My mom died a few days ago and I feel like disappearing from this planet. What happens to humans after death? Is there a heaven or a hell? I wish mom could tell me. Do you have the answer, kind stranger?
My mom died a few days ago and I feel like disappearing from this planet. What happens to humans after death...
Other urls found in this thread:
void, not darkness, just void
stop promoting smoking you cunt
There is no answer. No one knows. You have to accept this uncertainty and live life to the fullest. Make the memory of your mother happy.
remember how it was before you were born?
wherever she is she's now finally free from the pain of living
reincarnation, so you'll have another mom and dad the next year.
>What happens to humans after death?
end credits roll and you get your chance to settle your name on the final scores
that's the stupidiest argument ever presented about this subject
never again copypaste it
one less spic
This, basically.
life, the next life*
It's unconsciousness. You know that moment between falling asleep and dreaming? It's like that. People who've been in coma can comprehend it better.
I saw my mom die six years ago, you never fully recover from it OP
>falling asleep and dreaming
You can become aware of this by training though, its one of easiest but most dangerous ways to get into lucid dreaming
the only bad is that she's not there physically
she's inside you now, inside your mind
There is nothing after death but don't be sad, she had a good run and she was probably very proud of her son.
RIP Mrs. user
Nothing you can do, find a bitch who was like your mom and marry her
>that's the stupidiest argument ever presented about this subject
it's most likely true though
How is it stupid? You didn't exist before you were born and you won't exist as a skeleton either.
Rinne Tensho/ reincarnation
we all return to the Great Architect and the rest is mystery.
>you'll have another mom and dad the next year
>you won't exist as a skeleton
but you will
the difference between being unborn and being dead is that you leave a whole time of existence behind you. impressions and experiences
>I feel like disappearing from this planet
he seems like to be three year old child
>the difference between being unborn and being dead is that you leave a whole time of existence behind you. impressions and experiences
yes, in your brain that rots away
she's dead stop being delusional you know very well where she is and in which state.
and many other brains
that's the difference between not existing and having existed
something that never existed can't be known or experienced or anything. even if imagined it won't exist
my mistake, see
Mi mas sentido pesame user. Estas cosas nos pasan a todos, es parte de la vida. No se si sos religioso pero yo creo que ella esta en un lugar mejor. Si no crees en eso pues podes estar seguro que te queria y eso le daba felicidad y va a seguir con vos en tus memorias. Recordala y honra su nombre.
Really sorry to hear that, user. When you lose a loved one it sticks with you for a long time.
This is how I feel about it. She exists mostly in your memories now, unless you believe in angels/ghosts, then she also exists in random objects falling over near you for no reason and mysterious noises and such.
Sometimes I will be drifting off to sleep and I see the dying faces of people who I saw as they passed away. It's hard to describe the feeling, it's not good or bad, just an invasive feeling that forces you to think about life and death.
I have no answers or solutions for you OP but you're not alone.
How did she die user? I lost my mother a year ago
>tfw to intelligent to believe in an afterlife
It might be real though. There's an arrogant side to modern science that presumes to know how the universe works, which is true of earlier periods of science as well. One thing I'm sure of is that the universe is probably stranger than religion or science would have you believe
No, stranger my answer is painful and plain you don't need it.
You want comfort and assurance of lies, I don't believe it will help at all.
There is nothing I can offer except the knowledge that in order to have some value of what was for you you should strive to be for someone as she was for you
good thing you and i were born just in time for the dawn of transhumanism-enabled immortality
>You want comfort and assurance of lies
people remember you, so what?
that doesn't change anything about your brain that will cease to exist and most likely death therefore "feels" like the time before you were born, you just don't exist
and the people who remember you die too
sooner or later one person in the future will think about you for the last time and then you're gone anyway
>you just don't exist
you're stupid. or pretending to be stupid, which is worse
just rethink the difference between "never have existed" and "ceasing to exist"
also if you're really worried about "ceasing to exist" instead of being worried about "never being remembered" you're an egotistical loner loser
How are you supposed to live with this weight? It's unbearable.
Thank you for your words.
Gracias hermano chapín.
I am Catholic but in a moment like this I find it very hard to believe that spiritual things exist when being hit by the concrete reality.
They discovered her breast cancer too late. It had already metastasized to the lungs and the liver. Something that comforts me a little bit is knowing that she no longer has to suffer, she was having a lot of pain and had to drink lots of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. But the pain is so real...
Probably similar to what you were before you were born
>you're stupid. or pretending to be stupid, which is worse
why so rude
>They discovered her breast cancer too late. It had already metastasized to the lungs and the liver. Something that comforts me a little bit is knowing that she no longer has to suffer, she was having a lot of pain and had to drink lots of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. But the pain is so real...
It's weird how everybody live like nobody is ever gonna die and delude themselves to think it will never happen to them.
A veces olvidamos que seamos seres de carne.
I los
i keep preying to god every dyay and he is yet to answer.
honestly i doubt the existence of a god altogether sicne my life is so shit
>just rethink the difference between "never have existed" and "ceasing to exist"
of course there's a difference
but what the fuck are you even talking about, OP was asking "What happens to humans after death?"
and the answer is that your mind won't live on
>tfw stopped smoking two weeks ago
>and fuck her*
>honestly I doubt the existence of god since my life is so shit
God owes us nothing
then what purpose does he serve. to be worshipped for nothing???? you don't get anything for nothing.
In latin america we are used to love our relatives
Oh God gives something no one else can. But not because of your deeds or actions.
My mother died from breast cancer too
Let me say - the pain doesn't go away, but you will learn to deal with the pain and life honestly gets easier. The best thing you can do is think about how she would want you to live your life. Go out and enjoy it user
me on the right
We cannot answer this.
Metaphysical questions cannot be answered, just speculated upon.
So, I expect nothing beyond matter; really sad, though.
Just prey for the best. I hope Christian believes are wrong; otherwise, hell awaits.
>then what purpose does he serve
origin of life, supposedly
>your mind won't live on
you don't know that. you haven't been dead before
This, but don't even try to argue with fedoras, it's a waste of time and energy.
everything is a waste of energy
but spending time finding answers to questions that can't be answered is our human nature
>outside Asia we are used to love our relatives
that's true when you actually try to find answers and not being 'edgy' or pretending to be superior to others for not believing in God
Sorry to read that user. Take comfort in that she lives in you, as long as you remain a good man and don't forget she exists.
no friend but stay strong
let's just assume you get massive brain damage and your personality changes or you lose your memories whatever, you can literally see that our mind consists of nothing but our brain
if you look at nature as a whole it's pretty fucking brutal and I don't think we get an exception by living on in some magical fairy tale heaven
anyway, I'm going to bed, it's literally pointless to discuss this
sorry for you loss btw, and I really mean it
>you can literally see that our mind consists of nothing but our brain
but user, this doesn't prove anything, yes, as individuals we depend mostly of our brain, but this doesn't mean there's no something else
Hi, I wasn't going to respond, but, on the off-chance you're really sincere and are hurting, I couldn't live with myself if I ignored you. Your mother is in a better place, away from the suffering of this world, and rejoicing in the next. She feels no sadness and doesn't miss you, because there's no time there, and, for her, you are already by her side. 1 Corinthians 2:9 says, "But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." Your mother is happy in a way none of us have ever experienced.
I know you are in pain, and to you I offer my sincerest condolences, but please try to remember that your pain is temporary. Eventually you'll see that this material world is just a test and that the real joy awaits us in the next. Your pain just proves that your mother was a good woman and that you loved her, it's nothing to be denied, but eventually the pain will stop being so sharp and you'll see that the best way to serve your mother's memory is to be the most virtuous man you can, because you're an extension of her, and when you meet her again in Heaven, you can show her that her legacy was goodness and kindness.
Rezaré por ti y por tu madre, hermano.
I agree with Argiebro, here All we can do is pray that they find the strength to let go of their stubbornness and self-service and see the light.
hopefully soon life will teach them the way, lad, as we say here:
>Communists until they become rich, Feminists until they get married, Atheists until the plane begins to fall
So many weak fuckers in this thread. Reality wasn't constructed for humans, we're barely 200 thousand years old as a species, that's nothing, we're nothing. There is no consolation for death or life, the universe doesn't care about human emotions, and that's why people delude themselves with false comforts.
Maybe it's not so bad
Hi Varg
You should really start making black metal again instead of all the ambient stuff
>So many weak fuckers in this thread. Reality wasn't constructed for humans, we're barely 200 thousand years old as a species, that's nothing, we're nothing. There is no consolation for death or life, the universe doesn't care about human emotions, and that's why people delude themselves with false comforts.
The state inbetween
tbqh i doubt there's anything in the afterlife
doesn't mean whatever you do during life is meaningless. the least you do is adding up to the neet statistics and that's enough global influence for some.
Thank you very much for your kind words
This world wasnt constructed for humans.
But , perhaps, the next world is.
if my mum died I probably wouldn't be saddened
I am sorry to hear that user.
De nada, y vosotros seréis en serio en mis oraciones.
same here
I'm sorry for your lost, OP, if you feel as sad as to write that after her death, it means that she did stuff right, and she wouldn't want you suffer for her now. Embrace your memories of her
I believe there is a next life, many people do. Some may say that we are just a blink in the universe yet what level of existence are we on? What does scale and time matter to the next world?
If there is a next life then she surely is in heaven and is with you, if not then you live on as an extension of her and should strive to make her proud.
I am sorry i cannot offer a definitive answer but the pain does fade somewhat, you need time to mourn before you can recover.
Stay strong friend.
I know these were addressed to the Nicaraguan user but thank you for these words, they helped me as well
I have dreams about dead friends all the time.. heroin is an epidemic I really do hope boots criminal illegals and builds a wall just for the fact that I have had an illegal immigrant dealer, who got in trouble, and was back in 4 months selling again. Deported and back..
I have lost somewhere in the teens now to overdose and I am only 28 years old.. Its bad.
Good advice on she exists in your memories.. Cherish the memories user.. sorry about your mom. Make an album if you have photos, you will find it comes in handy when you are missing her.
Well, they're universally true. Thank you for your response, I'm so glad to be of help in a time of need. My condolences for your troubles.
>tfw I'm too autistic and my family is too distant and cold to have any recent pictures of my mother (let alone pictures of both my mother and I)
I know I'm going to strongly regret it someday, and yet I already know I won't do anything about it.
Fucking hell
couldn't you take photos without her realizing it? or tell her it's for your phone contacts pics
>couldn't you take photos without her realizing it?
you want me to creep on my own mother? Anyway, the point of photos is for the memories. There isn't much point if it's just a blurry sideview of her doing the dishes or something.
>or tell her it's for your phone contacts pics
It would still appear weird for it to come out of nowhere like that, my family just isn't that close.
no but i lost my dad a few years ago, it does get easier user
I think I've heard a variant of that before. I like it.
While I have you, if I were to travel to Argentina, where would you recommend? My Spanish is quite poor, I can only string together fairly basic sentences, although it improves quickly when I'm around Spanish-speakers. Would that be a problem?
it sounds to me you're making excuses, if you REALLY wanted pics of your mom or your family you would find a way, or just try being honest: ''hey!, lets take a family photo for the memories!''
well, it depends on what you want to see or how much shekels you could spend, for big cities go to Buenos Aires,you can also search in google for: Córdoba, Mendoza, Iguazu, Bariloche, El Calafate, Ushuaia, Santa Cruz or Neuquen and decide what do you want to see
That's Tierra Del Fuego, right?
I'm not that big into cities, to be honest. When I travel, I'm mostly interested in hiking, and going to a small pub in a village somewhere to talk to people I wouldn't otherwise meet. I know the poor Spanish sounds like it precludes that, but I'm working on it.
Man, stand the fuck up. everybody is alone.
yup, it's Tierra del Fuego
cities in Patagonia are kinda small 2bh, the biggest cities here are Bs As, Córdoba and Santa fe, you could also search for Villa Carlos Paz to see if that fits more in your interests, Córdoba has some small but very nice towns
Thanks for the tip. I'd like to visit the Y Wladfa, the Welsh-speaking area in Patagonia. I obviously don't speak Welsh myself, but it would be interesting. The Welsh are so lucky, I'd love to visit an area in South America where everyone speaks Irish.
Anyway, I'll leave it at that. I wouldn't like the detract from the Nicaraguan user's thread.
Sorry for your loss lad.
The good news is however that you will know for certain whether there is a heaven some day.
This thread made me cry, sorry for your loss user, i think i should make up things with mine before is too late
we can't really say whats after, if i were you I'd keep my memories from my mom in my heart and spread her legacy to my future kids
she exists no more
End of credit
Thank you so much guys.
Her death made me question whether hell exists or not. I can't imagine God sending any human to a place of eternal torture for eternity if God is omnibenevolent like I've been taught all my life.
Diles a tus padres que los amas. Estoy seguro que no habrá un solo día en el resto de mi vida en el cual no me arrepienta de no haber sido un mejor hijo para ella.
I am sorry for replying 1 hour after your post, I am currently drinking and smoking heavily. I know it's not correct, but it is the only thing that distracts me from the storm of thoughts.
>edgy for not beliving in god
you fucking autist, why am I edgy for not beleving in god? You believe whatever you want lol, I don't care. I'm not edgy.
Hell is not necessarily a place of torture, Hell is the absence of God.
read what he said, its edgy to think you are superior because you dont believe in god, not that its edgy to not believe.
La verdad no creo que en la teologia catolica existe un infierno fisico con fuego y tortura eterna, esa manera de ver/imaginar el infierno solo existe en las teologias protestantes. En la teologia catolica, el "fuego eternal" es mas como un imagen o un metafor de la vida de un ser que no ha encontrado o que renunció a Dios y al Cristo Salvador. Es mucho mas profondo que un lugar fisico, es algo que todavia el Vaticano no entiende perfactemente bien. Recuerdo un "priest" que dijo que el Vaticano todavia no sabe si ya hay ni siquiera una persona que se ha ido al infierno.
Lo siento por mi español, lo hablo muy malo. De todas formas, sigue la cabeza alta, amigo. Que Dios seas contigo, y no olvides la memoria de tu madre.