God: ''how do you want your world faM?''

>God: ''how do you want your world faM?''

>Victor Mozes: ''ayoo gib me dat south central demography nigga''

>God: ''i got you fAm''

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Mexico looks nice.

lmao whitey on suicide watch

Disgusting countrymen won't stop making babies

Dude it's not that high it's 3.0 and going lower.

We're still one of the highest in the region, and our clown of a president just suggested that each family should have at least 3 children


This means dumb flips having more dumb flips. Previously, dumb flips having many children was because they see children as an "investment" for their retirement, as they think their children owe them by raising them, now it's also for their dear president.


HAHAHAHAHA, I want to die.

Stop being a bitch ass nigga. 3 kids is a good amount.

>implying everyone won't die in the upcoming apocalypse

Good reply, leaf.

>tfw niggers will actually become KANGZ when they outnumber everyone else and conquer Europe

that's why we should nuke everything south of the Sahara

>niggers running into machine guns and being filled with European lead

more like everything south of the alps

If you are doign that then you might as well nuke everything but West europe, NA, Parts of Asia and Australia.

>then you wake up

Don't reply to me

"Africa Begins At The Pyrenees"
- Alexandre Dumas

>11.2 billion people

nuke us as well, we're already a wasteland

more like everything south of the artic ocean

You guys do realize affrica will not have the infrastructure to maintain such large population ?

So they will want to move.

There are already lots of Nigerians here. Fuck.

good idea desu

live in a village close to pleven and when i go there i see niggers. also this summer saw about 10 hidjabis all women with no men near them. i am sure they were arabs

>actually believing Africans will be able to continue breeding like that without European gibsmedats
Yea nah
They will starve to death like the useless niggers that they are

this is so wrong and possibly the cause of the future collapse of the West.

>we're too degenerate to have a child so let's blame Africans

Pathetic desu

mama merkel can create few special african cities for the blacks and german women. germany has aways been multicultural goy, everybody is welcome in the refugeereich

>there will be more niggers than the chinks and the poos COMBINED in the future

apocalypse when

and remember that a good chunk of the ones remaining in Europe will be sons and grandchildren of the rapefugees
It's already a huge demographic catastrophe, the damage had been done and there's no way to fix it

>and there's no way to fix it


That movie elysium is the future

But without the space station

>tfw the space station was the symbolism of death

there is no escape but the embrace of sweet sweet death

>live in S*fia
>see niggers on the trams that go to the shitty parts of the city where the ""refugee"" centers are
>entire area around Жeнcкия пaзap is infested with arabs

end it

Holy shit someone should neuter africa

Maybe we should ask murrikans to release their genetically engineered virus to target those """people"""

a cull is always good for the rest of the ecosystem.

Israel is/was developing a virus that targets specific genes. It's perfectly possible to engineer a supervirus that only targets individuals carrying a specific genetic pattern.


no, pls. not the kikes

I will not marry a wife and raise a child so I can help flips.

>tfw so miscegenated this wouldn't work on me

Giving non-whites access to medicine was a mistake.