
Moosie Walliams edition

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Brit more like shit

@ Sup Forums men; nobody will ever love you. You will die lonely in ur wank stained wee pits ae misery. Find a hobby


>Janitor acceptance emails will be sent out over the coming weeks. Make sure to check your spam box!

Get ready for a slight increase in janny presence followed by him giving up after a week

Lads reviewbrah discusses the pengest much in his new podcast

Fast food war, perhaps?

i bet the janny giggles like an idiot when he deletes a thread and we all start posting david mitchell

what did they do to old white men this time?

yeah it's pretty funny


ReviewBrah is a white supremacist so I'm sure he'll finish off that nigger

>had a smudge on my face at work
>MILF manager licked her fingers then rubbed it off me

unironically the furthest i've gone with a girl

Imagine if Mitchell's PR team found out they could do that

How so?

its annoying that some little nigglet got as many subs as reviewbrah did in years, in a day because he's black

Sophie and Maisie are right little slags

so obviously paintshopped it hurts

Guaranteed to get more views as well

Reviewrunt is finished gramps, get with the times

nigger lover

please don't mock my skills i don't know how to colour skin


>all these melts triggered by a young black lad having the ingenuity to tap into a gap in the market and become successful

i hope you're all doing it ironically, if not i feel sad for you

*walks into thread wearing a belt made of sausages*

ALLAHU AKBAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hehe. Did I fool you, lads? Did ya shit yer pants a little bit?


starting to think this one lad who always angrily posts about pengest munch and shills for reviewbrah is actually just reviewbrah

Walford Heath

the problem with reviewbrah is that he thinks he's a radio host from the 1920s


Which black las is that? Kanye?

Punctuuured bicycle
On a hillside desolaaate


delete your post

i guess the 23 year old black manchild can stop going to the job centre now :^) happy 4 him desu

Tell me about Ireland. What do you know aout it?
What can you tell me about Irish?

Its shit and the people are shit
t. PhD in potatology


>this one really racist Australian

If they don't get enough potatoes they start dying out.


delete your life

>Treasurer Scott Morrison has signalled a crackdown on dole bludgers as he puts together his mid-budget review, due to be handed down next Monday.


>angry that a black is doing something productive and getting off welfare
ah yes, the 'Rorke Paradox'

>can't even come up with an original response

Why are they shit though?
Why there are no Irish here?

nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
I'm 200% nigger

me the bird


mate i'm genuinely happy for him, it's good to see a young black man succeed.

something we don't see enough of these days

*posts member on reddit*

let them upvotes roll in boyos

alri maisielad

thought you were dead

we were the crown jewel of the british empire and when we left the whole thing fell apart

race traitor

Doing a poo, ironically of course

At last I see the light, British men are worthless it is Welsh men who are precious


Alri noonga get back in the orphanage

the only welsh man i know of is that bloke from the lostprophets who tried to rape a baby

New South Welshmen > Welshmen 2bh

How do you like IReland?
Do you like to live in it or you would consider to move somewhere else?

friend of my gf went out with a Welsh guy for a bit and he certainly was "precious"
would literally storm off if he disagreed with something
farmers are genuinely autistic


stop it, your hatred will only cause further division of the one human race.

Did /balt/ kick out the australians again? Why are you here lads


What did he mean by this?

roses are red
violents are blue
this is running on empty
food review

>violents are blue
what did he mean by this?

i like it. A lot of irish people complain its shit but if you do a bit of travel you realise is better than 90% of the world

I'd move to the UK if I couldn't get a job here I suppose

Reach for the rope, Ahmed.

what about the young abo girls? surely some of them must be qt

I was laughing because it makes sense even with the mistake

any neofolk man in

>southern hemisphere

it's spelt Norfolk

i've got lysdexia check your privlage

Ahh yes, the one human race


This is a younger relative of 'miss australia'. The most attractive abo they could find presumably. It's about as good as it can get I guess but by 30 they develop into bulldogs.

the nazis were actually half right
today's races would have evolved into different species given enough time seperate

*yodels in finnish*

My favourite DIJ album is Nada and that's not really neofolk

So I guess no

im a racist
the niggers hate me

any two populations of an animal will evolve in to two different species if kept seperate for long enough, whats your point?

you put the sexy in dyslexia

You have FIVE seconds to tell me what's going on here.

Finally got my drivers licence lads

Is it true that some of your lawyers can find spmeone's "Irish Ancestory" so that way they could immigrate to Ireland?
I've seen the ads over here about it and was curious if they really practice such thing.

non chauvinist race realist here

Europe for Europeans
Africa for Africans
Australia for Aborigines


Congrats, now yoy can drive over those poor roo cunts



jesus, forgot about this classic

I am Aboriginal

learners or p's?

feast upon thine arse


I'm a race realist
the niggers hate me

>would have

why are non-whites so violent?

fuck off back to the outback you black cunt

Thank you! I have a roo bar as well.
P's lad, I'm not 17 I'm actually 20 which is why I'm happy I finally got it

just wish we had evolved above the negro quicker
now we'll never be rid of them

doctors seem to hate everyone these days. what the fuck is their problem?

yeah nice im unironically going for my test tomorrow

how long did the test go for?

was it difficult?

Never heard of that
all you need is an Irish grandparent to be eligible for citizenship