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International #686
What is the most beautiful city in the world guys? No other factors than beauty required
Pls insult the poster above you in your language
Insult random shithole in Africa or the Middle East
So how long is Syria going to stay fucked? I mean at least it looks like Iraq is getting their shit together
What are your families' politics like?
I summon French people here
Why are these cunts so contentious and hostile to each other on the web? I really want to see some banter amongst them...
Why americans call it soccer, not football?
Emperor 's wife in Japan. Michiko Shoda and her shadows
ITT: we say words that we think probably mean something in a certain language
I'm Race-mixed
/deutsch/ manchmal auch /österreich/ aber immer /basel/
Tell me how boring your country is?
Alright, so I really do want to know how much of a 'backward bigot' I am in a Western popular ethic system
*Starts masturbating furiously*
Are there people of your family who fight in a war ?
Is this true?
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1774
Are you part of the alt-right movement?
The whole world is taught to hate us
Tokyo is big
Why is Poland strangely famous for video games?
Any Saudi/Qatarese/Emiratis here?
Amount of money paid to or received from the EU per capita
Slavic Thread
This triggers and confounds the nice european
Why do we continue to defend and support these ingrates...
Should I emigrate to London for a new job offer from a well settled upper middle class life in Mumbai?
What does Sup Forums think of Japan?
What flags do you want in your highly dangerous special mission?
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Does your cunt have a pyramid?
Is Czech Republic a good country?
Why do people think Poland is shit?
Which language sounds better? Portuguese or Spanish?
What do people from you other countries think about the nuclear bombing of Japan by the United States during World War...
/fr/ - Le Francofil Québécois et francophone
What's his ethnic background?
Is being a Japanese NEET better than being a "western" NEET? I heard they have an entire subculture over there
Your country
How is nudity viewed in your cunt?
Your cunt
Tfw typical slav face with puffy cheeks like a pig
Why is Poland dislsiked by everyone with some small exceptions of Hungarians, Slovakians and Czechs?
/v4/ + friends
Why people consider british people white? i can't understand. i look at this pics...
This image frightens and enrages the European and was refused classification by the BBFC
Your sister comes home
1. Your cunt
Kurva anyátok
/tr/-crazy turkish parties
What do you hate most about your own country?
Mom, dad, I'd like you to meet Kikuko, my new wife from Japan
Mexianons what is the redpill on your country's women?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Top 3 Favorite Cunts (other than your own)
When is it my turn to stick my penor in some whore's vagoo? :(
The France Austria Switzerland Hungary Georgia Armenia Romania Belarus has just formed
Is Russian still a popular language to learn in Eastern Europe?
What is your cunt's equivalent to California?
Which Spic country is actually livable?
Post your town city flag
Who /involuntarily celibate/ here?
Tell me about ancient Greeks
Sup Forums memes
ITT The best fast food from your cunt
Are they popular in Finland?
This is nice car
Spain is Cucked
How is your winter weather?
Sverigetråden - Svensk-Israeliska vänskapsupplagan
What country does the moon belong to?
/ita/ - il filo
What do people in tall countries eat?
/cum/ Canada, United States, Mexico
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
L/a/t - hilo talino
ITT: Thank other countries
Eating uncooked meat
Is there any big difference between Br portuguese and Barbossian portuguese? if so which are the main ones?
Hey boys *winks at your penis*
Your county
Meanwhile in california
Why is Iowa so awesome?
"Hey user"
What would be the best and easiest country for an American to move to, to get away from Trump?
What countries are friendliest to Israelis and have beautiful women?
Is ireland the worst country in europe?
How can the quality of Sup Forums get this constantly decreasing?
/ita/ - Il Filo
/cum/ Canada United States Mexico
Finnish is MUCH more difficult to learn than Chinese
My mom died a few days ago and I feel like disappearing from this planet. What happens to humans after death...
The only way a white male can star in a AAA Hollywood movie is if said white male is Mexican
Really makes you think
1. you're a cunt
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Guess the map
Tfw no Afghan gf
Why are whites so fucking stupid?
Get on
/ita/ il filo
Friendly reminder that Japan and Britain are pretty much the same country
How do you feel about white chocolate?
You will never live in a small town of like 500 people where everyone knows everyone else
Sweden need as, Sup Forums need as
1. you're cunt
Ukraine denied entry into the EU
/fr/ - /fr/acture française
Sverigetråden - /skandi/+/mämmi/+/balt/+/ausnz/upplagan
Sverigetråden - Segerupplagan
/deutsch/ und /nachtschicht/
Could i pass as local in you're country??
/cp/ - Culture Pals
Sup Forums wants Tuvalu, can Sup Forums annex a small island?
/CP/ - CulturePals
FlagBearer Sup Forums - Theme Thread
Your country
/cum/ Canada-USA-Mexico
Finland suddenly gains full control of your whole country
Wake up
Why are the English translations of European cities so much better?
You wake up in Warsaw
Tell me about German regional differences
Nachtschicht ehemals /deutsch/
Has your country ever provided anything of value?
Wanna kill myself
1. You're a fucking cunt
Is the UK the ugliest country in Western Europe?
What's the biggest embarrassment in British history?
Vlaanderen draad (1) revival of the Memes
Declare Germanics to be superior, Slavs inferior
Mexico's official name is the United Mexican States
How do you say if a girl is hot in your pussy?
What makes African men so physically superior?
How hard is it to be black/minority in your country? would you say you're more or less equal than america?
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
ITT: posters you recognise on Sup Forums
1. Language you are learning
What would your culture do to a woman like this?
What do you know about Northern Portugal Sup Forums?
Kurva anyátok
TFW 22 years old loser
ITT: we repair europe
Why can't we be friends?
Sverigetråden - Natalia Upplagan
Who watch Rogue one? Who want spoilers?
I fixed Europe
Why yes I am a member of the so-called Alt-Right
Why does half of Belgium speak French while the other half speak Dutch?
1. Your country
1. u're a female reproductive organ
Russia may organise migrant sex attacks in Europe to make Angela Merkel lose German elections
Yfw you realize you live in a world where a man who doesn't believe in global warming despite all scientific evidence...
Why are americans so subhuman that they eat pizza with their hands?
Why is Europe such a mess?
/lang/ Language Learning
What's the world going to be like in the 22nd century?
/ita/ - il filo
Hispanic intellectuals criticize Trump
ITT: Post the most famous >girl from your country
Is it weird I enjoy the U.S national anthem unironically?
How did the middle east go from the cradle of civilization and the center of wealth and culture for most of human...
Wagecuck appreciation thread
I decided to marry an old rich Anglo and move to the UK and we he dies from heart attack or stroke while having sex...
How do I get a Muslim waifu?
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
Just eating borsch with smetana while playing The Witcher 3
Why must Anglos insist on using the TH sound? Literally nobody else is using it on the planet...
Hay Sup Forums what is the greatest country in the world ?????
Anyone else really hate English accents? The way they say "but" is really annoying
How big is organized crime in your cunt? We don't have gangs or any type of organized crime in Finland...
Is having a foot fetish considered a mental illness in your country?
Asean thread
/balt + ausnz/
I lók at wrlud an sea spen adn i
Cute Finnish boys belong to the American cock
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Southern European country
Anybody else really stupid here
Only countries that fought in WW2 from 1939 - 1945 can post in this thread
Reminder to never ever shake hand with a south Europoo
Vocaroo thread
Tfw 25 year old kissless handholdless hugless virgin
Which european country u hate the most?
If Europe would be united under one nation what should be it's language?
Cute Finnish boys are for _____!
This could have been British soil
Kurva anyátok
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
Go to abroad
I don't understand the metric system
Faces if Sup Forums thread?Ill start
Reply to this post if you think anime don't belong on Sup Forums!! fuck those mentally ill weebs
Post local news and translate them so we can all have a laugh
Equatorial Guinea has more per capita GDP than UK and Japan. Is it officially first world? What happens there?
Country gave the world the Renaissance with the likes of Da Vinci, Columbus and the discovery of the Americas...
Mentally handicapped and arrogant people
Is the name of your country, province, state or your nationality/demonym good for naming a child?
Half of western Europe still beat their kids
Millenar culture and history
Serious Question
American wild life
A Islam-only world would be a better one
France Help!
Your cunt is pretty much non country unless special made Ferrari by based Italy
/carib/ - Act 7: Taxis
Ok spanishs, explain me what's happening here?
Wtf i love islam now
Times Russia Hacked You
/fr/ - Le Fil de la Francophonie
Act racist towards me in this thread. I'm a masochist. It will give me pleasure
What happens when we die ?
Tfw was forced to turn gay cause I couldn't get a gf
What's your excuse for not studying German?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
1. You're a pussy
I just want turk gf so bad
How accurate is this book? Its an outline of Russia's plans for the world going back 1997
Let's play a game, Sup Forums
/v4/ + friends
I can't pronounce hören
What's your excuse for not studying Russian?
Tell me about Spain!
Do you love Russia?
Wake up
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Why do you (yes, especially you) hate the Russians?
Post your weather forecast
Be germanic
Tfw about to jump off of a high bridge and finally removing the chains of slavery and eternal suffering that is my life
Hiro seriously just added the option to edit posts
"Sorry, we only hang out with Asians"
What's wrong with all these rightards who jerk off to Russia? They have totally retarded myths about us. Picreleated...
You wake up in Niger
Do moms make out with their children in your country?
How is this allowed?
Why do westerners insist on smiling all the time?
Non-Americans and northerners will never experience the excellence of Publix
Sum up your country with one image
Which nation has the best women, and why?
Brits call ZZ Top "Zed Zed Top"
Kurva anyátok
What do you think you owe your parents?
/alberto barbosa/ general
>ahh, the perfect coffee
What's your excuse for not studying Spanish?
Ask the flag above you a question about his or her culture
Why are eastern European girls so easy?
"Sorry, habibi, we only hang out with guys that speak Arabic" What do you do?
Why are whites so fucking stupid?
1. Your country
Why do Brazilians teacher their girls to be so sexual?
Would you enlist in your country's military?
What happens there?
Ayy lmao
How are mixes like these seen in your cunt?
Italy joins the Allies in WWI
1. Your country
Culture Pals - /cp/
Which South American country is the most first world-ish?
Culture Pals - /cp/
Suicide map of Europa
White people are scary, do you agree?
Be Australian
What would happen if I went to see the Queen but disregarded the correct etiquette (e.g...
What are your top three favorite animals, Sup Forums?
Bulgarians are fucking scum
What's your country's greatest contribution to science-fiction?
>Global literacy rate
Sverigetråden - /balt/+/ausnz/+/mämmi/upplagan
/eire/ + /celt/ = /éire/
/cum/ - Canada United States of america Mexico
Germans wear socks with sandles in the mosque
For any third worlders looking to relocate, I'd suggest Australia. They have quite a bit of room there
What your favorite Nation's flag?
Russian Muslims are the best
You are forced to move forever to any of the countries next to yours, you can never return, not even to visit
1. You're a cunt
Is alsace lorraine rightful german clay?
Tfw you live in the best country in the world that doesn't cheat with oil shekels
Anyone here who speaks Faroese?
1. you're a cunt
Why do Asians do everything better?
When America enters the war and Germany realizes it's only a matter of time before they are defeated
/deutsch/ und /nachtschicht/
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Cop pulls you over
Hilo latino /lat/
Tfw you'll never be Russian
What went wrong
/fr/ - le fil des francophones
Gentlemen, how do we fix China?
These are yurops big 5
Country gave the world the Renaissance with the likes of Da Vinci, Columbus and the discovery of the Americas...
How easy is it for an American to live in Brazil?
Kurva anyátok
1.You are a Cunt
You're count ray
Wake up
Evilest sounding language
ITT : your ancestors
How do I get chinese gf?
"Sorry, we only hang out with guys that speak Spanish"
Koreans like Turks because we are fellow roaches
How do you call these in your country?
/ita/ - il filo
How old are you?
So how's the roma-sphere doing today?
Post your school pictures. Find me
/balt/ + /ausnz/
What happens here?
What do you think your countries borders will look like by the year 2050 (that is, if your country will even exist)?
Sverigetråden - Mysiga Kvällsupplagan
I'm learning Latin
Regions of Europe
So I just have to post a pic of a black girl and the thread will be swarmed by Balkans right?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Guess the ethnicity
South Africa, explain yourselves
Am I the only heterosexual white male with European ancestry around here?
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
I love Ireland, do you love Ireland?
Only countries that have won a war at some point in their history may post ITT
Why don't Europeans want to be my friend? What the fuck is their problem?!?
Your cotunry
Can your women do this in your country?
Post rap from your country
TFW 22 years old loser
Why don't you like Portugal?
I have worked with many people from other countries and all of them (except bitchblood Amerifats of course) were polite...
Americans in charge of driving
/deutsch/ - Love Trumps Hate Ausgabe
Questions regarding Russia
I'm going to be studying abroad in NZ for 6 months. Anything I should know?
This fat SEA garbage calls herself asian
Argentina hate thread
/lang/ Language Learning
Why do we even like white people?
According to the latest research Indians are the most ignorant people on this planet, closely followed by Americans
ITT: Countries which use their own script
Walk into you're room
Tfw you will never be this finnish
Where did it all go so wrong?
How long does it take before you can read a new language...
Culture Pals - /cp/
Sverigetråden - Svenska kvinnor <3 upplagan
Post castles from your country
Why is the prime minister of italy is so good speaking english?
/balt + ausnz/
Is this the most famous Brazilian?
Why are Finland and Turkey such good friends
Italy Bashing General
Overrated shit-tier chocolate
If Muhammed never existed would our religion be Christianity or Tengri?
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
ITT: Stupid things tourists do in you're cunt
Have your country ever had a problem with the U.S. military?
Kurva anyátok
Explain this to me Sup Forums
/ita/ - il filo
Why don't Greeks look like this?
1. you're country
Somehow you can tell she is british. What is up with that?
Lol is this true? Why do asian "men" have such tiny dicks?
Ripuliremo :D
British cuisine
/asean/ - Tomaru Sawagoe Edition
Is the Balkan diet healthy?
This is a Japanese version of a maid
Tfw born the most hated race in the world
Ask anything from drunken Finn
ITT: Your favorite users on Sup Forums
Is Spain white?
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1773
/v4/ + friends
Alt-rightists are shilling hard for Russia now
1. your cunt
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Germans are teaching refugees how to have sex with their women
Sverigetråden - Polisupplagan
TFW no Russian gf
How do I get the black kids at my school to stop bullying me?
Have polish GF
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
My dinner today
Wtf i REALLY hate russia now
We act like it is 1945 and internet appeared as magic
/balt/ + /ausnz/
He can't digest lactose
I ordered 10 grams of speed paste (amphetamine) and im planning to do few lines every day to keep the desire to eat away
/tr/ - aq gavurları edition
Are mulattos the most beautiful race in the world?
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
1) Cunt
Is your country's president or PM the laughingstock of the world?
You wake up in a rural Siberian village
Riga is slavic
I'm 187 cm
Is it ok to be gay in your country?
You will never have a leader as great as ours and there's nothing you can do about it
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
I need to talk with someone, if you waant just let me know, warning:im sad
Damn.... really makes me think
ITT: Films everyone in your cunt has seen
This is the king of Thailand
Free healthcare is a scam
1. your country
Kurva anyátok
ITT: We express our gratitude that our country doesn't border Mexico
It's time, im curious to see how slutty the international communty is
Asian edition
I'm only 5'4. What do they do with people like me in your country?
Yo se que las gonorreas colombianas que hay aqui no van al hilo latino
Finns and other Euros, explain to me sauna culture. Is it done most commonly after a night of drinking, after exercise...
Czech women vs Polish women
Do you guys help South Koreans if North Korea suddenly invade to them?
Why do Americans wear their clothes to bed?
/Rus/ General
/coño/ /jolines/ /tío/ /hostiaputa/
Is there anything more degenerate than this?
Trump campaign says moving US embassy to Jerusalem "top priority"
You're cunt
There are only 2 countries left on earth
Do Asians in multiracial countries consider themselves as Asian, or for example Japanese, Chinese?
Why isn't Canada buying the nice F-35? ;_;
You wake up in Poznan, Poland
How can we make Asia poor again?
Poland should buy the land from Russia
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
1,200,000 Italians died in WWI
Brand new house in Russia for $8 500
Poland or Norway?
Attempt II
Excuse me
Find a flaw
Is this Africa 2.0?
Reasons to love Germany
Are tourists from the UK as terrible as people say?
Why do white women like handsome third worlder men so much Sup Forums?
> why don't you like Europe, user?
ITT: god tier immigrants to your cunt
/luso/ - fio lusófono
Edição: Ex-presidentes em momentos despojados
I don't actually believe in god. Muhammed was a filthy child rapist
What are women like in your cunt?
Would you date outside of your ethnicity, Sup Forums?
How do the average people in your country look like
Which continent has the most aesthetic borders?
Russian scum dogs want to kill THIS
Tfw you live in the best country in the world that doesn't cheat with oil shekels
Spätausgabe, später Nachtschicht, dann wieder /deutsch/
/fr/ - /fr/aternité française
What Race/Ethnicity would this little chick pass as in your country?
/ita/ il filo
What's the cheapest animal protein source in your cuntre?
Pick one Sup Forums
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
Why was he banished?
Sverige tråden: söt SÖT upplaga
What's your nation's greatest victory... of the last 100 years?
Aleppo has Fallen
What's the relation between black people and amerindians in Spanish America?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...