for all the eastern europeans who dont speak english to drive trucks in Europe...

How the fuck is it possible for all the eastern europeans who dont speak english to drive trucks in Europe, unload all the shit in the right place and even find cabotage jobs while in e.g. Finland?

Tell me your secrets


but you people cant read

>t. not worked in transportation

I've always fucking loved the eastern drivers, very effective, mostly punctual.


They are seen as a menace on the roads here, on account of being constantly sleep deprived at very least. And I assume this goes for our drivers as well.

thank you for not answering any questions, now go back to sucking jamals dick

Logistics have their way of working things. You know, it's a whole big area of business.

the secret is simple- freight forwarders. they do it for them, they tell themwhere to load/unload, which ferry they should take, which border crossing etc.

Go home, Miroslav. The eastern drivers are a traffic hazard and their fuck ups block every god damn road during winter.

they sometimes have some small letter with them, with written english. They just hand it out to the police, in case something happens.

Lots of them actually know German. I don't know how it's with Finnish.

But when they arrive at the loading area and have to speak with the local bydlos who only speak the local bydlo language wtf do they do then?

Because if you actually want to get a job done, you will do it

I worked in logistics. It consists of a lot of people on the phones solving the problems drivers manage to create.

They usually don't say much. They just arrive show the freight papers, signature one and signature two, they check the weight and then they fuck off again.

They train for hundreds of hours and ETS2


Sign language if necessary and they usually don't need to speak anyway since it's all pre-arranged and if not, it's not their fault.

Depends. If it's for exaple raaben than they got local storehouses to which drivers from other countires go to and unload.

If it's a smaller shiper they got "transportation letters" with them, also cmrs and the place where they unload their shipment is already informed so the drivers just need to show documents and they're pointed to the right place at the warehouses.

t. guy who has a small company

What company?

The ability to read is not necessary to an average worker.

I sell stuff that I buy from the us of a, aka I am a official distributor.