Why do we even like white people?

Single handedly, the most violent race of human beings throughout the history of mankind. No other race of human beings has killed more people, raped more women, destroyed more cultures, or has stolen as much land as white people. White people are the most hated race of human beings.

White people are insane, they've extorted and betrayed every other nationality on the planet and are always claiming victom hood. They believe all sterotypes that they have created about themselves. This also being thier biggest problem, they as a culture are completely self centered. This is the reason for thier insane outlook on life.

>killed more people, raped more women, destroyed more cultures

non-whites have killed far more people than whites


That is only true because the chinese have been slaughtering each other even before the han dynasty some 10-5 billion died in China alone.

Because they have contributed most to modern society, 2000 years ago people loved the Greek, Mesopatamians, Egyptians and Persians when they contributed most to society now it is Anglo-Saxons.

desu whites should own up to being warriors

War has been a thing for ever usually it doesn't kill too many people and is not all that violent, violent war is a modern day american invention

most fighters in the western front in ww2 never even shot at the enemy

In the western front weren't many enemies to shoot besides some underage recruts.

>white people are superior

pretty looking people get away with anything they do.
white people are "psychopaths-the race", meanwhile we're hated for even the most pettiest stuff we do

>Germans still think it was a good idea to piss off the british by being "smart" and avoiding the french trenches through the invasion of Belgium

>he still thinks war has rules and the british didn't need to avoid a german continental domination at all costs
>he felt for the "alliances meme"

There is always a war reason and you use it when you need it.

Muslim is not a race. Most people here don't even know what a indonese is.

seems that you misspelled "chinese"

i mean south-east asian in general not muslim shit.
they're actually big time criminal, they deserved it.
don't pretend you don't look down on us, most of you think of us as human trafficker, pickpockets, frauds, or plain prostitute.

i want to travel to SEA and get my sex tourist on tbph so you're right

>Muh Javanese masterrace
>Muh Gajah Mada
>Muh totally-not about-to-be-swallowed-by-the-ocean Island where its smells everywhere like feces

no, most people in europe really don't know and don't care the shit about you or your doings.

this. also, egyptians and africans probably did quite a bit of this as well. and aboriginals in america were'nt exactly nice.

Phew close call.
Because by Sup Forums i am one of these:
And none of these are considered white.

>Single handedly, the most violent race of human beings throughout the history of mankind. No other race of human beings has killed more people, raped more women, destroyed more cultures, or has stolen as much land as Mongols


>think of us as human trafficker, pickpockets, frauds, or plain prostitute.

But user, you are those things

Aren't germans the origin of whiteness?

I always thought so.

>white people are the only ones who have actually gone and used atomic bombs on people

Natives in americas abroginies maoris jews congolese colonized lands war on terror propting up dictators destroying nature and driving animals to or near extinction like dodo.

>origin of whiteness
Oh dear. Still sucking eugenics cock from 100 years ago?

USA isn't white

Now you're just being raycist.

shut up cenghiz

Bro China's wars have always been on a scale unimaginable to us
Hell, Mao got something like 50 million of his own people killed through starvation and civil war, that's almost as much as all of World War 2 combined

is it know. whites are subuman niggers. they were eating their own shit while even african niggers had something resembling a civilization.
stormfront, the kkk, Sup Forums and all these sisterfucking inbred faggots shilled on Sup Forums for years to correct the record, don't let them brainwash you.

Your not that bad.
t.Ching lading

Nearly every race and ethnic group has engaged in conquering at some point. We just did it better than everyone else, and our conquering is still recent history, so we get shit for it more.

most of the time I look at arabs/east africas/indians/SE asians I mostly think "ugly bastards"
I dont actually care where you come from or what you do tbqh

White people had a good run but it's a good thing we are going extinct now. Every dog has it's day and the white dogs is about to end in 5 minutes.
Humanity will eventually benefit greatly from the great changes that are coming. White men just fuck up the world by engineering wars and feeding Africans until they have a famine.
At first it will hurt the 3rd world that the white man is gone but wounds heal.