/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico

No bullying allowed edition

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It's like they're not even trying to be subtle.

loli's are meant for bullying

What's wrong with being white and male?

i agree

Literally why does it matter

They are NOT meant for bullying!


>Living anywhere but America


what the fuck was her problem

this this this this

They don't vote Democrat

is that cable?


So my younger brother was showing me his textbook from school today
Trayvon Martin is discussed in the chapter on civil rights with the pic of him at 12 years old. It details the incident as George Zimmerman, a white hispanic, followed and shot him for being in a white neighborhood

Makes me doubt the nostalgia filter we put on for the actual Civil Rights movement now that I'm seeing history rewritten and this narrative pushed before my eyes

African American culture

>white hispanic

she did literally nothing wrong

No, It's King

textbooks are always wrong and outdated. It'd be more accurate if we just had the kids learn from wikipedia

take a picture pls

Is this for real

anime name?

>American education.jpg

Makes me wonder what a new Canadian history textbook looks like inside...

Alright cum lets see your anime taste

Just link your MAL you cuck

*rigs your election*

The Z-man trials were the highest point in Sup Forums's history.

Robot girls Zed

dumb commie poster


He's still our Caucasian Messiah, though.

your lie in april
monogatari series
yuru yuri
that's about it, I don't watch so much anime


russians subhumans are not welcome here

>implying anyone actually takes the extra step of visiting another URL


Thanks pham

Reported to CTR, NSA, FBI, CIA, CNN, ABC, NBC, ABC, DEF, GHI, JFK, and my mom.

>that's about it, I don't watch so much anime

>I don't watch anime
>lists 10 with weeb shit titles off the bat
sure thing

Dubs confirm

but it is you who accuse us?

ok morocco

>I don't watch so much anime
YOu don't have to lie user, we're all friends here

Grandma is coming over for Christmas and going to stay in my room
Already got rid of the piss bottles and fap socks
How do I make it not smell like pot and sadness now

hold on, gotta make my 3x3 again

My Grade 12 Social Science class spent a month on marxism, critical theory, deconstruction, the main waves of feminism, and critical race theory


Maybe try washing the shit on your bed for once

anime turns you into a retarded sperg
half of you guys would be chad right now if you had never started watching anime
>inb4 there are chads that watch anime
they don't watch that fag shit

why would fucking his grandma help the situation at all?

but it's true
I'm not an autistic weaboo that watches anime 24/7
i'm notl ying

you burn incense

I think the only """"anime""" i've ever watched in full was Yu-Gi-Oh

shit was good though

Open the windows and get a scented candle going

I only started watching anime last year after I already gave up on everything

retarded spergs turn to anime



Your man tier post

yu gi oh is shit, how does all of the worlds problems somehow revolve around a childrens card game?

Is he still alive

>Social Science
>in Grade 12

Where did you go to school?

does all the weebs post here in normie topics without posting anime images?

It's too early for real weeb hours

>Social Science
>grade 12

Did the teacher buy into that shit?

>dis nigga didnt watch season 0



*marches from Atlanta to Savannah*

addding more to the list
love live
flip flappers
love live sunshine
swetness and lighting
mob psycho
and shitty re:zero

>watching the 4kids version

>two research-heavy papers totaling 25,000 words due next week
>both topics are on esoteric legal issues
>I haven't even picked the titles yet

>season 0
wuss dat

Best march of my life


>thats about it
>adds 10 more

Start typing now
Get off Sup Forums

>based canadian user posts image of girl's nice tits
>rest of you fags start talking about trannies and anime
>janny bans based leaf

am reaching end of rope with Sup Forums authorities. there will be justice.

>tfw look wildly different depending on which mirror I check or what picture I'm in
idk what i even look like

"""she""" has dad face

>janny bans based leaf

We know it was you pham.

>tfw cute girl exchange student from Ukraine lives down the hall from me
>doesn't understand a word of english

what do?

who is she
please tell me she does porn

It may have been officially coded as Geography/History, but it only spent half the time talking about ancient history, european history, african colonialization, and asian history. The other half was on the past hundred years, including the cold war, vietnam war, korean war, and then existentialist philosophy/nihilism/absurdism and the critical school of thought and its offshoots.

I went to a preppy private school which decided that the AP material wasn't enough.

Real qt hours?


Jesus Bobbo sounds way worse than usual lmao

take her a potato and carve a love heart into it, this is a custom in ukraine to say you like someone

filling in my cabinet

I'm bored
What should I fap to?

>mods haven't started autobanning namefags
Reaching the end of the rope with the Sup Forums authorities t.bh

Australian Aborigines

who Sup Forums here


>I went to a preppy private school

That might explain it then. My highschool was pretty shit, we had almost no choice in the last two years.

indian girls


>tfw don't remember what happened on monday

A very untapped demographic in porn desu
Only a handful of good stuff

chloe foster

>another user doesn't know how to reverse image search

Chloe Foster.

I'm convinced my coworker is spying on me on my day off

Watch Moana

>the "i dunno english" routine

blow me

i wanna FUCK moana